PCR2014023RESOLUTION #P.C. 023-2014 RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE BELLE CHASSE SUBDIVISION ADDITION #2 AND A THREE (3) LOT CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP LOCATED IN THE SE ¼ OF SECTION 11 (DURHAM DRIVE / TAX KEY NO. 2204.114) WHEREAS, On January 31, 2014 a submittal of a preliminary plat and a three (3) lot certified survey map was submitted by Neumann Companies for the Belle Chasse Subdivision located in the SE ¼ of Section 11, and WHEREAS, Said plat proposes 50 lots for single-family use and 3 outlots for wetland preservation, stormwater management, a well site, and open space preservation, and WHEREAS, A rezoning to PD-47 (Belle Chase Planned Development) was previously granted for this development and allows minimum lot sizes of 18,000 square f eet and minimum widths of 100 feet and said plat meets the zoning requirements, and WHEREAS, The Planned Development was allowed reduction in lot density for open space preservation; Further, the Planned Development has not reduced the offsets/setbacks fo r the lots with the exception of one reduced setback for corner lots (40 feet to 30 feet), which is typical, and WHEREAS, Where the CSM is proposed the zoning is RS-2 and allows minimum lot sizes of 20,000 square feet and minimum widths of 110 feet and said CSM area meets the zoning requirements, and WHEREAS, The 2020 Comprehensive Plan currently depicts the property for medium-density residential uses consistent with the RS-2 and RS-3 Districts (1.6 – 2.99 units an acre), and this proposal is consistent with this goal, and WHEREAS, The plat does contain high acquisition priority conservation lands in the platted area and the Conservation Commission has addressed the plat and these vital environmental areas, and WHEREAS, The Conservation Commission reviewed the proposed plat at their January 22, 2014 meeting as:  The developer inquired if the Board would want to take dedication of the lands found in the southeast corner of the plat as these lands along with the other wetlands on the plat are found as High Priority Conservation Areas in the Conservation Plan;  The Board needed to review and pose recommendations on how the lots are to be situated around the rest of the High Priority Conservation Areas found in the Conservation Plan, and WHEREAS, The Conservation Commission recommended that they would like to take dedication of Outlot 13, that a split rail fence be constructed along any wetland boundary adjoining private lots, that some of the lots along the west complex of wetlands should possibly be changed to reduce impact to the area wetlands, and that the same conservation easements that were part of the original Belle Chasse plats should be on the conservation outlots in Addition #2, and WHEREAS, The Parks Board reviewed the proposed plat in January 2014 because the developer inquired if the Board would mind if the developers entered into agreement to utilize an unused portion of Bluhm Park for their stormwater retention, and WHEREAS, The Board preliminarily agreed on the stormwater retention subject to the developers entering into agreement for completing some drainage issues and boardwalk issues in Bluhm Park, and WHEREAS, The adopted Future Tail Map of the City of Muskego identifies a trail need along McShane Drive, and WHEREAS, The main access points to the subdivision are found along McShane Drive, and WHEREAS, Wetlands are found along the easternmost access and a DNR approval is required before this access can be established, and WHEREAS, Said parcels will be serviced by City sewer and water, and WHEREAS, Lot 131 will be used by the City for a future well site, and WHEREAS, Stormwater management will be accommodated within the outlots depicted and along Bluhm Park. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission recommends approval to the C ommon Council of a Preliminary Plat for the Belle Chasse Subdivision Addition #2 located in the SE ¼ of Section 11 and will be receptive to the submittal of a final plat, subject to resolution of technical discrepancies as identified by the City Planning Department and City Engineers, and payment of all applicable fees in Section 18.14 of the Land Division Ordinance and outstanding assessments if applicable. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of a Certified Survey Map for a three (3) lot land division located in the SE ¼ of Section 11 (Tax Key No. 2204.114 / Durham Drive), subject to resolution of technical discrepancies as identified by the City Engineers, and payment of all applicable fees in Section 18.14(3) of the Land Division Or dinance and outstanding assessments if applicable. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the developers will have to go before the Parks Board for final approvals so the Board can see the construction plans showing the proposed Bluhm Park improvements that the Board discussed previously with the developers. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a split rail fence must be shown on the construction plans and then installed along the wetland boundaries in any private lot platted in the development. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, A rec trail shall be installed along the south side of McShane Drive throughout the development as per the adopted Parks and Conservation Plan and city staff should work out the developers agreement to ensure the trail is installed without gaps with the possibility of the trail extending to the parking lot entrance to Bluhm Park, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Preservation Easements should cover as much of the plat as possible and easements shall be defined with restrictions. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all State and County requirements be addressed before final approvals. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a digital file of this Plat shall be submitted to the City in accordance with Common Council Ordinance No. 1118 and Resolution 196-2002. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: March 4, 2014 Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: March 4, 2014 ATTEST: Kellie McMullen, Recording Secretary