12524 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPPage 1 of 7 • • -4751183 1111111 1I 1111111111111111111 11l llll / `TIM I u (262) 542-8200 CERTIFIED SURVEYMAP NO. 1 5 00 FORM ARC-101 PART OF THE NORTHEAST X OF THE NORTHWEST Y4 OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. ao.o1' NSECTION 2R NW 114 FND. CONC MON. _ _ 7°42'33'_W W/ BRASS CAP _ _ N-329,327.27 (RECORDED S.E.W.R.P.C.) — l0 E- 2,483,127.83 (RECORDED S.E.W.R.P.C.) OWNER: LISA LEONARD HECK S87W13205 PRIEGEL DR MUSKEGO, WI 53150 SURVEYOR: V2G SURVEYING LLC. 123 WOLF RUN - STE 4 MUKWONAGO, WI 53149 262-378-5097 C/LPRIEGEL DRIVE ___-� 60' PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY TAX KEY No. MSKC 2254999007 TAX KEY No. MSKC 2254999007 NOTES: 30.00' LOT 1 CSM #3641 LOCATION MAP -------i ----r- I I L�Irr I NWY OF NW 1/4 II" SECTION 24-5-20 11 I II I I I II 1 T - — —— IL — — — —— '� �- I I-171 1 I l------_--��� NOT TO SCALE) OUTLOT 2 ASTER HILL EST_ m co .- r Z m 0 T Z O A -i x m cn Cn m O O Z N A 91 N W bo N 04 d N ' W ZLU Z �y W 0 0 1— p W ':a' rn N m Z•—Q� N p� co W W z =�Nof O=tea NN W Z a = O X) O M I- Z I- 1- 0' 150' SCALE 1" = 150' BEARINGS REFERENCED TO THE WISCONSIN STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM GRID, SOUTH ZONE. (NAD83/2011) LEGEND: (100.00) RECORDED DISTANCE 100.00' MEASURED DISTANCE • 1" FOUND IRON PIPE, UNLESS NOTED X4" x 18" IRON BAR/REBAR, 1.50 LBS.LIN FT Z �SE CORNER NW 1/4 pni A , SECTION 24-5-20 Z� C7i t. I FIND. CONC MON. W/ BRASS CAP 0 � A N - 326,672.15 9ro N' (RECORDED S.E.W.R.P.C.) Z m I E- 2,483,193.64 ® (RECORDED S.E.W.R.P.,C.) Wetlands deliniated and located by S.E.W.R.P.C. on 9/14/2023. Before any building permits can be issued, a grading plan will need to be reviewed by the City to ensure no drainage from offsite/through the property is obstructed and at that time additional drainage and/or other easements may be required. All driveways and proposed culverts should be part of the grading plan. Culvert design and size shall be reviewed and approved by the City of Muskego. Within six (6) months of recording of the CSM, any fence/fenced areas relating to this farm on the remnant land must be relocated completely on this property and removed from the remnant lot." INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY MICHAEL A. GREESON P.L.S. 2770 \\���Illlrrr//� SC O'/�/s ;= MICHAELA. '. _ GREESON S-2770 EAST TROY _ WI \_ V2G SURVEYING, LLC SHEET 1 OF 7 DRAFT DATE:12/28/2023 V2G JOB NO.: 2023-125 i,&1 Page 2 of 7 ISO TM • • (262) 542-8200 CERTIFIEDSURVEYMAPNO. JaL5 a� PART OF THE NORTHEAST X OF THE NORTHWEST Y4 OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. 0' 100, SCALE 1" = 100' o_ N Cn m BUILDING INFORMA T/ON DETAIL WELL w n t0 "n W'7 NFl T• FF B 0RN 7e Fr- EL - 795.86 313.99' SEPTIC ® TANK HOUSE 7_ EL 809.76 �L SHED aSHED 87 S.F. FF EL - 1FF EL 789 89 S85050147"W \ WETLAND / A" WETLAND "B" FORM ARC-101 P. 1 630 S.F. ARN 793.71 �l WETLAND J 794.39 LOT 1 \ r 10.05 ACRES GROSS \� \ 437,984.84 S.F. GROSS 10.00 ACRES NET 435,584.56 S.F. NET / WETLAND "D" cn 258.99' �S88049'28"E L 00 CD 0 UNPLATTED LANDS m \\ sC 0INS�� ------------------------ OWNED BY PLATTER V: MICHAELA. GREESON - S-2770 _- EAST TROY WIS. „I 324.44' N88034'46"E TAX KFY Nn_ INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY MICHAEL A. GREESON P.L.S. 2770 AST m D cn r Z m O n Z O 2 m cn cn m n i 0 Z N N O Zo r SE z i l i Fl\ V2G SURVEYING, LLC SHEET 2 OF 7 DRAFT DATE: 12/28/2023 V2G JOB NO.: 2023-125 ��a rn Page 3 of 7 A-r• • - TM 04) \Hu (262) 542-8200 CERTIFIED SURVEYMAP NO. ja5a%j PART OF THE NORTHEAST X OF THE NORTHWEST Y4 OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. < NI m� rD� z 0z .j o mN rq Z a m WETLAND L OCA T/ON DETAIL N I I 1 I 0- 60' I SCALE 1" = 60' 0 1 �a 1 Ali a �(a ali ali Ali N.