CCR2022.001-Agreement-IGAIntergovernmental Cooperation Agreement between the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District and the City of Muskego For Franklin-Muskego Force Main Rehabilitation 1. Parties This Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement (Agreement) is made between the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (District), acting through its Executive Director, and the City of Muskego (City), acting through its Mayor. 2. Purpose The purpose of this Agreement is to establish responsibilities for coordinating construction work on the Franklin-Muskego Force Main Sewer (Force Main), including conducting repairs and pipe segment removals and replacements to ensure it remains in serviceable condition. 3. Basis for this Agreement (A) The Force Main is located in Muskego and Franklin. The McShane Drive Pump Station (Pump Station) is at N139 S7536 Bluhm Drive, Muskego, and is the upstream terminus of the Force Main. Figure 1 shows the Pump Station and the Force Main. (B) The City owns and operates the Pump Station and the upstream McShane In -line Storage Facility (In -line Storage Facility) capable of storing approximately 1.7 million gallons of flows during Pump Station service outages. Figure 1 shows the In -Line Storage Facility. (C) The City owns the portion of the Force Main in Muskego. The District owns the portion of the Force Main in Franklin. (D) The District constructed the Force Main in the 1984 utilizing ductile iron. This type of pipe has the potential to corrode, causing weakness that could lead to failure, leading to a sanitary sewer overflow. (E) The District conducted non-destructive inspections in 2014 and 2015 and condition assessment of the Force Main in 2016 to determine its structural integrity. (F) The 2014 and 2015 inspections and 2016 condition assessment determined the Force Main was in serviceable condition; however, pipe wall thickness anomalies were found at various points along the length of the Force Main, which increase the likelihood of failure. Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement Franklin-Muskego Force Main Condition Rehabilitation Page 1 of 7 (G) To reduce such a risk, the District must excavate, repair or remove and replace segments of the Force Main and further investigate the root cause of the anomalies through testing of the in -place and removed segments of pipe (Project). (H) As part of that work, the Force Main will need to be taken out of service, and wastewater flows temporarily rerouted pursuant to an agreed upon Flow Control Plan (Flow Control Plan). 4. Effective Dates This Agreement becomes effective on the date when signed by both parties and terminates on December 31, 2022. 5. District Responsibilities The District will: (A) contract for the design and construction to complete excavations for the non-destructive testing and repair of Force Main segment 847; (B) contract for the design and construction to complete excavations for the destructive testing and removal and replacement of Force Main segment 429; (C) include a preliminary flow control strategy in construction bid documents and review and approve a final Flow Control Plan submitted by the contractor at least 21 days prior to its implementation; (D) provide the City an opportunity to review and comment on the preliminary flow control strategy, final Flow Control Plan and tentative construction schedule for the Force Main excavations, testing, repairs and replacements described above; (E) coordinate with the City to select construction times during low flow periods that minimize disruption of Pump Station operations and the risk of basement backups for City residents, including: a. notifying the City of each proposed construction date at least 72 hours in advance; b. making a Go/No Go decision 24 hours in advance of each proposed construction date in consultation with the City; c. coordinating construction with operation of the Pump Station and In -line Storage Facility; (F) fund all work necessary to complete construction and subsequent analyses of the Force Main pipe segments; Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement Franklin-Muskego Force Main Condition Rehabilitation Page 2 of 7 (G) provide project management, resident inspection and construction management services during construction; (H) share the results of the analysis of the Force Main pipe segments with City, as well as any recommendations regarding future repairs or replacement alternatives to rehabilitating the remainder of the Force Main, as they become available. (I) coordinate with the City immediately upon occurrence of an emergency situation connected to the Project. The District shall be solely responsible for mitigation measures related to the emergency situation connected to the Project, which may include directing the flow of wastewater into a creek to prevent sewage backups into City resident's homes. All costs associated with said mitigation are to be borne by the District. (J) require its contractor to be liable for its own negligent acts, errors and omissions, and the acts, errors and omissions of its subcontractors while performing work on the Project. (K) ensure that all contractors performing work on its behalf under this Agreement provide proof of insurance for Comprehensive General Liability, Worker's Compensation, Motor Vehicle Liability, Contractor's Pollution Liability, Umbrella/Excess Liability and Builder's Risk; the District shall ensure that the City is added as an additional insured whenever the District is added as an additional insured on all such contractors' insurance policies. The coverage shall include separate written endorsements for the additional insured, waiver of subrogation and primary and non-contributory provisions. (L) In the event that work on the Force Main by the District or its contractors results, in whole or in part, in a commercial