12377 - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAPISO Page 1 of 9 4691530 Book 128 Page 24-32 1111111111111111111111111110111111111111111 WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 123+9- BEING A REDIVISION OF LOT 4 OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO./23-* RECORDED AS DOCUMENT NO. g6l`11529 ON q/-Z7./2o22 AT THE WAUKESHA COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST '/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST T/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30-5-20 hees ufl�stl 4 PARKER DRIVE N 3 0596.73CONC. MON. ITHBRASSCAP _ of Section 30-5-20 — — — E : 2,490,839.31 N8B"02'28"E 2678.17' N88'0TWE N8B02'28'E — — t II — — 108.00 C4 in 0 v C5 a iy C ot �n W —I m m I G7 D m ip0 m $D i Z70 m m i II - mN tv i i3 i ETLAND V i '' I0 N O N i °�` i d 1 �7 i to r z o I-< AREA 1 8 A 0 iti M Iz i N1�5000 ,E 1 0 CSM ND 10210 LOT 3 g 102W 48.W N8�0228'E P.O.B. 150.00' -----"---"--- CSM N0, / �3 30,0' 0.0' I ^ Il / IC_- I� i LOT 2 CSM NO. iM 13 iZp rO i U N87W4WE W5.4T NBT53'49'E C3 C1 N89'3538'W N (� Existing Dwelling Garage y\ N890728'E ® >'� Septic The East line of Southeast 1/4 theec 1�' Tank O of Stion 30-5-20 Silos O Shed ® S02"06'48"E 2621.23' Well Barns LOT 4 m LOT 3 — — — M 245,581 Sq. Ft, 209,809 Sq. Ft. 5.638 Acres 4,817 Acres 405.94' 1336f 875.9T WETLAND AREA 2 LOT 2 42080' 156,222 Sq. Ft. 3586 Acres r z y N88 W 14'W 214.6P o 3 I o $ LOT 1 y WETLAND o 5 I o I 8 � LOT 1 I rN 127,199 Sq, Ft, 7!f 2,920 Acres AREA 3 a i o CSM Nq,------ N ii ro N88'0TWE 250A0' o o I $ 4 250.00' 374.47„,, — I— — — — — — — T--- SBlf0250'W 624.47 PARCEL 4 PARCEL 3 PARCEL 2 NO. 987 PARCEL 1 CSM N0, 8987 o i NO. o -NO. NO_ 8987 I _CSM --- --- - - . -CSM -8986 � I i Cn _y0 W. E. P. CO. EASEMENT ( PER DOC. NO.682472) a 01 fT7 MARC C. INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY: = PASS,,' ;ELLI MARC C. PASSARELLI P.L.S. # 2817 =_ S-281 7 — N ` FRANKLIN � THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OWNER 6 DIVIDER NAME: e . Bryon Hrin WI� OF THE SOUT14EAST 1/4 i OF SECTION 30-5-20 Su�r T T 599 W20523 Parker Drive ��i �� �`� v�T�r F/�!7 lq'� �� 1 �I-'',�\% CONC. MON. WITH BRASS CAP i N: 317,927.4E i 11V1J Muskego, WI.53150 //7j///e t11�1�ttil E:2,490,937.81 ASSO TES, INC. sai@wi.rr.com 2554 N. 100TH STREET ` ` BgR OFWISCONS/NSOCIETYOFLANDSURVEYORS P.O. BOX 26596 WAUWATOSA, WISCONSIN 53226 DATE: 03/01/2022MNALSOC/ETY &NA ALSURYEYORS (414) 257-2212 FAX: (414) 257-2443 JOB NO. 35221CSM-2 SHEET 1 OF 9 - • Page 2 of 9 0 0 WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. /239f BEING A REDIVISION OF LOT 4 OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO.123', RECORDED AS DOCUMENT NO. �I(�`I152�I ON 912'$ Z022 AT THE WAUKESHA COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST '/a OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. PARKER DRIVE _ THE SE 1/4 OF — — N89O 28T SECTION 30-5-20 _ N8nV28'E — — — 108.00' 90.00' PARKER DRIVE ' C4 C5 6 Z y O D �o m Ip ri JE I ip r N 1n i� r WETLAND 0 � 4 AREA 1 SUBJECT CS" N88 Z28'E LOCATION g 150.W N8802'28'E KELSEY DRIVE I LOT 3 102W 48.W 150.W CSM N0,______ OT I VICINITY MAP CSM LNG 10210 I !G 1" = 2000' _----_—_---_— I�qQ� Existing p�I Dwelling — s \ Garage ® g The East line of — — — _ _ N��2'28'E f�"� Septic the Southeast 1/4 — 1 M3 Tank of Section 30-5-20 Silos Shed • 502°06'48"E 2621.23' Well I ID NE 01 I< Barns Ip IZ LOT 2 _LO_T 3 LOT 4 m 10 CSM NO, _ _ _ 209,809 Sq. Ft. 246581 Acres Ft. lO � 5,638 Acres 4,817 Acres I I —9 4W,%' 0.6T � N8T53'49'E 335A2' 875,9T C3 N8T53'49'E (Fl) N89 638V WETLAND $ 'r AREA2 C2 N80'4g3 LOT 2 420,80' 156,222 Sq. Ft. erg, _TANGENT OUT I 3.586 Acres 587°55'13"W 2 I N88°0 14V '6 R 214'61 LOT 1 ir, c 127,199 Sq. Ft. is 2.920 Acres WETLAND Ng� �p ~ ro Lq SW02'50'W 250.00' AREA3 250.00' $ 374.4T SMZ50-W 624.47 I � 1 inch = 200 ft. 12o' 90' 60' 30' a 7V 15D' 15V 300' ���xett4Uti;111tittttltl!