- WETLAND "D" �0 Ali -.0 \ 1 ���� 0=\ - ^ (J.4u Ali Ali 0 co Q i WETLAND LINE TABLE LINE # BEARING L1 S72°48'34"E L2 N78°21'11"E L3 N66°07'03"E N24.73' L4 N32°45'53"E L5 N28°41'59"W L6 N33°26'00"EL7 S84°27'16"E 1-8 N30-48-13"E 15.59' L9 N35°26'41"W 16.18' L10 S84°29'04"W 17.47' L11 S50°59'34"W 17.72' L12 S80°05'13"W 21.86' L13 S76°12'49W 28.50' L14 N87°05'11"W 34.66' L15 S17°48'19"W 12.82' L16 S03°30'53"E 17.40' L17 S13°18'59"E 28.98' L18 N56°27'56"E 4.91' L19 N13°23'06"W 1R 35' L20 N20°03'38"W 17.29' L21 NO2o49'56"W 17.42' L22 N20133'27"W 18.73' L23 N11°14'38"W 17.97' L24 N05°39'42W 17.35' L25 N01°20'00"E 11.65' L26 N21°3656"W 12.91' L28 N73°39'05"W 15.01' L29 N74°33'21"W 22.28' L30 S61 °39'58"W 19.86' L31 S08°09'51"E 4.59' L32 S88°43'22"E 16.04' L33 S21 °46'18"E 12.66' L34 S40°10'17"W 13.61' L35 S57°13'38"W 9,91, L36 S01 °26'05"E 21.33' L37 N64°32'08"E 23.36' L38 S53°23'28"E 12.34' L39 N16°41'30"E 11.97' L40 N09°36'48"E 13.25' L41 N60o42'32"E 11.47' L42 901°07'08"E 9.68' L43 S11°23'06"W 15.00, L44 S29°10'40"E 19.96, L45 S14°02'43"E 26.51' L46 S28°12'52"E 14.84' L47 S08°27'56"E 25.86' L48 S67°35'43"E 16.85' L49 S21°51'55"E 20.74' L50 S43°00'34"E 26.21' I94 \ JafiL �I<, ola oli `� v oe \ I ' Flo Ala sic.: Ala Ali ali �m°j <m \ WAND � � L Ala ali � r.. alt. a, Ala o v9 i ali alit ai, ola li ali Flo Ali / 9 1 v�r-„ ali ali oiL ali-i Ali Ufa �h a!i •, / / I o al.. oJi ali• ali_ olr. Ali �. ali ,li ali ai ,• ai pia ali al/_ al<• \I/ �i aI / aL alo Z\ 1 IC WETLAND TIE LINE pia aL al/ ala alo / aL Ali Ali - l 105.94' S88°49'28"E / 258.99' S88049'28"E :5 i ml N D z /� Oo Fn r A4ICHAELA. '. m co GREESON -_ -_ S-2770 - EAST TROY WIS. INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY MICHAEL A. GREESON P.L.S. 2770 FORM ARC-101 LINE # BEARING DISTANCE L51 S64°16'17"E 18.46' L52 S58°46'48"E 19.07' L53 N64°41'00"E 9.96' L54 NO3°08'50"E 14.48' L55 N81042'36"E 9.87' L56 N66°54'10"E 11.61, L57 N08°54'15"W 20.05' L58 N20054'10"E 22.22' L59 N14055'23"W 20.84' L60 N71012'39"W 11.85' L61 S39°38'50"W 11.85' L62 N60°45'25"W 18.33' L63 N71 °48'20"W 21.17' L64 N29°52'41"W 10.26' L65 S87°51'28"W 18.91, L66 S62°16'03"W 13.59' L67 S40°12'37"W 13.03' L68 S66°47'31"W 17.47' L69 S79°39'37"W 13.81, L70 N71°33'11"W 16.12' L71 N36°03'01"W 13.08' L72 N12°54'25"W 16.66' L73 N28°36'32"E 14.97' L74 N25°52'50"W 11.91, L75 N56°55'48"W 12.49' L76 N15°17'04"W 15.83' L77 S46°01'12"W 3.64' L78 S23°00'40"E 21.27' L79 S00°08'17"E 18.25' L80 S12-38-58"W 11.02' L81 S25°51'03"E 17.82' L82 S53°34'37"E 21.62' L83 S69°27'15"E 16.24' L84 S69°47'11"E 22.19' L85 N16°42'31"E 35.72' L86 N05°46'33'W 21.34' L87 N09°35'33"W 21.36' L88 N26°57'40"W 15.13' L89 S49°37'51"W 11.30' L90 S57°49'03"W 18.04, L91 N41 °40'04"W 18.34' L92 N33°13'50"W 25.16' L93 N26°48'19"W 17.43' L94 N77°38'09"W 18.05' L95 N49°55'12"W 23.37' L96 N08°51'38"W 26.95' L97 N46°00'32'W 34.29' L98 N79°35'45"W 18.78' L99 N63°59'24"W 37.84' L100 N70°03'07"W 35.93' L101 N51°12'33'W 25.01' 1-102 N27°04'02"W 35.01' L103 N28°56'23"W 23,88' L104 N09°09'02'W 25.96' L105 N10°04'59'W 33.04' L108 N74°42'40"E 15.95' L109 S53°31'12"E 25.04' L110 S64°5447"E 28.50' 1-711 S67°07'45"E 27.94' L712 S45°29'13"E 19.26' L113 360°56'54"E 19.33' L114 S34°44'09"E 21.58' L115 S22°11'36"E 29.20' L116 S19°17'39"E 16.39' L117 SO4°22'43"W 27.52' L118 S12°18'17"W 19.20' L119 S50°29'26"W 21.15' L120 S36°24'21"W 26.24' L121 S16°47'33"E 9.06 V2G SURVEYING, LLC SHEET 3 OF 7 DRAFT DATE: 12/28/2023 V2G JOB NO.: 2023-125 k�3 lePage 4 of 7 is - TM (262) 542-8200 