CCR2015048-AttachmentTHREE-PARTY DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTRACT BETWEEN City of Muskego (MUNICIPALITY), State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation (DEPARTMENT), AND Kapur & Associates, Inc. (CONSULTANT) FOR Project ID 2723-00-01 Moorland Road Janesville Road to McShane Drive Local Street Waukesha County DOT FOS OBJECT CODE 5501 This is a DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTRACT between MUNICIPALITY, DEPARTMENT, and CONSULTANT to provide consultant engineering services and will be completed by December 31, 2017. The MUNICIPALITY proposes a transportation improvement PROJECT described as follows: Reconstruction of Moorland Road between Janesville Road and McShane Drive in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County. The MUNICIPALITY and DEPARTMENT deem it advisable to engage CONSULTANT to provide certain engineering services and have authority to contract for these services. ALL SERVICES Compensation for all Services provided by the CONSULTANT under terms of the CONTRACT shall be from the: DEPARTMENT or MUNICIPALITY (1) The CONSULTANT will be compensated by the DEPARTMENT for services provided under this CONTRACT on the following basis: a) For project management, meetings, field survey, agency and utility coordination, preparing environmental document, public involvement, roadway preliminary and final design and preparing one PS&E document performed by CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT's lump sum cost of $264,945.82. b) For Soils Investigation sublet to GESTRA Engineering, Inc., the CONSULTANT’s actual cost based on GESTRA Engineering, Inc.’s actual cost up to $14,232.88 plus a fixed fee of $382.51 not to exceed $14,615.39 in total. c) For Roundabout Review sublet to MTJ Roundabout Engineering, the CONSULTANT’s actual cost based on MTJ Roundabout Engineering’s actual cost up to $13,230.37 plus a fixed fee of $1,025.35 not to exceed $14,255.72 in total. d) For Hazardous Materials Database sublet to EDR, Inc., the CONSULTANT’s cost not to exceed $350.00 based on an actual cost proposal. e) For Title Searches sublet to Land Title Services, Inc., the CONSULTANT’s actual cost not to exceed $1,715.00 based on a unit cost proposal of $245 per parcel. f) For Traffic Analysis sublet to SRF Consulting Group, Inc., the CONSULTANT’s actual cost based on SRF Consulting Group, Inc.’s actual cost up to $16,626.79 plus a fixed fee of $1,261.32 not to exceed $17,888.11 in total. Date: January 22, 2015 1 of 3 g) Total compensation for the above services shall not exceed $313,770.04 h) Additional service, if authorized in writing by the DEPARTMENT for service provided under this CONTRACT on the following basis: For preparing an Environmental Report CONSULTANT’s lump sum cost $4,835.32 i) For all services on this contract, total compensation shall not exceed $318,605.36 unless approved by a written CONTRACT amendment. Compensation in excess of the total CONTRACT amount of $318,605.36 shall not be allowed unless approved by a written CONTRACT amendment. Compensation for costs incurred as a result of improper performance by the CONSULTANT will not be allowed. Details of CONTRACT compensation provisions follow in the text of the CONTRACT and STANDARD PROVISIONS incorporated by reference. The CONSULTANT represents it is in compliance with the laws and regulations relating to the profession of engineering and signifies its willingness to provide the desired engineering services. The CONSULTANT representative is Aaron Bubb, P.E., whose work address, e-mail address and telephone number are 7711 N. Port Washington Road, Milwaukee, WI 53217; abubb@kapur-assoc.com; and (414) 751-7200. The MUNICIPALITY representative is David Simpson, P.E., whose work address, e-mail address and telephone number are W182 S8200 Racine Avenue, Muskego, WI 53150; dsimpson@cityofmuskego.org; and (262) 679-5686. This CONTRACT incorporates and the parties agree to all of the STANDARD PROVISIONS of the August 2, 2002, THREE PARTY DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES BOILERPLATE, Procedure 8-15-1, Exhibit 1.2 of the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation Facilities Development Manual. CONSULTANT acknowledges receipt of a copy of these STANDARD PROVISIONS. The parties also agree to all of the special provisions which are annexed and made a part of this CONTRACT, consisting of 18 pages. This CONTRACT also incorporates the State of Wisconsin Facilities Development Manual and all other Manuals referenced therein, unless this CONTRACT expressly excludes a provision thereof or the context of this CONTRACT clearly indicates an entirely different understanding of the parties. Nothing in this CONTRACT accords any third party beneficiary rights whatsoever on any non- party that may be enforced by any non-party to this contract. Date: January 22, 2015 2 of 3 For the CONSULTANT For the DEPARTMENT By: ________________________________ By: _______________________________ Title: ______________________________ Contract Manager, WisDOT Date: ______________________________ Date: _____________________________ For the MUNICIPALITY For the MUNICIPALITY By: ________________________________ By: _______________________________ Title: ______________________________ Title: _____________________________ Date: ______________________________ Date: _____________________________ APPROVED By: _____________________________ GOVERNOR, State