or residential sewer back up, the District shall assume responsibility for resulting damages and shall indemnify the City of all costs, charges, fees, settlement amounts and judgments, including reasonable attorney's fees in defense thereof, for each said claim that results in a recovery or is dismissed by a court of law. All such claims shall be tendered to the District immediately upon receipt by the City. 6. City Responsibilities The City will: (A) review and provide comments on the preliminary flow control strategy, final Flow Control Plan and tentative construction schedule for the Force Main excavations, testing, repairs and replacements within 10 business days of receipt from the District; (B) shut down the Pump Station for approximately six, 12-hour outages to accommodate construction on the Force Main throughout the term of this Agreement; (C) divert flows from the City's 12" dual force mains to the Ryan Creek interceptor in advance of each construction date; Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement Franklin-Muskego Force Main Condition Rehabilitation Page 3 of 7 (D) coordinate with the District to select construction times during low flow periods that minimizes disruption of Pump Station operations and the risk of basement backups for City residents, including: a. consulting with the District on a Go/No Go decision 24 hours in advance of each proposed construction date; b. operating the Pump Station and In -line Storage Facility as needed to accommodate construction of the Project; c. monitoring levels in the In -line Storage Facility during each Pump Station outage; d. monitoring flow rates and levels in specific City -owned sewers during each Pump Station outage; e. notifying the District resident engineer during construction when the In -line Storage Facility reaches approximately 50%, 70%, and 85% capacity. (E) provide all personnel and equipment necessary to operate the Pump Station, In -line Storage Facility and monitor flow rates as required during each construction date at no cost to the District. (F) coordinate with the District immediately upon the occurrence of an emergency situation connected to the Project. (G) immediately tender any claim the City receives to the District relating to a commercial or resident basement sewer back up caused by the District or its contractors resulting from work on the Force Main. 7. Modifying this Agreement Any modification to this Agreement will be in writing and signed by both Parties. 8. Severability If a court finds any part of this Agreement unenforceable, then the remainder of this Agreement continues in effect. 9. Applicable Law The laws of the State of Wisconsin apply to this Agreement. 10. Resolving Disputes If a dispute arises under this Agreement, then the Parties will try to resolve it with the help of a mutually acceptable mediator in Waukesha County. The Parties will equally share any costs and Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement Franklin-Muskego Force Main Condition Rehabilitation Page 4 of 7 fees associated with the mediation, other than attorney fees. If the dispute is not resolved within 30 days after the Parties refer it to a mediator, then either Party may take the matter to court. Venue in any action brought under this Contract is proper only in either the Circuit Court for Waukesha County or the Federal District Court for Eastern Wisconsin. 11. Notices (A) The District will send notices to: Scott Kroeger, P.E., PLS, ENV SP, MBA, Public Works and Development Director City of Muskego W182 S8200 Racine Avenue Muskego, Wisconsin 53150 SKroeger@cityofmuskego.org (B) The City will send notices to: Tony Jazdzyk, Senior Project Manager Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District 260 West Seeboth Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53204-1446 ajazdzyk@mmsd.com 12. Conflict of Interest If an officer, employee, or agent of the District or the City exercises any function or responsibility in connection the services required by this Agreement, then this officer, employee, or agent may not have any direct or indirect interest in this Agreement. 13. Termination Either Party may terminate this Agreement at any time. To terminate this Agreement, a Party will provide written notice to the other Party. This notice will indicate the effective date of termination and the reasons for termination. 14. Independence of the Parties This Agreement does not create a partnership. Neither Party may enter into contracts on behalf of the other Party. 15. Authority of Signatories Each person signing this agreement certifies that the person is properly authorized by the Party's governing body to execute this Agreement. 16. Indemnification Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement Franklin-Muskego Force Main Condition Rehabilitation Page 5 of 7 Nothing herein waives or compromises the parties' respective rights under Wis. Stat. 893.80. MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN SEWERAGE DISTRICT Kevin L. Shafer, P.E. Executive Director Date: Approved as to form Attorney for the District CITY OF MUSKEGO By: Rick Petfalski Mayor Date: Approved as to Form Attorney for the City Figure 1 Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement Franklin-Muskego Force Main Condition Rehabilitation Page 6 of 7 W College Ave Franklin/ Muskego Force Main -1 1 Main Type MUSKEGO OWNED FORCE MAIN CATHODIC PROTECTION MIS CONNECTION MMSD OWNED FORCE MAIN McSHANE PUMP STATION IN -LINE STO RAG E FACILITY re" COrnarS \ FAPPROXIMATE DISTANCE 5,647 FT 1.07 MI M1160 Lake I Brittany I I I I II I I I q- 2 vJ foods Rd APPROXIMATE DISTANCE 7,014 FT 1.32 MI Ken WindL Park APPROXIMATE DISTANCE 3,599 FT 0.68 MI Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement Franklin-Muskego Force Main Condition Rehabilitation Page 7 of 7 0.25 WF FRANKLIN/ MUSKEGO PUMP STATION M124L7traLl Pork M1246 Market Squar®.6 Miles