FORM ARC-101 CERTIFIED SUl?VEYMA) NO. I a 5 a4 PART OF THE NORTHEAST % OF THE NORTHWEST X OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. WETLAND L OCA T/ON DETAIL 313.99' S85°50'47"W L10 J//. / 1-4 ,%Tr- cq ali ali ali ali ali al� I I WFTLAND "A" J aii �� ala ��. ala • 1cn 1 ali Ala Ali �i Ali al . ` b 1 m 161.28' _N85°50'47"E _ _ _ _ _� _LIN _ / WETLAND TIE E I / �• TO � / `2 "'Gi7 �20 1 I rl/,J" ,i�. / 'o N N ` 2 C) 1 WETLAND "B" 0' 60' r O / $10 I mi1 SCALE 1" = 60' w 15p0, -�J m ` rn � W�OTEGD\ON` `yrn ��N p l P FFSES 1 0 W I1 �• cn I _ 192.05' _N8_5°50'47"E of __ — I \ �f---------- WETLANDTIELINE o � rn 1 ' � \ w 110, L65 1 s' _ \ ali ali as ali Ce3 �B? Cep l o � (B Up L6 ala �i ali oli aii aL, a . ala � � IIII tn _Gg3 C8q \4g nWii ETAl/iANoa4s ' li li AAllliii _o !b,CA\iw 263.42' EN85°50'47"E—_ _ _ _ _ — — — — — -- — LND TILINE AL Flo WETA \li J/' ,_aid Ali Ala � Ali ali .�l• Ali Ala J so OO ` afi air• al4 L5 �g6 G'N MICHAEL A. '•.. � GREESON S-2770 =_ EAST TROY = WIS. •._ O it INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY MICHAEL A. GREESON P.L.S. 2770 rI R C VG SURVEYING, LLC SHEET 4 OF 7 DRAFT DATE: 12/28/2023 V2G JOB NO.: 2023-125 . �vl Page 5 of 7 • • - TM 618 (262) 542-8200 FORM ARC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEY"AP NO. I a 5 a9 PART OF THE NORTHEAST X OF THE NORTHWEST X OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Notes: 1. All City of Muskego Stormwater Management requirements that apply to Lot 1 shall be satisfied, reviewed, and approved by the City of Muskego. When wetlands are present onsite, proper coordination with the WDNR for any water quality, set back limits, and construction requirements shall be verified and satisfied. The areas identified as DNR Wetland Protective Areas have additional Wisconsin DNR restrictions and requirements pertaining to construction within the protective areas. Prior to any construction within these protective areas, please contact the Wisconsin DNR more details and comply with all DNR requirements. Final coordination and permitting shall be submitted to the City of Muskego for review and approval. All existing drain tile damaged shall be replaced to maintain proper drainage conveyance. WETLAND AREA RESTRICTIONS: THOSE AREAS OF LAND WHICH ARE IDENTIFIED AS WETLAND AREAS OF THIS CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING RESTRICTIONS: GRADING AND FILLING SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 2. THE REMOVAL OF TOPSOIL OR OTHER EARTHEN MATERIALS SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 3. THE REMOVAL OR DESTRUCTION OF ANY VEGETATIVE COVER, i.e. TREES, SHRUBS, GRASSES, ETC., SHALL BE PROHIBITED WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE REMOVAL OF EXOTIC, INVASIVE, DEAD, DISEASED, OR HAZARDOUS VEGETATION AT THE DISCRETION OF LANDOWNER AND UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. 4. GRAZING BY DOMESTICATED ANIMALS, i.e. HORSES, COWS, ETC., SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 5. THE INTRODUCTION OF PLANT MATERIAL NOT INDIGENOUS TO THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENT OF THE NATURAL AREA SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 6. PONDS MAY BE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AND, IF APPLICABLE, THE WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND THE ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS. 7. CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS IS PROHIBITED. WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET RESTRICTIONS: THERE IS A CITY REQUIRED 15-FOOT WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET AROUND ALL WETLANDS AREAS. THE AREAS OF LAND WHICH ARE IDENTIFIED AS WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET AREAS SHALL FOLLOW ALL RESTRICTIONS LISTED IN CHAPTER 400 OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO WETAND PROTECTION OFFSETS. IF DNR REGULATIONS ARE APPLICABLE, THEN SAID REGULATION SHALL BE IN ADDITION TO ALL CITY REGULATIONS. 