of Wisconsin Date: _____________________________ Date: January 22, 2015 3 of 3 VI. SPECIAL PROVISIONS DEFINITIONS a. “LPA” means the Local Public Agency responsible for the PROJECT within their jurisdiction in the LOCAL PROGRAM. b. “SE or Region or SE Region” means the DEPARTMENT’S Division of System Development, SE Region, Waukesha Office and more particularly the Projects Team – North 3, located at 141 NW Barstow Street, Waukesha, WI 53187-0798. c. “CO” means the DEPARTMENT’S Central Office located in Madison, WI. d. “DC” or “CONSULTANT” means the consultant retained by the LPA and the DEPARTMENT to provide engineering services for a PROJECT in the LOCAL PROGRAM. e. “Design Contract” means a contract for engineering services for the PROJECT design. f. “MC” or “MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT” means the CONSULTANT providing project management services who is retained by the SE REGION and represents the DEPARTMENT. g. “DRC” means the SE REGION’S railroad coordinator. h. “BRH” means the DEPARTMENT’S Bureau of Rails and Harbors. i. “OCR” Office of Commissioner of Railroads. j. “CDR” Concept Definition Report k. “AGENCY” means any and all necessary governmental agencies required for coordination as follows (but not limited to): Division of Infrastructure Development, DEPARTMENT of Natural Resources, Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. l. ASPHALT – Includes all TONS of plant and road mixes including recycled and experimental mixes. Does not include asphaltic materials (oil) or other additives. m. CONCRETE – Includes SQUARE YARDS of street/road pavements including full- depth concrete patching, gaps, and concrete base course. Does not include sidewalks, driveways, curb and gutter, etc. n. EXCAVATION – Includes all CUBIC YARDS of excavation including common, rock, marsh, borrow, etc. o. BASE COURSE – Includes all TONS of gravel or crushed aggregate base course including all open-graded base courses, breaker run stone, and all truck-hauled pavement material recycled as base course. Page 1 of 18 p. BRIDGE DECK – Includes all SQUARE FEET of concrete deck area for deck replacement, superstructure replacement, and bridge deck overlays. Does not include box culverts or multiple pipe installations even if classified as a bridge or bridge painting projects. q. MILLING – Includes SQUARE YARDS of milling items for: removing pavement (concrete), butt joints; removing asphaltic surface, milling; removing asphaltic surface, butt joints; salvaged asphaltic pavement, milling; mill and relay asphaltic pavement, and pulverize and relay existing asphaltic pavement. r. DIAMOND GRINDING - - includes SQUARE YARDS of continuous diamond grinding. s. TRAFFIC STRIPING – Includes LINEAL FEET of permanent and temporary pavement marking for lane lines, edge lines, and centerlines. Does not include pavement markings for incidental items such as crosswalks, stop lines, curbs. Arrows, etc. t. RUBBLIZING – Includes SQUARE YARDS of rubblizing existing concrete pavement. SCOPE OF SERVICES A. The following provisions of the boilerplate are deleted: None deleted. B. DESIGN REPORTS (4) Request for Exceptions to Design Standards Not included in this CONTRACT. (5) Encroachment Report The CONSULTANT shall prepare a encroachment report as directed by the MUNICIPALITY as set forth in the MANUAL. Three copies of the request shall be submitted to the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, for approval. (6) Other Reports: The CONSULTANT shall prepare the following engineering reports/analyses as directed by the MUNICIPALITY as set forth in the MANUAL: a) Pavement Selection Report as set forth in the MANUAL. b) Transportation Management Plan (TMP) i) The CONSULTANT shall prepare one (1) Type 2 Transportation Management Plan; worksheets and exhibits in accordance with the MANUAL. c) Intersection Control Evaluation at the Moorland Road/Woods Road intersection is part of this CONTRACT. Review and updates of the 2013 roundabout analysis is part of this CONTRACT. Page 2 of 18 d) The CONSULTANT will complete the “Trans 75 Complete Streets Compliance Check Sheet” and Trans 75 exception as set forth in the MANUAL. e) The CONSULTANT will complete the crash analysis based on 3 years of project site data and prepare a tech memo as set forth in the MANUAL. Crash diagrams are not included in this CONTRACT. f) The CONSULTANT will complete a Traffic Report as set forth in the MANUAL. g) The CONSULTANT will prepare a Storm Water Management Plan as part of this PROJECT per MMSD and MUNICIPALITY requirements. C. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION By its execution of this CONTRACT, the CONSULTANT does hereby specify in accordance with the disclosure statement requirements of 40 CFR 1506.5(c) and 23 CFR 771.123(d) that CONSULTANT has no financial or other interest in the outcome of this PROJECT. The CONSULTANT shall prepare a PER Environmental document for the PROJECT as specified in the MANUAL and Chapter TRANS 400, Wisconsin Administrative Code. The appropriate number of copies shall be furnished to the MUNICIPALITY and MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, for approval. If review of the environmental document by the MUNICIPALITY, DEPARTMENT, and FHWA indicates that changes to this document are necessary, all such changes shall be made by the CONSULTANT. In preparing environmental documentation, CONSULTANT shall consider and evaluate as alternatives to