CCR2021042-Offer to Purchase-Enerson COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #042-2021 ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM SYLWIA G. ENERSON FOR CITY-OWNED PROPERTY ON WOODS ROAD WHEREAS, In the fall of 2020, Ms. Sylwia G. Enerson contacted the City about purchasing a portion of City-owned land (0.6726 acres) that is adjacent to her existing property located on Woods Road to allow her to potentially request a land division as she did not have the required amount of frontage needed to subdivide her land into two lots; and WHEREAS, The Tax Key Number for the City-owned property is MSKC 2227.989.012, which is listed as a conservation area; that the total lot is 160,934 square feet (3.69 acres) in area; and WHEREAS, The property is listed as a conservation area due to the fact that it was a former road right-of-way that was never utilized and once vacated, ownership remained with the City; that due to the amount of wetland on site and the location and size of the property, there is very limited use as to what can occur with/on the property; and WHEREAS, The City received a similar request in 2012 for a different portion of this same City-owned property to accommodate a former adjacent land owner so a land division could occur; that the request was approved by the Common Council and the City sold 0.19 acres in area at that time; Ms. Enerson’s request is very similar in nature; and WHEREAS, In October of 2020, the City Parks and Conservation Committee reviewed Ms. Enerson’s request and was receptive to selling her the remnant conservation land as referenced herein; and WHEREAS, The City proceeded to obtain an appraisal; the appraisal reflected a value of $100,000.00; this value included some assumptions that currently do not pertain to the property, which are:  The property being rezoned from A-1 to RS-2 and the 2020 Comprehensive Land Use Plan being amended from Conservation/Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential.  The extensions of municipal water and municipal sanitary sewer; and WHEREAS, Following receipt and review of the appraisal, including the assumptions contained within it, Ms. Enerson provided to the City a WB-13 Vacant Land Offer to Purchase the 0.6726 acres of City-owned conservation land for $65,000.00; that the City would retain ownership of the remaining conservation land after the CSM gets recorded; and WHEREAS, The Finance Committee has reviewed the Offer to Purchase submitted by Ms. Enerson and recommends that the Common Council approve and accept it. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby accept the Offer to Purchase submitted by Ms Enerson for the sale of 0.6726 acres of City-owned land for $65,000.00 subject to the provisions and contingencies contained in the Offer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are authorized to accept and execute the Offer to Purchase and the City Attorney is authorized to make substantive changes as may be necessary in order to preserve the general intent thereof; that the City Attorney is further authorized to complete all documents for the Mayor to sign to effectuate the Closing of the transaction, th DATED THIS 27 OF APRIL, 2021. SPONSORED BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #042-2021 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ______________________________ Clerk-Treasurer 4/21jmb