/�, • - Sl- DENOTES SET 3/4' X 18' LONG ALL BEARINGS ARE REFERENCED TO - IViARC C. IRON REBAR WEIGHING 113 LBS. THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST _ PASS/,L;ELLI PER LINEAL FOOT. 1/4 OF SECTION 30-5-20, WHICH IS = S-2817 BEARS S 02°06'48' E, WI. STATE PLANE All Elevations reference NGVD 1929. COORDINATE SYSTEM SOUTH ZONE. FRANKLIN, WI S V 1\s SO Y11V V 2554 N. 100TH STREET IIIIl/t011YII19141S14tttt P.O. BOX 26596 IN WAUWATOSA, WISCONSIN 53226 TE 11� (414) 257-2212 FAX: (414) 257-2443 MEMB ROFWISCONSINSOCIETYOFLANDSURVEYORS sai@wi.rr.com �Q^ & NAT NALSOCIETY OFPROFESS►ONALSURVEYORS MARL C. PASSARELLI P.L.S. # 2817 INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY : MARC C. PASSARELLI DATE: 03/01/2022 JOB NO.35221CSM-2 SHEET 2 OF 9 CURVE TABLE CURVE LENGTH RADIUS CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH DELTA CI 159.66' 7Q.00' N26°44'18"W 127.23' 130°41'02" C2 46.67' 70.00' N19°30'17'E 45.81' 38°li'50" C3 112.99' 70.00' N45°50'13"W 101.12' 92°29'12" C4 23.52' 15.00' N47°02'10"W 21.18' 89°50'44" C5 23.60' 15.00' S42°57'50"W 21.24' 90°09'16" Page 3 of 9 is• •• WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. BEING A REDIVISION OF LOT 4 OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. f23i�, RECORDED AS DOCUMENT NO. 0915Z9 ON 91-Z3tZ0ZZ AT THE WAUKESHA COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST '/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST '/a OF SECTION 30, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. PARKER - DRIVE _ _ - - _ L - - - - 588°02'28'W 3.00'- - 60- L33 , �L3 I - ZI ' New a ♦ ��p i LOT 2 CSM N0. 15' wetland LOT 3 Protection LOT Existing --CSM NO.------ Dwelling L35 �;� Garage Silos p p� Shed i Barns Wetlands Marked by. S.E.W.R.P.0 Delineated July 26, 2018 15' Wetland L Protection 9, ,: w Ld9"4WETLAND 7 has '. L0 AREA 2 LOT LOT 1 - - - SB8°02'50 1 inch = 200 M 120' 90' 60' 30' 0 75 " 15V 300• MARC C. PASSARELLI P.L.S. # 2817 The East line of the Southeast1/4 of Section 30-5-20 - - 502°06'48"E 2621.23' LOT LOT 15' Wetland Protection pL64 �L66 ,L65 L70 WETLAND vT its. AREA- 1 ��g �L71 `g0 �a L73 \ L72 431.55' L81 \ L80 I. MARC C. PASSA!-,ELLI S-2817 FRMNKLIN,wi 0,-. �7T1�T(! 2554 N. STREET 1 11V V O. BOX 26596 P.O.BOX (414)257-2212 FAX:(414)257-2443 TES INC, wAU7-2212 , X: (414WISCON25 -2443 QMEMB sai@wi.rr.com WISCONS/N SOCIETY OF LAND SURVEYORSL INSTRUMENT SOCIETYOFPROFESS/ONAL SURVEYORS DRAFTED BY: MARC C. PASSARELLI DATE: 03/01/2022 WETLAND AREA 1 LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING Ll 40.09 802'06'48"E L2 85.82' S88°02'289N B 6.59, S22°21'08'E L4 28.34' S07°20'26"E L5 38.64' S02°58'08"E L6 24.65' S02NT21"E L7 30.76' 1 507°32'20"W L8 19.96' I 514-33-19-W L9 31.76 S56°24'38"W 1-10 27.95' 567°02'22 W Ltt 30.03' 580°47'03"W L12 31.31' 568°41'34"W L13 26.67' S57°53'28'W L14 23.65' S53°02'11"W L15 22.26' 544°00'30"W L16 24.26' 830°27'59'W L17 10.73' 847°31'03"W L18 25.66' S40°09'25"W L19 26.08' S56°3648"W L20 32.51' 568°00'43"W L21 28.06 S87°51'16'W L22 154.09' NO2-06-19"W L23 30.19' N43°3342"W 94 22.98' S67°56'30"E L25 21.81' S65°25'28"E L26 32.75' NBB°41'29'E L27 22.95' N79°03'19'E L28 20.0F N48°4659"E L29 30.32' N01°11'23W L30 22.60' N29°23'52'W L31 28.01' N01°48'01"W L32 23.95' N05°11'31'E L33 9.42' N06°33'05'E 134 153.02' N88°02'28"E WETLAND AREA 2 LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L35 92.08' N78°04'00"E L36 17.08' N86°25'07"E