CCR2020048-Final PlatMUSKEGO LAKES ESTATES MAP PREPARED BY: Peter J. Nielson, PLS Lynch & Associates Engineering Consultants, LLC BASEMENT RESTRICTION Although all lots in the Subdivision have been reviewed and approved for development with single-family residential use in accordance with Section 236 Wisconsin Statutes, some lots may contain soil conditions which, due to the possible presence of groundwater near the surface, may require soil engineering and foundation design with regard to basement construction. It is recommended that either a licensed professional engineer or other soils expert design a basement and foundation which will be suitable to withstand the various problems associated with saturated soil conditions on basement walls or floors or that special measures be taken. Soil conditions should be subject to each owners special investigation prior to construction and no specific representation is made herein. OWNER/DEVELOPER/MAP PREPARED FOR: Rick Burback Burback Builders 262-679-5154 Fax 262-679-6541 Cell 414-520-1915 W185 S8095 Racine Ave Muskego, WI 53150 TYPE OF PLAT: Single Family Residential SITE DATA: Proposed Number of Lots = Twenty (20) One Dwelling Unit per Lot Gross Site Area = 1,066,701.40 Square Feet (24.49 acres) 1 INCH = 80 FEET 0' 80' 160' 40' 120' 240' Part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 26, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Bearings refer to the East line of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 26, Township 5 North, Range 20 East recorded as S 00°31'24" E, on the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission "Control Survey Summary Diagram" approved May, 1974 and revised February, 2018. Elevations based on National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD-29) 1.25" Rebar (Set) Found 1" Iron Pipe Water Valve Hydrant Sanitary Sewer Manhole Water Manhole or Well Wetlands General Manhole Telephone Pedestal 30'x30' Vision Corner SETBACK NOTES There shall be no improvements or structures placed between the highway and the setback line. ACCESS NOTES As owner I hereby restrict all lots, in that no owner, possessor, user, nor licensee, nor other person shall have any right of direct vehicular ingress or egress with Ryan Drive, as shown on the plat; it being expressly intended that this restriction shall constitute a restriction for the benefit of the public according to §236.293, Stats., and shall be enforceable by the City of Muskego. VISION CORNER NOTES No structure or improvement of any kind is permitted within the vision corner. No vegetation within the vision corner may exceed 30 inches in height.LOCATION MAP NE 1/4 SEC. 26-T5N-R20E Legal Description: Part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 26, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 26, Township 5 North, Range 20 East; Thence S 0°30'02" E along the East line of said Northeast 1/4 of Section 26, 33.00 feet to the South line of Ryan Drive and the Point Of Beginning; Thence continuing S 0°30'02" E along said East line of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 26, 873.49 feet; Thence S 72°07'44" W, 269.85 feet; Thence N 71°00'05" W, 528.40 feet; Thence S 88°08'00" W, 563.74 feet; Thence N 0°33'09" W, 346.99 feet to the Southeast corner of Parcel 3 of Certified Survey Map 8229 as recorded in the Waukesha County Register of Deeds Office as Document No. 2195040; Thence continuing N 0°33'09" W along the East line of said Parcel 3 of Certified Survey Map 8229, 292.42 feet to the South line of Parcel 2 of said Certified Survey Map 8229; Thence N 89°02'51" E, 250.00 feet to the Southeast corner of Parcel 1 of said Certified Survey Map 8229; Thence N 0°33'09" W along the East line of said Parcel 1 of Certified Survey Map 8229, 141.30 feet to the South line of Ryan Drive; Thence N 89°02'51" E along said South line of Ryan Drive, 1069.97 feet to the Point Of Beginning. Said Parcel contains 1,066,782 Square Feet or 24.490 Acres, more or less. Set 1" Iron PipeWETLAND RESTRICTIONS: 1. Grading and filling shall be prohibited. 2. The removal of topsoil or other earthen materials shall be prohibited. 3. The removal or destruction of any vegetative cover, i.e. trees, shrubs, grasses, etc. shall be prohibited with the exception of the removal of exotic, invasive, dead diseased, or hazardous vegetation at the discretion of the landowner and upon the approval of the city of Muskego. 4. Grazing by domesticated animals, i.e. horses, cows, etc. shall be prohibited. 5. The introduction of plant material not indigenous to the existing environment of the natural area shall be prohibited. 