the PROJECT other reasonable actions or activities that may achieve the same or similar purpose of a highway PROJECT, including other or additional transportation alternatives and intermodal opportunities and the alternative of taking no action. CONSULTANT shall evaluate alternative courses of action based upon a balanced consideration of the environment, public comments, and the need for safe and efficient transportation consistent with local, state and national environmental goals. CONSULTANT shall prepare environmental documents that are concise, clear, and to the point and emphasize real environmental issues and alternatives. CONSULTANT shall comply with the requirements specified in the MANUAL as well as in Chapter TRANS 400, Wisconsin Administrative Code. In the event of any unresolved conflict between the MANUAL and Chapter TRANS 400, Wisconsin Administrative Code, the administrative rule controls. (1) Environmental Assessments: Not included in this CONTRACT. (2) Environmental Impact Statements: Not included in this CONTRACT. (3) Agricultural Impact Notice: Page 3 of 18 Not included in this CONTRACT. (4) Section 4(f) Evaluation: The CONSULTANT shall describe the impact of this PROJECT upon lands protected under Section 4(f) of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1968, as amended, and shall report its findings to the MUNICIPALITY and the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, for evaluation by the MUNICIPALITY and the FHWA. The CONSULTANT shall prepare a Section 4(f) evaluation in accordance with the procedures as set forth in the MANUAL. (5) Section 6(f) Evaluation: Not included in this CONTRACT. (6) Historical and Archaeological Surveys and Studies: Not included in this CONTRACT. (7) Noise Analysis: Not included in this CONTRACT. (8) Air Quality: Not included in this CONTRACT. (9) Hazardous Materials/Contamination Assessments a) The CONSULTANT shall conduct a Phase I investigation for the PROJECT in accordance with the MANUAL. b) When Phase I indicates further work is needed, the CONSULTANT shall consult with the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, prior to conducting further evaluation studies. c) The MUNICIPALITY acknowledges that the CONSULTANT is not, by virtue of this CONTRACT, the owner or generator of any waste materials generated as a result of the Hazardous Materials/ Contamination Assessments services performed by the CONSULTANT under this CONTRACT. 10) IF AUTHORIZED, Environmental Report The CONSULTANT shall prepare an Environmental Report in accordance with the MANUAL. D. AGENCY COORDINATION (3) Section 401 and 402 Certifications: Page 4 of 18 The CONSULTANT shall evaluate the effects of the PROJECT on water quality, in accordance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act and Chapter TRANS 400, Wisconsin Administrative Code and the procedures as set forth in the MANUAL, and shall prepare the necessary application. The CONSULTANT shall complete and forward the WisDOT SE Region Stormwater Spreadsheet and forward to the MC for review and comment at 30%, 60% and 90% design stages. (4) Section 404 Permits: The CONSULTANT shall evaluate the potential for discharge of fill materials into the waters of the United States, in accordance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act and Chapter TRANS 400, Wisconsin Administrative Code and the procedures as set forth in the MANUAL, and shall prepare the necessary permit application. Permit application shall be submitted to the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, for review and processing through the Region and Army Corps of Engineers (COE). (5) Section 9 and 10 Permits: Not included in this CONTRACT. (6) MMSD Reviews and Approvals: The CONSULTANT shall coordinate with MMSD for review and approval of the Storm Water Management Plan. E. RAILROAD/UTILITY INVOLVEMENTS (2) Railroad Negotiations/Agreements Not included in this CONTRACT. (3) Utility Coordination This provision deletes the following from the last line of same section of Three Party Design Engineering Services Boilerplate Standard Provisions dated August 2, 2002: “and Chapter TRANS 220, Wisconsin Administrative Code.” (4) Utility Negotiations/Agreements SE Region Local Program bridge or highway rehabilitation or reconstruction improvement projects are not under Administrative Rule TRANS 220, however the CONSULTANT shall maintain time frames spelled out in TRANS 220. CONSULTANT shall maintain an active utility log and provide updates to the MC at notification, 30%, 60%, and 90% PROJECT stages. The utility coordination process includes the following steps to be completed during the development of a Local Program bridge or highway improvement projects: Page 5 of 18 a) CONSULTANT creates and delivers to MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, a written utility coordination log to be completely filled out with all information; type of project, schedule dates, required lead time and document all verbal and written correspondence with each affected utility company. Refer to Figure 2-12 of the WisDOT Guide to Utility Coordination for a sample log sheet. All interactions with utility company representatives should be recorded because these contacts ultimately lead to the preparation of utility-related special provisions in the PS&E documents. Utilize the Departments Utility Diary Form (DT2411). b) CONSULTANT notifies the municipalities and Digger’s Hotline to field locate