1. The lot is allowed to contain no more than 34 horses, until such time that as horses pass away the number of horses must be reduced down to the allowable limit of ten (10) horses. There may be no new or additional horses brought to the property to add to those that are already there or to replace any horses that have passed. The number of horses must be reduced to no more than 10 within 15 years of recording the CSM. This horse waiver only applies to Ms. Lisa Leonard Heck and if there is any transfer of land to a new owner (change of title), this waiver will be void and the site would need to be brought into immediate compliance. 2. The lot is allowed to contain 20,963 SF of outbuilding space for the lesser of 15 years or when the number of horses is compliant on site at which MICHAELA time the outbuildings will need to be reduced down to the allowable limit of 2% =' GREESON of the lot size (8,712 SF). There may be no new, replaced or additions to any = S-2770 = outbuildings added to the site until the site is in compliance. This outbuilding = EASTTROY waiver only applies to Ms. Lisa Leonard Heck and if there is any transfer of =_ 1911iS. land to a new owner (change of title), this waiver will be void and the site would need to be brought into immediate compliance. �� 3. Within six (6) months of recording of the CSM, any fence/fenced g��yaaao areas relating to this farm on the remnant land must be relocated completely � T2 on this property and removed from the remnant lot. �/ SURVEYING, LLC SHEET 5 OF 7 DRAFT DATE: 12/28/2023 INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY MICHAEL A. GREESON P.L.S. 2770 V2G JOB NO.: 2023-125 I&5 Page 6 of 7 • • __ TM 00 (262) 542-8200 FORM ARC-101 CERTIFIED SURVEYMAP NO. Id PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE: I, Michael A. Greeson, professional land surveyor, hereby certify: That I have surveyed, divided and mapped a division of land being unplatted lands In part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4, Section 24, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin desscribed as Follows: Beginning at a concrete monument marking the Northeast corner of the Northwest 1/4, Section 24, Township 5 North, Range 20 East; thence S87°42'33"W along the North line of said Northwest % and the centerline of Priegel Drive, 80.01'; thence S01 °25'14"E, 479.42' to a point; thence S85°50'47"W, 313.99' to a point; thence S61 °06'01 "W, 213.64' to a point; thence S01 °25'14"E, 539.58' to a point; thence S88049'28"E, 258.99' to a point; thence S01 °25'14"E, 86.00' to a point; thence N88°34'46"E, 324.44' to a point on the East line of said Northwest 1/4; thence N01 °25'14"W along said East line, 1231.50' to the point of beginning. Said area described contains 10.05 Acres or 437,984.84 S.F. more or less. Excluding the Southerly 30 feet along Priegel Drive to be dedicated to the City of Muskego for road way purposes. That I have made such survey, land division and map by the direction of Lisa Leonard Heck, Owner of said Land. That such map is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statues and Chapter 392 of the City of Muskego Land Division Ordinance in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. 7.