6. Ponds may be permitted subject to the approval of the city of Muskego and, if applicable, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Army Corps of Engineers. 7. Construction of buildings is prohibited. WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET RESTRICTIONS: There is a City required 15-foot Wetland Protection offset around all Wetland areas. The areas of land which are identified as Wetland Protection offset areas shall follow all restrictions listed in Chapter 400 of the City of Muskego Municipal Code relating to Wetland Protection offsets. If DNR regulations are applicable, then said regulations shall be in addition to all City regulations. NOTE: 1. The Developer will protect wetlands with a split rail fence in the locations shown on the plat. The fencing must be maintained by the individual owners in perpetuity and shall not be removed. 2. Access is restricted along Ryan Drive for Lots 1, 17, 20, & 27. Each individual lot owner shall have an undividable fractional ownership in Outlot 1 and Waukesha County shall not be liable for any fees or special assessments in the event they become the owner of any lot in the subdivision by reason of tax delinquency. The homeowners association shall maintain said outlot in an unobstructed condition so as to maintain its intended purpose. Construction of any building, grading, or filling in said outlots is prohibited, unless approved by the City of Muskego. The homeowners association grants to the City the right (but not the responsibility) to enter upon this outlot in order to inspect, repair or restore said outlot to its intended purpose. Expenses incurred by the City for said inspection, repair or restoration of said outlot may be placed against the tax roll for said association and collected as a special charge by the City. FINAL PLAT ZONING DATA: Existing Zoning : RS-2 Minimum Lot Area = 20,000 Sq. Ft. Minimum Street Yard Setback = 40 Feet - Applies along both street sides in corner lots. 1 - Side Yard Setback = 20 Feet Other Side(s) = 15 Feet Minimum Rear Yard Setback = 20 Feet Minimum Wetland Buffer = 15 Feet SOIL TYPES: AsA Ashkum silty clay loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes AzA Aztalan loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes BlA Blount silt loam, 1 to 3 percent slopes HeB Hebron loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes HtA Houghton muck, 0 to 2 percent slopes MgA Martinton silt loam, 1 to 3 percent slopes OzaB2 Ozaukee silt loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded ShA Saylesville silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes Sm Sebewa silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes All other Lot and Outlot corners are Set 3/4" Rebar, 24", weighing 1.50 lbs./ft. ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## SM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB RM RM RM RM RM RM AB AB AB AB AB AB SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM ## AB AB AB SM SM SM SM AB AB AB AB AB AB AB RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM MU S K E G O , W I MU S K E G O L A K E S SI T E I M P R O V E M E N T P L A N S F O R C405 NO . R E V I S I O N S B Y D A T E PLAN DATE 10.18.19 SHEET NO. SCALE 0 40' 18-0003 PROJECT NO. ST R E E T T R E E & L A N D S C A P E P L A N DESIGNED BY MRA ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION ##AB ##RM ##SM PLANTING LOCATIONS TREES MUST BE ATLEAST: 30' FROM ANY STREET CORNER 10' FROM A DRIVEWAY 20' FROM A STREETLIGHT OR UTILITY POLE 10' FROM A FIRE HYDRANT 10' FROM A GAS/WATER VALVE OR UTILITY LATERAL *LOCATION OF TREES TO BE ADJUSTED PER FIELD CONDITIONS GENERAL NOTES 1. THE LANDSCAPE INSTALLER MUST CONTACT THE CITY FORESTER PRIOR TO PLANTING 2. TREES SHALL BE PLANTED IN ACCORDANCE TO THE TREE PLANTING DIAGRAM (BELOW) 3. THE LANDSCAPE INSTALLER MUST RECEIVE APPROVAL FROM THE CITY FORESTER FOR ANY SUBSTITUTION OR ALTERATIONS TO THE PLAN. 4. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LANDSCAPE INSTALLER TO HAVE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES LOCATED BY DIGGERS HOTLINE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION 5. PLANT MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK (ANSI Z600) AND COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS GOVERNING INSPECTION, SHIPPING, SELLING, AND HANDLING OR NURSERY STOCK. 6. STOCK SHALL BE HANDLED PROPERTY SO THAT ROOT BALLS ARE NOT LOOSENED OR ALLOWED TO DRY OUT AND TRUNKS AND BRANCHES ARE NOT DAMAGED. 7. PLANTINGS SHALL BE GUARANTEED TO BE IN A HEALTHY AND FLOURISHING CONDITIONS FOR A PERIOD OF EIGHTEEN (18) MONTHS. 5' PLANTING EASEMENT (TYP.) 5' PLANTING EASEMENT 5' PLANTING EASEMENT 5' PLANTING EASEMENT 5' PLANTING EASEMENT 5' PLANTING EASEMENT (TYP.) 5' PLANTING EASEMENT