all utilities within the project limits. The CONSULTANT shall collect field locate markings for utilities and include these as part of the field survey in creating the project base map. c) CONSULTANT transmits (via certified mail, Fed Ex, or UPS Tracker) an initial notice of intent to the main utility and municipality representative. This notice of intent indicates that there is a local program design project initiated by the municipality under WisDOT/FHWA funding and including the following: i Name and address of CONSULTANT. ii Name of Project Manager for CONSULTANT and need for utility to cooperate with CONSULTANT. iii Location map and CDR. iv Base map of project, if available, showing the field location and list of names of all known utilities identified during the initial survey. v Identify potential utility conflicts, if known. vi Request verification that utility is within the project limits or area, and if they know of any others in limits. vii Request verification that the contact name, address, and telephone number are correct. Once verified, these are the contact names, addresses, and telephone numbers that are shown on the plans. Unless otherwise directed by either Utility Company or municipality. viii Request utility complete and return, within 14 calendar days, a Utility Worksheet and distribution maps or plans of their existing utility facilities. Refer to the attached sample Utility Worksheet. ix Invitation to the Operational Planning Meeting (OPM). d) CONSULTANT notifies utilities and municipalities that do not attend the OPM or neglect to return the completed Utility Worksheet and request they return the worksheet or state in writing that they have no facilities within the project limits. The CONSULTANT should request receipt of this information, as a result of this second notification, within 14 calendar days. The CONSULTANT should notify the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, if information from the utility or municipality is not returned within that stated time frame. The MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, will in turn contact the utility or municipality and instruct them to cooperate. The MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, may also contact the Utility Section if any utilities or municipalities become uncooperative in providing information. Page 6 of 18 e) CONSULTANT transmits approved right of way plat, appropriate roadway plans (“Approved for Utility Relocation Design”), and utility worksheet (by certified mail, Fed Ex, or UPS Tracker) to all utilities and municipalities within the project limits. Plans must be complete enough to identify conflicts and to allow the utility or municipality to prepare a Work Plan and design a utility relocation plan. CONSULTANT requests the completed Work Plan be returned within a specified number of calendar days from receipt. Depending upon complexity of project, the calendar day required for work plan return may vary. However, CONSULTANT shall maintain time frames spelled out in TRANS 220. This Work Plan identifies relocation and/or adjustment of appropriate facilities to meet the design criteria. CONSULTANT shall verify whether potential adjustments are compensable or non-compensable. CONSULTANT transmits a copy of all correspondence, written and verbal, to and received from utilities and municipalities to the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative. Right of Way clearance is extremely critical at this stage of project development to allow for timely utility relocations. Right of Way must be cleared a minimum of four weeks prior to the Central Office PS&E submittal date as per FDM 19- 1-1 to allow for timely utility relocation. f) CONSULTANT notifies affected utilities and municipalities that do not respond to Item (e) above. CONSULTANT requests they verify receipt of the plat, plans, worksheet, and request their cooperation. CONSULTANT shall follow-up with utilities and municipalities that are delinquent in returning their Work Plan and supporting information. CONSULTANT also notifies the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, of delinquent utilities and municipalities. MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, in turn, shall notify the utility and municipality of non-compliance. g) CONSULTANT coordinates with utilities and municipalities to prepare the preliminary Utility Status Report (USR) and utility-related special provisions for the project. CONSULTANT forwards documentation of this coordination to the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative. h) CONSULTANT transmits pre-final (90% complete) USR, utility-related special provisions with all utility coordination correspondence, and construction plans to the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, a minimum of ninety (90) days prior to the Central Office (CO) PS&E submittal date. i) CONSULTANT attends and facilitates the 90% Plan Review Meeting to review and clarify plans and special provisions and incorporates suggested MC and SE Region Office revisions into the final PS&E documents. Because of the importance of timely and proper utility coordination, the 90% Plan Review Meeting will not be held unless the right of way is cleared. If right of way is not cleared at this particular time, the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, will recommend the project be delayed and re-scheduled for a later PS&E Submittal. j) CONSULTANT