PCR2014036AMENDED RESOLUTION #P.C. 036-2014 APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE GRANT AND A BUILDING SITE AND OPERATION PLAN AMENDEMENT FOR ADVANCED DISPOSAL EMERALD PARK LANDFILL LOCATED IN THE NE ¼ & SE ¼ OF SECTION 35 (LOOMIS DRIVE / TAX KEY NO. 2297.997) WHEREAS, On April 24, 2014 plans were submitted by Fox Valley Retriever Club Inc. (FVRC) for a Conditional Use Grant (CUG) and a Building, Site and Operation Plan Amendment for the operations of a dog training facility for the property located in the NE ¼ and SE ¼ of Section 35 (Loomis Drive / Tax Key No. 297.997), and WHEREAS, The property is owned by Advanced Disposal Emerald Park Landfill LLC and the Fox Valley Retriever Club Inc. is going to be leasing the property for dog training purposes, and WHEREAS, Said property is currently zoned A-1 Agricultural District and said use as a dog training facility is a permitted use with a Conditional Use Grant and Building Site and Operation Plan approval, and WHEREAS, The site currently is vacant and contains various areas of farmed fields, wetlands, and woodlands, and WHEREAS, The FVRC would like to starting using this facility for training beginning in June 2014, after the first hay crop is removed, and WHEREAS, The FVRC will use this property for training one (1) to two (2) days per week, as crop and field conditions allow, and WHEREAS, Training will typically occur from March through the end of September, only during daylight hours, and WHEREAS, There will not be any weekend long or larger training events held at this property, and WHEREAS, Training sessions typically start at 4:30PM on weekdays and at 8:00AM on Saturdays (with two sessions occurring) and last for two (2) to three (3) hours per session, and WHEREAS, Typical training sessions are attended by four (4) to ten (10) handlers and their dogs and no more than two (2) dogs per handler are allowed, and WHEREAS, Training bumpers and frozen dead birds are used for training purposes, and WHEREAS, The use of noise making devices are used in training such as whistles, duck calls, goose calls, starter pistols, and 12 gauge blanks (poppers), and WHEREAS, No live ammunition is allowed on the property and no hunting is allowed on the property, and WHEREAS, A gravel driveway has been installed off of Loomis Drive and a gate and fencing have been installed adjacent to the roadway, and WHEREAS, The fencing and gate were installed within the right-of-way, and WHEREAS, There is no formal parking lot, but the petitioner has stated that parking will occur near each training setup and will be on and along the field road in these areas, and WHEREAS, There are some areas of wetlands on the property that may need to be crossed, and WHEREAS, A 24” x 36” sign is being proposed to identify the property but the location of this sign has not yet been identified, and WHEREAS, No storage of any type is proposed on site when training is not occurring. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of the Conditional Use Grant and Building, Site and Operation Plan amendment submitted by the Fox Valley Retriever Club for the Advanced Disposal Emerald Park property located in the NE ¼ and SE ¼ of Section 35 (Loomis Drive / Tax Key No. 2297.997). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That there shall be no on-site activities occurring after 8:00PM. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the fence and gate, currently found in the right-of-way, may stay but the petitioner must file and record a Revocable Occupancy Permit with the City Engineer by June 30, 2014 to continue the allowance. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all signage will require a permit through the Planning Department and the exact signage location and details must be included. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That no structures, temporary or permanent, are allowed on the property and no tents/canopies are allowed overnight. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That storage of any materials, supplies, vehicles, equipment, dumpsters, etc. will not be allowed on the property when active training is not occurring. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That there cannot be any weekend long or larger training events or test held at this property without further Plan Commission approvals. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That no disturbance, filling, grading, or driving through any wetland area is allowed unless specific approvals from the DNR and the City are first granted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That since there is at least one wetland crossing needed as part of the use of this site, the applicant will need to provide the City with either approvals from the DNR to allow crossing of the wetland as-is or approval from the DNR to build/install a new wetland crossing (i.e. culvert or fill). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Until one of the wetland crossing options is satisfied, the use of the site beyond the wetland crossing cannot be used for training or driving purposes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a log book must be kept of all activity on the property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the property lines must be identified by markers every 100 yards or so. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a seasonal review will be required to evaluate the summer/fall 2014 use of this site, which will occur at the October 2014 Plan Commission meeting. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That an annual review will be required in the spring of each year to make sure that the use is staying within their approval and to evaluate any possible concerns that may have been raised. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Community Development Department and that all aspects of this plan shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: June 3, 2014 Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: June 3, 2014 ATTEST: Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary