CCR2019094-Attachment-Handbook Updates-Rev.CITY OF MUSKEGO PROPOSED HANDBOOK REVISIONS/UPDATES EFFECTIVE JULY 1ST, 2019 Handbook Section #Description Page # ▪Section 2.9 Permanent Promotions 20 ▪Section 8.12 Tuition Reimbursement 90 ▪Section 8.13 Training, Conferences and Seminars 91 20 Section 2.9 – Permanent Promotions Purpose The City of Muskego recognizes that hiring the best, most qualified person for a city position is a very important task and that city employees are its most valuable resource. This policy sets forth the guidelines to be utilized by the Mayor and Department Heads when an internal staff person is promoted to a new position and increased salary range. Policy An employee promoted to a new position shall receive the entry rate of the new classification or a 6% increase of his/her current pay, whichever is greater. will be placed at 85% of the non- represented salary range midpoint for the new position or receive a 6% increase whichever is greater. For those placed at 85% of midpoint, the employee will move to 92.5% of midpoint upon the first anniversary date of the promotion. Upon the second anniversary date of the promotion, the employee will then move to 100% of midpoint. If the promoted employee initially receives a 6% increase, the employee will move to the next step increase, receive a 7% increase or will follow the City’s salary plan upon the first anniversary date of the promotion, whichever is greater. In no case will the step increases exceed 100% of midpoint. All step increases will be subject to a satisfactory evaluation (an Effective or higher rating must be received in Part V - Overall Performance on the City’s performance evaluation form). Following the first year of promotion, the employee will not receive Pay for Performance (PFP) adjustments during the period that he/she receives the step increases as a result of the promotion. Thereafter, the employee’s salary will be determined by the city’s salary plan, with the exception of those who were promoted on a date other than January 1. For those employees, the PFP adjustments will be pro-rated. REMOVE Certain employees within the Police Department may need to be evaluated outside of this policy because of the narrow salary range between ranks. Notification to the Employee Promoted employees shall receive a description of the new position and memorandum reflecting the terms of the appointment from the appropriate Department Head or Mayor. The memorandum must include the following: new salary and its effective date, confirmation of responsibilities during this period, and other relevant factors. The Department Head shall submit a signed position description and copy of the letter notifying the employee of the promotion to the Finance & Administration Department for payroll processing and placement in the employee's personnel file. 90 Section 8.12 – Tuition Reimbursement For purposes of this policy, tuition is defined as a sum of money charged for teaching or instruction by a school, college, or university for a course that extends beyond five (5) days. Any course five (5) days or less shall be considered training (see Section 8.13). Courses taken by full-time employees shall be reimbursed for an amount up to $1,000 per calendar year to cover the cost of tuition payments, as well as books and registration fees if the following conditions are met: Course outline must be pertinent to the employee’s job responsibilities Department Head approval Grade of C or higher, Certification or Successful Completion Report Upon course completion, the employee shall submit a Tuition Reimbursement form (see Section 10.4 for sample form) to the Department Head along with copies of documents outlined above and proof of costs incurred for final approval. Meals are the responsibility of the employee and shall not be eligible as tuition reimbursement (see Section 8.11). Authorized tuition reimbursement requests should be forwarded to the Finance and Administration Department for processing. Special circumstances may arise where it is in the City’s interests to go beyond this policy for tuition reimbursement for particular employees/positions. This section does not apply to any police department employee attending specialized training at the direction of the chief of police. Other situations outside the scope of this policy shall be addressed on a case-by-case basis by the Finance Committee following a recommendation from the Mayor. 91 Section 8.13 – Training, Conferences and Seminars The City of Muskego recognizes the need for the continuous education of its personnel and encourages professional development. This policy establishes a procedure for these events and applies to all full and part-time employees. Each department has a budget allowance for the expenditures involved. Department Head approval must be obtained before any employee attends meetings, conferences, training sessions, institutions, workshops, seminars or special classes which are five (5) days or less. The employee must provide details of the professional development opportunity along with a list of anticipated expenses. Employees are responsible for maintaining required and necessary certification statuses and seeking appropriate recertification when necessary. The cost of certification or recertification may be paid by the City on a Departmental basis.