reviews the Work Plan prepared by the utility and facilitates one of the following: Page 7 of 18 i. Recommends approval or changes to work plan to the Local Public Agency (LPA) for their approval. ii. CONSULTANT receives LPA approved work plans. iii. May call Utility Companies in for a coordination clarification meeting. k) CONSULTANT transmits final utility-related documents to the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, a minimum of 28 days prior to the final PS&E submittal date. This submittal includes the following information: i. USR signed and dated by CONSULTANT. ii. Utility-related special provisions. iii. Plans specific to utility related items, including general notes, plan and profile, cross sections, and bridge sheets, if appropriate. iv. Added correspondence not previously submitted including telephone memos, meeting minutes, and letters. v. All copies of agreement documents, including any utility conveyances, lump sum agreement, and audit agreements, etc. vi. Approved Work Plans by LPA. vii. Completed utility log with all information and dates of activities l) CONSULTANT transmits the entire PS&E package, including two (2) copies of the Utility Coordination Log, with the signed USR to the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, a minimum of five (5) working days prior to the Central Office PS&E submittal date. CONSULTANT provides the required signed copies of the USR with supporting documentation in accordance with the SE Region PS&E Exhibits Distribution Table. m) MC, DEPARTMENT’s representative, transmits one copy of the signed and “as-submitted” PS&E package to CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT reviews the documents and advises MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, of any subsequent changes and/or modifications. n) POST PS&E UTILITY FOLLOW-UP - Design Consultant shall field review the project and utility-related special provisions 8 weeks prior to LET and report on utility relocation disposition to LPA and MC to verify correctness and whether or not the utilities are relocated. If not correct or adjustments are not completed, the Design Consultant communicates with necessary utility companies and prepares addenda to the special provisions and transmits to MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT for review and coordination with CO Construction Section no later than 2 weeks prior to LET date. Designer to field review utility disposition 2 weeks prior to Precon and report disposition at Precon. (l) CONSULTANT shall perform all utility coordination in accordance with the “Local Project Utility Coordination Task List” found in the WisDOT Guide to Utility Coordination, Chapter 17, Fig. 17-19, dated __________. F. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT (4) Informational Meetings: Page 8 of 18 a) The CONSULTANT shall conduct or assist the MUNICIPALITY in holding two (2) informational meeting(s) to acquaint the public with the concepts and probable impacts of this PROJECT. b) The CONSULTANT shall prepare all exhibits and documentary handout material and provide the equipment necessary to conduct the public informational meeting(s). c) The CONSULTANT shall prepare a summary report after the public information meeting(s). d) The CONSULTANT shall consult with the MUNICIPALITY after the public informational meeting(s) to discuss the comments received and shall recommend as to the possible disposition of these comments and suggestions. e) The CONSULTANT shall make all the necessary arrangements for scheduling the meeting(s) and provide notices and press releases for the MUNICIPALITY'S use. f) The CONSULTANT shall provide the MUNICIPALITY and the MC with copies of all public involvement correspondence and file notes. g) The CONSULTANT shall coordinate meeting schedules with the MUNICIPALITY'S representative and the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative. (5) Formal Public Hearing: Not included in this CONTRACT. (6) Open Forum Public Hearing: Not included in this CONTRACT. (7) Project Mailings The CONSULTANT shall prepare a database for project mailings or any contract lists. The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for all contacts and communications with the news media, the public, the LPA, other local public officials, and with members of the State Legislature. Contacts and communications with Legislators (including staff and agencies), Associations and the News Media, shall be recorded on WisDOT Form DT-33, as noted in Section 1.3.4 of the DEPARTMENT’S Construction and Materials Manual, and forwarded to the appropriate DEPARTMENT officials as directed by the MC. G. SURVEYS (4) The CONSULTANT shall temporary mark one time new takings at seven (7) parcels for coordination with affected utilities and property owners. Page 9 of 18 (5) The CONSULTANT shall locate the necessary sections corners for the right-of- way plat. It is estimated that ten (10) section corners need to be located and established and tied to state plane coordinates. The CONSULTANT should not apply for reimbursement from the applicable county for these costs. (6) The surveys shall also provide information necessary for the preparation of plats and acquisition of rights of way and property. All such information shall be provided in an electronic file. The format of the file containing right-of-way monumentation information shall be in accordance with the standards outlined in the