L37 18.55' S02°03'56"E L38 22.78' S01 °54'00'E L39 25.33' S06°35'40"W L40 35.13' SO4°41'25"E L41 29.27' 1 S82°22'50"W L42 20.07' S86'22'47"W L43 ' 16.49' S82°22'58W L44 12.93' N80°52'20'W L45 20.47' N41°26'15"W L46 12.51' N50°21'45"W L47 9.33' N10°49'18"W L48 14.96 N33°07'59"E L49 1 17.05' 1 N50°19'42"E L50 12.9 1 N50°27-23"E L51 16.25' 1 N80°44'30"E L52 - 14.06' N80°01'48"E L53 - 20AT N60°48'34"E L54 27.38' N12°24'19'E WETLAND AREA 3 LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L55 68AT N56°41'11"E L56 62.00' N09°39'07'E L57 19.91' NO3°04'37'E 08 30.73' N29°41'47'E L59 26.42' N23°35'36'E LBO 55A9' N16°01'08'E L61 17.37' 1 N68°24'011 L62 11.54' N79°49'03"E L63 16.55' 544°20'26'E L64 19.85' S30°41'03"E L65 19.72' S39°52'46"E Lfi6 12.77' 842°03'32"E L67 17.10, S08°10'16"E L68 4.85' 871°28'22"E L69 76.9 S02°44'21'E L70 1 7.11' S88°2242W L71 18.54' S02°55'17"E L72 21.31' S19°58'30'W L73 15.10' N18°32'12"W L74 30.69 N111621"W L75 16.73' N71°25'56"W L76 10.37' S76°29'57W L77 . 33.37' S10°50'531 L78 16.07' S67°36'01"W L79 35.72' S50°13'58"W L80 343T S39°52'30'W L81 82.20' S88°02'50"W NO.35221CSM-2 SHEET 3 OF 91 1 t 00 Page 4 of 9 00 WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 123+�-+ BEING A REDI ISION OF LOT 4 OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO.1Z3:�b, RECORDED AS DOCUMENT NO. 915'461 ON 0I _.8 20Z'Z AT THE WAUKESHA COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST '/a OF SECTION 30, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. PARKER _ DRIVE — — NWOZ28'E — — NW0228'E N- .. SI08.w 02 5Wtland PoCS813. 8Protection V�TLANon io mimg $ioIT -4 tO I� I C0 Iz I I I 8. I I I I i I I NOTES QQ - Denotes Soil Boring All Wetland Areas are considered to be 821.53' - Denotes Spot Elevation part of the Drainage Easements. See page 3 for Wetland Location Lines. % ' 0See page 9 for Drainage Easement Restrictions. 1 inch = 200 M 120' 00' S0' 30' 0 75' 150' 150' 300' WE YIN 2554 N. P.O.BOX STREET YIN O. BOX 26596 TES INC. WAU7-2212 , X: (414 2S 53226 (414)257-2212 FAX:(414)257-2443 sai@wi.rr.com WISCONSINSOCIETYOFLANDSURVEYORS SOCIE770FPROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY: MARC C. PASSARELLI DATE: 03/01/2022 15' Wetland Protection WETLAND AREA 3 `�`1�411gfl11Il9ttrl}Ftl/,rjl�/'A`' a MARC C. PASS,: ELLI S-2817 = FRAWLIN, n Wl MARC C. PASSARELLI P.L.S. # 2817 JOB NO.35221CSM-2 SHEET 4 OF 9 00 Page 5 of 9 00 WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 123 BEING A REDIVISION OF LOT 4 OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO.123_�6, RECORDED AS DOCUMENT NO. q&9K7-a ON q I Z'S/Za'zZ AT THE WAUKESHA COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. PARKER DRIVE- - — — — _ _ NWOT28'E N88'02'28'E ��' -- —__�_— ..^.M '1C8.0'e Cl C2 IN 0 15' Wetland I I', ^� cE I °� o Protection t ^ ca I 1 tp Iy rd N '3D Im o �/ m i 3 D $o, IC rA7 a `. I..^.'. ^ I ro r c'Vn m N l WETLAND °^ I 4 °f m N N I I� I� g ��.- IV 10 ,n II D LOT 1 r'tA '. f '.' J J s NWOZ28'E N8gQ228'E o CSM NO. 10210 r o � - .... ` f g � 150.00' u I Cn ej LOT 3 10200 48 $I `�� O l ✓ ....1 Ir CSM NO,------ ir.._.._.._�`._.._......._...._._. ' LaT 2 _CSM Nq,_____— I ` — NW02'28'E -i Dwelling Garage �4 12135 �b b " Shed I I Bam - Barns - ♦ - Pg I Building Setback - WETLAND ?ILine - - 0'TG LOT 3 AREA 2 - I y- N8753'49 E 335AT ✓ ,o............. P r 15 .1 `o ' Wetland Setback i_-- .......... ............. — — — '................ . . P ♦ FOR 'Building N8B'0014•IN ;Setback Lines i I ' LOT 214.6P 1 I I I I n I —DRAINAGE Lot Width Along i ' T EASEMENT'-' y0; A. 50' Setback Line, j3 � I /80.00' ;o y ipp; LOT 2 I Proposed II _S0♦,\ I ' Mound Lot Width Along 50' Setback Line: Ti ------ 80.00' LOT 1 I SWOT501W The Owners of each of the Lots within this CSM, along with the Owners of the Lots of the other CSMs within this Development, will be Responsible for all Maintenance, Taxes, etc. of the Stormwater Management Features and Outlot that is Part of this Development. On Lot 3, the Total Allowed Size of Accessory Structure Square Footagels Limited to 4,196 SF and as such, any Accessory Structures that Exceed this Limit need to be Removed / Razed within one (1) year of Recording this CSM, unless Rustic Structure Designations are Granted for the Accessory Building(s) that Exceed said Allowed Size Limit. Building Setback Lines I LOT 4 II I Proposed I Mound System ♦� ♦ ' 40' DRAINAGE EASEMENT 'DRAINAGE i EASEMENT 40' Building i Setback Lines LOT 2 Proposed Mound Syew-W 40: DRAINAGE ? EASEMENT 15' Wetland — --� Protection ` 624.47 I See Page 7 for Wetland Restrictions & Wetland Protection Offset Restrictions The Ditches in the Public R-O-W will not be Maintained by the City of Muskego. Possible Culvert needed within Lot 1 of CSM Based on Final Construction Plans, Driveway Culvert Required if Driveway is Raised. M ct WETLAND AREA 3 Lowest dwelling finish floor (basement floor elevation or first floor if slab on grade) shall be a minimum of 2-feet above the Seasonal High Ground Water Elevation. Please note that other requirements based on overflow paths downstream of the dwelling could affect overall dwelling elevations. The Owners of Each of the Lots Within this CSM, along with the Owners of the Lots of the other CSMs within this Development will be Responsible for Ditch Maintenance (Including Culverts & Areas between the Road & Property Line) Inside the R-O-W in Front of their Property. Wa %�2554 N. 100TH STREET �J P.O. BOX 26596 INC. WAUWATOSA, WISCONSIN 53226 (414) 257-2212 FAX: (414) 257-2443 sai@wi.rr.comSINSOCIETY OF LAND SURVEYORS TYOFPROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY: MARC C. PASSARELLI DATE: 03/01/2022 ���>>����tnilurnrr►aeriri�i�iiii. MARC: C. PASSk"ELLI S-2817 _ FRAPJKLIN, wl e -i MARC C. PASSARELLI P.L.S. # 2817 JOB NO.35221CSM-2 SHEET 5 OF 91 W Page 6 of 9 00' 0* WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO.1231� BEING A REDIVISION OF LOT 4 OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO.41-3-?6 RECORDED AS DOCUMENT NO. gOIS%q ON 9tZ%&Q z AT THE WAUKESHA COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST'/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST'/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, 1N THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. N89o2'28'E 108.00' — — — 30.0' 30.0' SUR YINGco SSO ATES, INC. I IN o MEMB ROFWISCONSINSOCIETYOFLANDSURVEYORS o & NAT NAL SOC[ETYOFPROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS I I Q c C1 2S54 N. TOOTH STREET 5322$I I� Y P.O. BOX 6 I I oo Ch WAUWATOSA, WISCONSIN 53226 (414) 257-2212 FAX: (414) 257-2443 WETLAND sai@wi.rr.com AREA 1 I N 00 o 1'11�' ````\\`3p1t1ttttltFfN6tBllt, R o R C)� I MARC C. PASSk: :ELLS � I FRANKLIN � 15' Wetland c � Protection i„� N8t90228'E e wl 41 18 W — _ '2 S69 Z Z�' 1102.00' I W 1 I LOT 3 00 cn CSM NO. ! - - ----------- o i . i i 4� Dwelling o � i 903 Sq. R. * kt)% L� Garage i F.F.E.: 823.5' CF) �• FT 656 Sq. Ft. 0•� :� F.F.E.: 819.7' N8E02'28'E 121.35' `, °r: ,• 4.z 'r -- m — — i `•.Fp '. �� kph: Silo 32.fi \ A a 14.0' Diameter 7.2' Silo 154 Sq. Ft. 13.15' Diameter I 136 Sq. Ft.