PCR2022038 North Cape Real Estate BSO CUGAMENDED RESOLUTION #P.C. 038-2022 APPROVAL OF A BUILDING, SITE, AND OPERATION PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE GRANT FOR NORTH CAPE REAL ESTATE LLC. LOCATED IN THE SE'/4 OF SECTION 25 (TAX KEY NO. 2259.981.002 / NORTH CAPE ROAD) WHEREAS, A submittal was received from Robert & Christine Arend of North Cape Real Estate, LLC. for approval of a Building, Site, and Operation Plan and Conditional Use Grant for an indoor mini -storage use within a series of five secure and fenced buildings located along the southern end of North Cape Road (Tax Key No. 2259.981.002), and WHEREAS, The property is zoned B-4 Highway Business District and the use is permitted within the B-4 District subject to Building, Site and Operation Plan and Conditional Use Grant approval, and WHEREAS, The 2020 Plan depicts the property as Commercial uses and the proposal is consistent with the Plan, and WHEREAS, The applicant is proposing to build a total of five (5) new self -storage buildings housing 109 individual units of varying sizes totaling 28,760 square feet, and WHEREAS, Operations for the storage facility will be handled from the existing office at the neighboring Loomis Court Storage Facility which is under the same ownership, and WHEREAS, Office hours of the business are proposed as Monday through Friday 8:00 am — 4:00 PM and Saturdays by appointment, while the storage units will be available from 6:00 am — 9:00 pm daily, and WHEREAS, This property is governed by the Durham Hill Design Guide and the General Design Guide, and WHEREAS, The General Design guide requires 50 percent masonry and four-sided architecture, and WHEREAS, The building facades that are visible from North Cape Road contain a 3-foot band of northern ash colored stone veneer wainscoting with the upper portion of the walls being an ash gray metal panel wall, and WHEREAS, The elevations that face away or are not visible from the roadway contain no masonry with all metal panel walls, and WHEREAS, The overhead doors, roof and building trim is proposed as a matte black finish, and WHEREAS, The most prominent elevation would be the west side of building 2, which has been proposed with approximately 27 percent masonry, and WHEREAS, Due to elevation changes, the plans show that part of a foundation wall is exposed on the west side of building 2 and the north side of building 1, and WHEREAS, Architectural features are also important and the Durham Hill South Design Guide notes that the buildings shall be constructed to be harmonious with their natural and built surroundings while avoiding repetition and monotony, and WHEREAS, On the most prominent building side (west side of building 2), the wall is approximately 270 feet in length with three cupulas and four windows and small overhangs, or eaves that are proposed on all four sides of the building, and WHEREAS, The proposed buildings will have a minimum of 25 feet between the buildings for two-way drive aisles as well as emergency services, and WHEREAS, There are not any striped parking stalls as there is typically no need for separate parking at the facility, and WHEREAS, The asphalt drive aisles/lot abut each of the storage buildings and includes a mountable curb in the northeast corner of the lot near the storm water pond, and WHEREAS, Metal decorative fencing is proposed on the north side of building 2 and on the south side of the site at the entrance, and WHEREAS, The metal fencing is not meant to be a full screen, but rather a security detail with an aesthetically pleasing appearance, and WHEREAS, There have not been any locations identified for a dumpster enclosure nor any place for outdoor storage so if either are proposed in the future, Plan Commission approval is required, and WHEREAS, Landscaping has been proposed along North Cape Road mostly focused at the corners of the west side of building 2 along North Cape Road and adjacent to the private drive on the south side of the project, and WHEREAS, The final landscape plan must be submitted for formal review by the City Forester and Planning staff before building permits can be issued, and WHEREAS, Outdoor wall -mounted lighting fixtures were included in the package and all appear to be zero -degree tilt and full cut-off fixtures, per code requirements, and WHEREAS, A final photometric plan and final lighting specs will need to be submitted prior to obtaining permits, and WHEREAS, Storm water management will be handled on -site and is subject to approval from Engineering for stormwater, grading, utilities and drainage, and WHEREAS, Future location of any mechanicals (i.e. transformers, meters, HVAC equipment, etc.) must be reviewed and approved prior to building permits being issued as all exterior mechanicals for the building/site must be fully screened. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of a Building, Site and Operation Plan and Conditional Use Grant for North Cape Real Estate, LLC. located on North Cape Road (Tax Key No. 2259.981.002). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the masonry band on all elevations with masonry must be raised past the sill of the windows with that masonry height matching the remainder of the buildings with masonry. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any buildings with exposed foundation must have the masonry band extend down to grade. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That additional landscaping must be shown on a landscaping plan and approved by City staff prior to Building Permits being issued. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Separate sign permits will be required before any signage (temporary or permanent) can be installed and this includes any signage on the building or freestanding. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The concrete curb and gutter should be located on the western and southern sides of the site and can be either vertical -face or mountable curb & gutter (if needed for snow clearing needs). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The site plan is subject to Fire Department approvals before Building Permits can be issued and possible changes to the site plan may be required based upon the final Fire Department review. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The final landscape plan must be submitted for formal review before building permits can be issued. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Formal approvals from the Engineering Division will be required before the issuance of any permits as it relates to stormwater management review, grading, etc. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Any bollards, railings, ladders, louvers, vents, etc. must be painted to match the colors of the principal structure. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, No outdoor storage or overnight parking is allowed at any time on site. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all roof top and/or ground mechanicals (including HVAC devices, electrical transformers, etc.) must be screened from view and/or incorporated into the design of the site/structure (screening, etc.) and should be approved by the Planning Division before the issuance of building permits. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, A final photometric plan will need to be submitted prior to obtaining permits and all lighting must be zero degree tilt and full cut-off and the concrete bases for any pole lights cannot exceed 6 inches in height above grade. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The height of any light poles cannot exceed the greater of either 15 feet or the average wall/eve height of the building. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That an annual review will be required in March every year to ensure all conditions of this approval are being met. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building Department and that all aspects of this plan shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: June 7, 2022 Denied: Deferred: Introduced: June 7, 2022 ATTEST: Adam Trzebiatowski, Planning Manager