MANUAL. (7) Surveys shall include ties to section corners, quarter section corners, and to street lines or block corners in platted areas. These ties shall be in sufficient detail to permit the preparation of proper legal descriptions of the lands acquired. (8) The CONSULTANT shall submit all survey data (including description, measured, and computed data) to the MUNICIPALITY in the AASHTO SDMS format, following specifications and standards outlined in the MANUAL on a Read-Only CD. Copies of original notes or printouts from other systems which may be used in lieu of the SDMS Collector software shall also be provided. (9) Provide topographic survey and DTM survey data within the right-of -way and along side roads extending beyond the Moorland Road centerline to 100’ on McShane Drive, 200’ on Easy Street, 200’ on Pilgrim Drive, 800’ on Woods Road to the east and the west, 400’ on Candlewood Lane to the east and the west, 400’ on Sandalwood Drive to the east and the west, and 400’ on Princeton Drive to the east and the west. (10) Provide an Existing Ground DTM surface comprised of the points collected in the DTM survey for use in roadway design. Update the existing ground surface DTM with supplemental data as additional DTM surveys are performed. (11) Establish and tie off horizontal control for the project. (12) Call in utility locates and survey field located utilities for 200 feet beyond the project limits. . (13) Survey of elevations below water surface of the existing MUNICIPALITY- owned storm water pond on Mooreland Road is not included in this CONTRACT. (14) The CONSULTANT shall map existing Right-of-Way based off CSM documents and Subdivision Plats for thirty-three (33) parcels. H. SOILS AND SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATIONS 1) The CONSULTANT shall perform seventeen (17) samples of the existing pavement structure, including base courses and shoulders, in order to determine quantities and qualities of materials available for project needs. Page 10 of 18 Fourteen (14) borings will be taken to a depth of 7.5 feet. Three (3) borings will be taken to a depth of 10 feet. 2) The CONSULTANT shall perform subsurface investigations to analyze project geotechnical concerns and provide recommendations. The soils shall be classified by pedological means to provide pavement design parameters and other guidelines per the WisDOT Facilities Design Manual. 3) The CONSULTANT shall prepare a geotechnical engineering report presenting the field exploration and lab testing results, providing pavement design parameters and recommendations for subgrade improvements. The report will include findings of laboratory analysis performed on the existing asphalt pavement core samples to determine the conditions of the existing pavement layers. Testing may include quantitative extraction of the asphalt binder, gradation of the extracted aggregate from the asphalt pavement cores, bulk specific gravity of the compacted mixture, and thickness measurements of the cores. I. ROAD PLANS Section II.I.(2) in the Standard Provision of the CONTRACT is amended to include the following plans: (m) Marking and Signing Plan (n) Lighting Plans (only at the Woods Road roundabout, Candlewood Lane intersection, and segment from Sandalwood Drive to Janesville Road) (o) Construction staging plans (include earthwork quantities for each stage) (p) Detour Plan for major side roads (q) Landscaping Plan (only inside roundabout central island) (r) Storm sewer Plan (s) Project Overview - Single Sheet Schematic Drawing (t) Hydrant Relocation Plan (u) Irrigation Plans, temporary signals and re-timing of signals are not included in this CONTRACT. (v) Roundabout Plans (10) The CONSULTANT shall submit 30%, 60%, and 90% Plans according to SE Region Local Program guidelines and as directed by the MC. (11) The CONSULTANT shall show utilities on all appropriate plan sheets that will provide information that identify utility conflicts. A two (2) dimensional representation of utilities shall be shown on cross sections. (12) The CONSULTANT shall summarize Estimated Quantities in units as bid of ASPHALT, CONCRETE, EXCAVATION, BASE COURSE, BRIDGE DECK, MILLING, DIAMOND GRINDING, TRAFFIC STRIPING and RUBBELIZING, of all PROJECTS at CONTRACT Scoping, 30% Plan Stage, 60% Plan Stage, DSR approval, 90% Plan Stage, and PS&E Stage for submittal to the SE REGION and to Central Office. J. MEETINGS Page 11 of 18 (3) The CONSULTANT shall attend or hold an Operational Planning Meeting to discuss the organization and processing of the Services under this CONTRACT. (4) Two (2) meeting(s) shall be held with local officials approximately two (2) weeks prior to the Public Informational Meeting(s). (5) Two (2) meeting(s) shall be held with the MUNICIPALITY'S staff approximately two weeks ahead of the local official's meeting for the purpose of reviewing exhibits, handouts and presentations. (6) A 30% Plan Review Meeting with the MUNICIPALITY and the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, shall be held as directed by the MC. Information and displays presented at this meeting will be prepared by the CONSULTANT according to the SE Region Local Program 30% Meeting Guidelines and as directed by the MC. (7) A 60% Plan Review Meeting with the MUNICIPALITY and the MC shall be held as directed by the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative. Information and displays presented at this meeting will be prepared by the CONSULTANT