-__---- :w 63.6' Shed ,Y I 70.6' -- ---- - - 319 Sq. Ft. 6, » F.F.E.: 819.90 Barn I 3,797 Sq. Ft. F.F.E.: 820.0' i Bahl p p 7,350 Sq. Ft, s i F.F.E.: 819.40' F y12 3 , Barn LOT 3 i ru i 9 583 Sq. Ft. i - — — — — — - N i i F.F.E.:815.4' ! C)1 I i i I OD 90 i i CC i I I !90 I(3! I i V I 141 �! iw i i I I I I i I I I i I I I i I I I N8i53 OE 406.94' _ - - - LOT 2�� SHEET 6 OF 9 JOB NO.35221CSM-2 DATE: 03/01/2022 INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY : MARC C. PASSARELLI P.L.S. # 2817 N Page 7 of 9 00 00 WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. tZ3-� BEING A REDI\(ISI N OF LOT 4 OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO.) 25-+(,:, , RECORDED AS DOCUMENT NO "iS29 ON"M & AT THE WAUKESHA COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST % OF THE SOUTHEAST % OF SECTION 30, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSINb S MILWAUKEE COUNTY) I, Marc C. Passarelli, a Professional land surveyor do hereby certify: asl (o 14696291 a,L,,/ That I have surveyed, a redivision of Lot 4 of Certified Survey Map No. , recorded as Document No. on qI [[� =at the Waukesha County Register of Deeds, located in the Northeast '/e of the Southeast '/e of Section 30, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Southeast'/ of Section 30; thence South 02° 06' 48" East, along the East line of said Southeast '/, 307.00 feet to the Southeast corner of Parcel 2 of Certified Survey Map No. 7767, also being the point of beginning of the lands to be described; thence continuing South 02° 06' 48" East along said East line, 1028.61 feet; thence South 88° 02' 50" West along the North line of Certified Survey Map No. 8987, 624.47 feet; thence North 02' 06' 19" West, 277.06 feet; thence North 88° 00' 14" West, 214.61 feet; thence North 510 23' 48" West, 143.63 feet to a point on the East right-of-way line of Madyson Court; thence Northwesterly along an arc of a curve on said East line, having a center point to the West, a radius of 70.00 feet and a chord 127.234 feet long that bears North 26° 44' 18" West ,159.66 feet along said curve; thence North 87°.53' 49" East, 335.42 feet, thence North 02' 06' 19' West, 347.31 feet, North 88° 02' 28" East, 121.35 feet, thence North 51 ° 08' 48" East, 94.28 feet; thence North 02' 06' 48" West, 390.00 feet to the South right of way line of Parker Drive; thence North 88' 02' 28" East, 108.00 feet to the Northwest corner of Parcel 1 of Certified Survey Map 7767; thence South 02° 06' 48" East, 267.00 feet; thence North 88° 02' 28" East, 150.00 feet; thence North 02' 06' 48" West, 252.04 feet; thence Northwesterly along an arc of a curve with a center point to the West, a radius of 15.00 feet and a chord 21.18 feet long that bears North 47' 02' 10" West, 23.52 feet along said curve; North 88' 02' 28" East , 90.00 feet; thence Southwesterly along an arc of a curve with a center point to the East, a radius of 15.00 feet and a chord 21.24 feet long that bears South 42' 57' 50" West, 23.60 feet along said curve; thence South 02° 06' 48" East, 251.96 feet; thence North 88° 02' 28" East, 150.00 feet to the point of beginning. That I have made such survey, land division and map by the direction of Bryon Hrin, owner of said land. That this map is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236.34 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 392 of the Muskego Subdivision Ordinance in surveying, dividing and mapping the same. Dated this 1st day of March, 2022. stttttrle�ia:ntlttlrrtiva Z'' .� /-l-- . iLC Marc C. Passarelli S-2817 Wisconsin Professional Land Surveyor MARC C. PASSh::ELLI" S-2817 < FRAIN LIN, ,-'� a LJJ� (� tuy WETLAND AREA RESTRICTIONS: Those areas of land which are identified as wetland areas of this Certified Survey Map shall be subject to the following restrictions: 1. Grading and filling shall be prohibited. 