CCR2018094-Attachment Distributed Tuesday, October 9th, 2018 W182 S8200 Racine Avenue, Muskego, WI 53150 Waukesha County, Wisconsin (262) 679-4100 Schedule Statement of income and expense 1 Schedule of capital outlay 2 Schedule of changes in utility working capital 3 Water Fund Definitions 4 CONTENTS Schedule 1 Page 1 2018 2019 2019 $ Change % Change 2017 Aug 31, 2018 2018 Adopted Proposed Adopted From 2018 From 2018 Actual Actual Projected Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Operating revenue Sales of water: Sales to general customers $1,377,573 692,643 1,399,300 $1,360,055 $1,384,250 - 24,195 1.78% Private fire protection 41,997 22,139 42,500 42,500 43,000 - 500 1.18% Public fire protection 488,867 81,778 490,000 486,500 492,000 - 5,500 1.13% Other operating revenue 56,748 77,554 822,300 $61,250 58,000 - (3,250) -5.31% Rental of Water property - tower lease 113,959 35,755 103,435 103,435 108,605 - 5,170 5.00% Total operating revenue 2,079,145 909,869 2,857,535 2,053,740 2,085,855 - 32,115 1.56% Operating expenses Operation and maintenance: Source of supply expense 2,574 13,801 16,925 13,984 11,439 - (2,545) -18.20% Pumping expense 174,069 81,574 167,275 176,126 171,750 - (4,376) -2.48% Water treatment expense 29,744 19,400 32,250 31,726 31,581 - (145) -0.46% Transmission and distribution expense 533,297 147,599 426,425 152,641 213,634 - 60,992 39.96% Customer accounts expense 21,940 16,688 29,381 31,996 32,754 - 758 2.37% Administrative expense 381,704 271,002 350,463 382,900 378,722 - (4,178) -1.09% Total operation and maintenance expenses 1,143,328 550,064 1,022,719 789,373 839,879 - 50,505 6.40% Depreciation 809,824 - 818,000 825,000 826,250 - 1,250 0.15% Taxes 528,609 19,018 546,925 577,495 557,371 - (20,124) -3.48% Total operating expenses 2,481,762 569,082 2,387,644 2,191,868 2,223,500 - 31,632 1.44% Net operating income (loss) (402,617) 340,787 469,891 (138,128) (137,645) - 483 0.35% Add non-operating income - interest 33,666 15,804 50,573 30,761 51,011 - 20,250 65.83% Income before non-operating expenses (368,952) 356,591 520,464 (107,367) (86,634) - 20,733 19.31% Deduct non-operating expenses Interest on advances from municipality and revenue bonds 170,585 102,243 154,390 154,390 150,000 - (4,390) -2.84% Total non-operating expenses 170,585 102,243 154,390 154,390 150,000 - (4,390) -2.84% Net income (loss) before capital contributions $ (539,536) 254,348 366,074 (261,757) (236,634) - 25,123 9.60% CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER PUBLIC UTILITY STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE 2019 BUDGET Schedule 2 Page 2 Estimated 2018 2018 2019 2019 Total Adopted Proposed Adopted Funding Cost Budget Budget Budget 1.2018 Capital Additions: Meters (B) 85,000 100,000 Truck - 25% DPW Replacement (B) - 46,875 Truck - 50% Water / Sewer (B) 15,926 17,000 Scada Maintenance (B) 15,000 20,000 PW Facility Project (30% Utility portion) (C) 233,675 468,666 Muskego Lakes Middle School (net funding) (B) - 200,000 12" Watermain Upgrade MNSD (B) 215,000 215,000 Water Study (B) 45,000 45,000 $609,601 1,112,541 - - 2.2019 Capital Additions: Meters (B) 100,000 - Truck - 25% DPW Replacement (B) 48,845 - Bobcat Skid-Steer Loader (Water & Sewer) (B) 34,000 - Scada Maintenance (B) 5,000 - Scissor Lift (PW, Water & Sewer) (C) 4,250 - (B) - - - - 192,095 - Grand Total $609,601 1,112,541 192,095 - Notes: (A) - Financed by borrowings. (B) - Financed by working capital / Depreciation Fund (C) - Anticipated to be financed by a Sewer Utility Subsidy (D) - Anticipated to be financed by a stimulus grant (E) - Anticipated to be financed by assessments CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER PUBLIC UTILITY SCHEDULE OF CAPITAL OUTLAY COSTS PROJECTED 2018 AND 2019 BUDGET Schedule 3 Page 3 Operation and Debt Maintenance Construction Depreciation Service Fund Fund Fund Fund Total Funds provided From operations: Net income (loss) for year $ (236,634) - - - (236,634) Add charges to income not requiring funds: Depreciation 650,000 - 20,000 156,250 826,250 Amortization - - - 150,000 150,000 Amortization on water tower - - - - - Transfer working capital to other funds (192,095) 192,095 - - - Implicit cash subsidy from Sewer Utility - - Proceeds from borrowing - - - - - Increases in collection of special assessments - - - 35,000 35,000 Total funds provided (applied) 221,271 192,095 20,000 341,250 774,616 Funds applied Principal payments on debt - - - 681,625 681,625 Capital outlay 192,095 - 192,095 Paid to utility for implicit cash subsidy - - - - - Total funds applied - 192,095 - 681,625 873,720 Interfund transfers - interest earnings (27,500) - 2,500 25,000 - Increase (decrease) in working capital 193,771 - 22,500 (315,375) (99,104) Working capital, beginning of year 446,682 - 199,090 1,167,049 1,812,821 Working capital, end of year $640,453 - 221,590 851,674 1,713,717 43.38% #DIV/0! 11.30% -27.02% -5.47% CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER PUBLIC UTILITY SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN UTILITY WORKING CAPITAL 2019 BUDGET Schedule 4 Page 4 FUND DESCRIPTION Operations and Maintenance Recommended to fund 3 months of operations and maintenance costs. Construction Accounts for borrowed funds or interfund transfers from working capital to cover the cost of capital projects. Depreciation Is available for the acquisition of capital equipment not financed by a revenue bond issue. Debt Service Accounts as a reserve for a required percentage of the annual principal and interest payments on the outstanding debt. CITY OF MUSKEGO WATER UTILITY WORKING CAPITAL FUND DESCRIPTIONS 2019 BUDGET