according to the SE Region Local Program 60% Meeting Guidelines and as directed by the MC. (8) A 90% Plan Review Meeting with the MUNICIPALITY and the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, shall be held approximately 60 days ahead of the P.S. & E. submittal date as directed by the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative. Information and displays presented at this meeting will be prepared by the CONSULTANT according to the SE Region Local Program 90% Meeting Guidelines and as directed by the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative. (9) The CONSULTANT shall attend the pre-construction conference as scheduled by the DEPARTMENT. (10) Two (2) meeting(s) shall be held to plan, review, and coordinate the PROJECT with the MUNICIPALITY'S staff and the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative. (11) The CONSULTANT shall conduct one (1) coordination meeting with utilities having facilities on the PROJECT. K. PS&E (4) Draft PS&E is to be submitted 90 days prior to the PS&E date. Four (4) hard copy packages are to be submitted as well as making available e-files by FTP site or through e-mail. (5) 100% Plan is to be submitted 28 days prior to PS&E date. Four (4) hard copy packages are to be submitted as well as making available e-files by FTP site or through e-mail. Page 12 of 18 (6) E-submit happens prior to noon on PS&E date. Four (4) hard copy packages are to be submitted as well as making available e-files by FTP site or through e-mail. L. LOCATING Not included in this CONTRACT. M. STRUCTURE PLANS Not included in this CONTRACT. N. TRANSPORTATION PROJECT PLATS 1) The CONSULTANT shall prepare the Transportation Project Plat for seven (7) parcels on the PROJECT in accordance with Wisconsin Statute 84.095, Facilities Development Manual (FDM) Chapter 9 - Surveying, FDM Chapter 12 – Right-of-Way Plats, FDM Chapter 15 – Plan Preparation, and the WisDOT guide to Utility Coordination, as provided by the DEPARTMENT. a) Prior to the start of the Transportation Project Plat, the CONSULTANT shall set up a meeting with the Right-of-Way Plat Unit to review the special provisions and FDM procedures. b) Each Transportation Project Plat sheet shall show coordinates on all section corners and on all main line and side road survey line/reference line PI’s. c) All coordinate information shall be referenced to the South Zone of the Wisconsin State Plane Coordinate System (English) NAD 1927. d) All new Right-of-Way monumented points shall be shown with size and kind noted (e.g., 1” I.P.) as per FDM Chapter 12 guidelines. e) All recovered monuments shall be shown with size and kind noted as per FDM Chapter 12 guidelines. f) Existing access control or access covenants from previous WisDOT projects, CSM’s, or Subdivisions, as provided by the DEPARTMENT or that appear in a title report, shall be shown or noted on the plat. g) Existing property lines along with CSM’s, Subdivisions, Assessor Plats, County Plats, and Condominium Plats shall be noted on the plat. h) A note or table shall be assigned to every Transportation Project Plat to include the historical basis for dimensioning the existing highway right-of- way, to also include intersecting roads. i) Whenever the mainline reference line crosses a section line, the bearing and distance along the section line shall be shown to the adjacent quarter corner or section corner. The type and coordinates of the section corner shall be noted on the plat. Page 13 of 18 j) Upon final approval by the Region, the CONSULTANT shall submit a final full size, 22” x 30”, reproducible copy of the plat on bond paper, along with an electronic file in accordance with the standards outlined in the FDM on a read only CD to the DEPARTMENT. k) The CONSULTANT will be responsible for all changes to the plat sheets and legal descriptions until the Real Estate Certification is completed. Changes on the Right-of-Way plat that occur following the initial relocation order (excluding hardship or protective purchase) are to be anticipated and are part of this contract. l) For CONSULTANT design contracts having real estate acquisition: The CONSULTANT shall supply the SE Region, the Municipality and the MC with full size sets of plan/profile and cross sections, including Right-of-Way plat if developed as part of this contract, for the MUNICIPALITY’s use in real estate acquisition at the time required in the project schedule. Revised full size sheets shall be supplied to the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, as such revisions are made throughout the acquisition process. m) The CONSULTANT shall monument the new “fee” right of way boundaries in accordance with the procedures outlined in the MANUAL. O. Highway System Changes Not included in this CONTRACT. P. TRAFFIC 1) The CONSULTANT shall collect 24-hour traffic counts with classifications at one location in the Moorland Road project corridor. 2) The CONSULTANT shall collect traffic turning movement counts for the AM and PM peak periods (3-hours each peak period) at the Moorland Road intersections with Janesville Road, Princeton Drive, Sandalwood Drive, Candlewood Lane/Durham Place, and Woods Road. The intersection turning movement count for Moorland Road and Woods Road will be collected so 12 hours of data can be processed for signal warrant analysis. 3) The CONSULTANT shall determine the peak hours and associated traffic factors including PHF, % trucks, and vehicle classification. 