2. The removal of topsoil or other earthen materials shall be prohibited 3. The removal or destruction of any vegetative cover, i.e. trees, shrubs, grasses, etc., shall be prohibited with the exception of the removal of exotic, invasive, dead, diseased, or hazardous vegetation at the discretion of landowner and upon the approval of the City of Muskego. 4. Grazing by domesticated animals, i.e. horses, cows, etc., shall be prohibited. 5. The introduction of plant material not indigenous to the existing environment of the natural area shall be prohibited. 6. Ponds may be permitted subject to the approval of the City of Muskego and, if applicable, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Army Corp of Engineers. 7. Construction of buildings is prohibited. WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET RESTRICTIONS: W There is a city required 15-foot wetland protection offset around all wetlands areas. The areas of land which are identified as wetland protection offset areas shall follow all restrictions listed in Chapter 400 of the City of Muskego Municipal Code relating to wetland and protection offsets. If DNR regulations are applicable, then said regulation shall be in addition to all city regulations. INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY: Marc C. Passarelli Job No. 35221 CSM2 SHEET 7 OF 9 • • Page 8 of 9 •• WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. BEING A REDIVISION OF LOT 4 OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO 123-fG , RECORDED AS DOCUMENT NO 46415Zq 00/2% AT THE WAUKESHA COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST '/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST '/4 OF SECTION 36, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE: As owner, Bryon Hrin, has hereby certified that he caused the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided, and mapped as represented on this map in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 392 of the Muskego Subdivision Ordinances. Bryon Hrin also certifies that this map is required by S.236.10 or 236.12 to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: City of Muskego. In Witness whereof Bryon Hrin, at Muskego, Wisconsin, on this day '2022. 0 ryon Owner STATE OF WISCONSIN) WAUKESHA COUNTY)SSS Personally came before me this �Jb day of 2022, the above named Bryon Hrin, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge the same. g`PtIH EGF����ii �. ,OTARy`; 2 NO RY PUBa, State of isc nsin My Commis io Expires bs )-al IaooZS PUBL\G CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE:Or WXG ���;' •.. ��� Community State Bank, duly 06)1Q� A:1W existing under and by virtue of the laws of the United States, mortgagor of the above described land, hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, and mapping of the land described in the foregoing affidavit of Marc C. Passarelli, surveyor and does hereby consent to the above certificate of Bryon Hrin. In Witness Whereof Community State Bank, has caused ese preser it's Representative, at ?1 U k. ) r•" , lit) • V, STATE OF W ISM In ) VCU6r-e. COUNTY)SS Personally came before me this 30-l') day of C 2022, the above named 4S & , of the above named Community State Bank, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and to me known to be such Representative of said bank and acknowledged that he executed the foregoing instrument as such officer as the deed of said bank y its authority. Notary Public, My Commissi) of V INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY: Marc C. Passarelli Job No. 35221 CSM 2 SHEET 8 OF 9 00 Page 9 of 9 • • WAUKESHA COUNTY CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 1 23T:::)- BEING A REDI ISION OF LOT 4 OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO.'