� �11iiii1)" Dated this Z� day of 400Ctwt4r�, 2023. �,``�SG0/�/S'�,,% GREESON �••✓ _ S-2770 Michael A. Greeson, P.L.S. # 2770 EAST TROY WIS. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE: AS OWNER, I LISA LEONARD HECK HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I CAUSED THE LAND DESCRIBED ON THIS PLAT TO BE SURVEYED, DIVIDED, MAPPED AND DEDICATED AS REPRESENTED ON THE PLAT. I ALSO CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT IS REQUIRED BY S. 236.10 OR S. 236.12 TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE FOLLOWING FOR APPROVAL OR OBJECTION: CITY OF MUSEKGO. rA 1 lr D TED THIS DAY F Ud- 20_ay LISA LEONARD HECK, OWNER NOTARY CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN ,) COUNTY OF 1 ' V� S.S. PERSONALLY CAME BEFORE ME THIS _ DAY OF20�� THE ABOVE NAMED LISA LEONARD HECK, OWNER TO ME KNOWN TO'BE THE SAME PERSON WHO EXECUTED THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED THE SAME. W4 sa TARY PUBLIC u STATE OF WISCONSIN, 0� 05 ;6 UNTY. '"7/ 1 r PRINT NAME: C MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ON: -3 9.! X""'1'0141 ' `tea VG SURVEYING, LLC SHEET 6 OF 7 DRAFT DATE: 12/28/2023 V2G JOB NO.: 2023-125 DRAFTED BY MICHAEL A. GREESON P.L.S. 2770 Page 7 of 7 • • - TM • 0 \Ru (262) 542-8200 CERTIFIED SURVEYMAP NO. 12529 PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. CONSENT OF PERSONAL MORTGAGEE CERTIFICATE: I, �� i f4- <" Q311)-1 , mortgagee of the above described land, do hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, mapping and dedication of the land fescribed on this plat, and I do hereby consent to the above certificate of L S9 /J1-2s ,-/ AccK owner. L /Y�uAttr� �-G�l�j4w1/./ {.NC'•1 7�✓V'�\� WITNESS the han and seal of PG'�I`> t I O mpAgagee, this �_ day of �UO-S 200. In the presenc f. L � (Seal) Mortgage PERSONAL MORTGAGEE NOTARY CERTIFICATE: STATE OF WISCONSIN) COUNTY)SS Personally came before me this day of 20, the above named , to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. (Notary Seal) Notary Public, , Wisconsin My commission expires CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL THIS LAND DIVISION IS HEREBY APPROVED BY THE CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION FORM ARC-101 JENNIFER AINSWpRTH Notary Public State Of Wisconsin qLi TION No b>-q- Zo7 THIS 3�0 DAY OF 6C%0Q (-TL 20Z3, R. P ALSKI Jr., CHAIRMAN (MAYOR) 4751183 REGISTER OF DEEDS WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON January 05, 2024 03:20 PM ADAM TRZEBIATOWSKI, PLANNING MANAGER James R Behrend Register of Deeds 7 PGS TOTAL FEE: 30.00 TRANS FEE:$0.00 Book 130 Page 161-167 CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL THIS LAND DIVISION IS HEREBY APPROVED BY TiE CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL B o. b Z -Z*Z3 THIS I oTj— DAY OF 0CV0 I3ETt- 207 1 —` 1101ttttte! RD R. PE A SKI Jr., CHAIRMAN (MAYOR) ��'`�%�`i ,�F t1�1(�S�,�� u f KER I ROLLER, CITY CLERK r I �- "LbOr ���111IIIl/// 20 ''• ..... CITY OF MUSKEGO TREASURER CERTIFICATE g�ra�oit�nottit��` _::' MICHAELA. GREESON _. S-2770 I, SHARON MUELLER, BEING THE DULY ELECTED, QUALIFIED AND ACTING CITY OF MUSKEGO - EAST TROY TREASURER, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN ACCORDANCE WIT THE RECORDS IN MY OFFICE, WIS. THERE ARE NO UNPAID TAXES OR UNPAID SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AS OF THIS s ' DAY OF Sawuc , , 20,2q ON ANY OF THE LAND`1NQL 8'6N�THIS i��i; l�Q S ' MAP. ��� • GORPO/ �SHARON MUELLE6, TREASURER DATE - _•�� O V2G ����`�� SHEET 7 OF 7 SN DRAFT DATE: 10/23/2023 INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY MICHAEL A. GREESON P.L.S. 2770 V2G JOB NO.: 2023-125 Ib'1