CCR2017077-Lake Denoon COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #077-2017 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE LAKE DENOON LAKE DISTRICT WHEREAS, Landowners residing on Lake Denoon have petitioned the Board of Supervisors of Waukesha County to establish a Public Inland Protection and Rehabilitation District pursuant to Chapter 33 of the Wisconsin State Statutes; and WHEREAS, A Public Hearing regarding the formation of the Lake District was held on August 31, 2017 at Muskego City Hall; and WHEREAS, The District, if established by Order of the Waukesha County Board herein stated, will be known as the Lake Denoon Lake District; and WHEREAS, The purpose of the District will be to promote public health, comfort, convenience, necessity and public welfare; and WHEREAS, The boundaries of the proposed District include land that is exclusively owned by the City of Muskego; and WHEREAS, The City does not want to have any of its owned land included in the District; however, the City does not object to any other lands located in the City of Muskego and contained within the proposed boundaries from forming a Lake District; and WHEREAS, The City has been advised by the Waukesha County Corporation Counsel that per State Statute all lands contained within the proposed District and located within the City of Muskego must be approved by Resolution of the governing body. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego approves the formation of the Lake Denoon Lake District subject to the City owned land being excluded from the District. th DATED THIS 26 DAY OF SEPTEMBER , 2017. SPONSORED BY: COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #077-2017 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. _________________________ Reso. #071-2017 Page 2 Clerk-Treasurer 9/2017jmb