�'3% , RECORDED AS DOCUMENT NOw(IgrS739 ON AT THE WAUKESHA COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST % OF THE SOUTHEAST % OF SECTION 30, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN. CERTIFICATE OF THE CITY TREASURER STATE OF WISCONSIN) WAUKESHA COUNTY)SS I, Sharon Mueller, being duly appointed, qualified, and acting City Treasurer of the City of Muskego, do hereby certify that in accordance with the records in my office there are no unpaid taxes or unpaid special assessments as of the Z16 day of2022 on any of the land included in this Certified Survey Ma . q f7-�alzZ Date Sharon Mueller, Director f Finance & Administration PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL Y% ?L3Zo Approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Muskego on this Ll day of /UuJEw%(�C-rL , 2&2-2- By Resolution No, pC o -7o •Zo Zo dated l d eli Zo2a , Chairman Adam Trzebiatowski, Planning Manager COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL Approved by the Common Council of the City of Muskego on this Z`7'3�day of SC-pjemhacy- , 2022. By Resolution No. o tz. ZoZZ dated q/27 zz ����at�uuurrrn OF M&`r'��'''�s Ric ar. Pe alski, Jr., Mayor GpRPO���` Sharon Mueller, City Clerk �'' • t DRAINAGE EASEMENT RESTRICTIONS The draffiaggigwe� nts designated by the words shall be maintained by the owners of each lot that is burdened by such easement. Specifically, the owner of a lot where an easement is located shall maintain said easement located on such lot in an unobstructed condition so as to maintain its intended purpose. Construction of any building, grading or fil ling -in said easement is prohibited. In the event such property owner does not properly preserve or maintain the drainage easement area, the City of Muskego may send written notice to the lot owner indicating that the City has determined that the drainage easement is not being properly preserved or maintained, and further indicating that the City of Muskego will perform such correction of the drainage easement area and/or maintenance if not property done by lot owner. The above -referenced notice shall give the lot owner a minimum of seven (7) days to correct the problem, unless the City determines that a shorter period of notice, or no notice, is necessary due to exigent circumstances, the City of Muskego shall then have the authority, but not the obligation, to restore the drainage easement area and/or maintain any such drainage easement area referred to in said notice and shall have the right to charge the lot owner for any costs incurred by the City as a result of said restoration and/or maintenance. The City's rights of restoration shall include the right to remove any obstructions placed by the lot owner within the drainage easement area. Said costs shall be assessed as special charges pursuant to Section 66.0627, Wisconsin Statutes. If such charges are not paid by any lot owner within the period fixed by the City of Muskego, the charges shall become a lien upon the lot owner's lot as provided in Section 66.0627, Wisconsin Statutes, and shall extend upon the tax rolls as a delinquent tax against the lot owners lot as provided in Section 66.0627, Wisconsin Statutes. 4691530 REGISTER OF DEEDS WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON September 28, 2022 01:49 PM James R Behrend Register of Deeds 9 PGS TOTAL FEE:$30,00 TRANS FEE:$0.00 Book 128 Page 24-32 INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY: Marc C. Passarelli R MAL,-\CC. � _ PASSk,s IELLI S-2817 FRANKLIN, WI I Job No. 352221�CSM 22 �S SHEET 9 OF 9 Vv N