4) The CONSULTANT will generate trips for the new subdivision developments located in the vicinity of McShane Drive. The vehicle trips will be distributed to the study area roadways and taken into account in the project forecasts and future peak hour analyses after the receiving the DEPARTMENT’s projections. 5) Permanent and temporary traffic signal design and plans are not part of this CONTRACT. 6) Traffic signal re-timings are not included in this CONTRACT. Page 14 of 18 7) The CONSULTANT shall coordinate with Waukesha County for traffic collection at the Moorland Road and Janesville Road intersection. Q. SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE MUNICIPALITY AND THE MC: The MUNICIPALITY will provide to the CONSULTANT the following for the PROJECT: 1) List of known utilities. 2) Horizontal and vertical control for surveys. 3) Existing CSMs and Subdivision Plats. 4) Copies of municipal utility mapping (sanitary, storm sewer, water main, street lighting, signal and conduit, etc.) 5) As-built plans. 6) Existing storm water pond model and pond grading plans in digital format. 7) Relevant traffic studies conducted in the area. 8) Development details for nearby subdivisions (type, size, number of units, SF). 9) MUNICIPALITY to request a SEWRPC wetland delineation of the corridor and around the storm water pond. 10) MUNICIPALITY to determine funding sources for Moorland Park. 11) Crash Data for the most recent 3 years. The MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, will provide to the CONSULTANT the following for the PROJECT: 1) 30%, 60%, and 90% SE Region Local Program Guidelines. 2) Excel spreadsheet for schedule tracking progress 3) Roadbuilder Quantity forms 4) Drainage Excel spreadsheet 5) Public Involvement Plan 6) Traffic Forecast request form DT1601 7) Traffic Forecast 8) Utility Diary (DT 2211) 9) WisDOT Guide to Utility Coordination Chapter 17, Fig. 17-19, dated ______. R. PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS 1. The CONSULTANT or MUNICIPALITY shall report on the progress of the PROJECT as stipulated in the contract agreement. Standard benchmarks, consistent with WisDOT internal staff benchmarks, will be reported monthly to the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, at the time of billing or prior to the fifteenth of the month, whichever is earlier. The actual start, projected or actual finish date, and percent of work complete will be included for all relevant benchmarks, as directed by the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, on any project report required for delivery to the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative. The report shall be delivered in electronic format as directed by the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative. The PROJECT will be administered for the DEPARTMENT by DAAR ENGINEERING, INC. the SE Region Local Program Management Consultant Page 15 of 18 (MC). Correspondence and all submittals, including invoices, progress reports, and updated schedules must be submitted to: DAAR Engineering, Inc. Attn: Ann Bannantine, Administrative Assistant ann.bannantine@daarengineering.com 325 E. Chicago Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 (414) 225-9817 (414) 935-4362 direct FAX (414) 225-9826 2. Payment of invoices will be based on the following Guideline: Milestone % of Contract Payout Project Scoping Meeting ~5% to ~10% 30% Plan/Review Meeting ~30% Environmental Document Approval ~30% to ~40% 60% Plan/Review Meeting ~40 % to ~50% Design Study Report Approval ~60% PS&E Submittal ~90% to ~97% Design Project Completion 100% 3. The CONSULTANT proposes to sublet services to GESTRA Engineering, Inc., MTJ Roundabout Engineering, EDR, Inc., Land Title Services, Inc. and SRF Consulting Group, Inc. 4. The following items of work will be completed and submitted to the MUNICIPALITY by the indicated dates, based upon CONSULTANT having received the Notice to Proceed by July 1, 2015. (MONTH/YEAR) OPM August, 2015 Initial Project Review August, 2015 30% Road Plan Submittal November 30, 2015 30% Review Meeting December, 2015 Soils Report Approved October, 2015 Pubic Information Meeting TBD Page 16 of 18 Pubic Information Meeting #2 TBD Submit Section 4(f) December, 2015 Environmental Document Submittal February, 2016 Environmental Document April, 2016 60% Road Plan Submittal February, 2016 60% Review Meeting March, 2016 Pavement Design Report Submittal October, 2015 Traffic Study Report Submittal November 15, 2015 Design Study Report Submittal February, 2016 Design Study Report Approved April, 2016 Slope Intercepts & Preliminary Plat March, 2016 Right-Of-Way Plat May 25, 2016 Right-Of-Way Descriptions May 25, 2016 Approved Relocation Order July 25, 2016 90% Road Plan Submittal February 1, 2017 90% Review Meeting March 1, 2017 28 day clear date April 1, 2017 Final e-submit P.S. & E. May 1, 2017 Let November 14, 2017 5. The CONSULTANT shall communicate all substantial (25% or $100,000, whichever is less) changes of validated estimates to the MC, as DEPARTMENT’s representative, for concurrence. BASIS OF PAYMENT 1) The CONSULTANT will be compensated by the DEPARTMENT for services provided under this CONTRACT on the following basis: a) For project management, meetings, field survey, agency and utility coordination, preparing environmental document, public involvement, roadway preliminary and final design and preparing one PS&E document, performed by CONSULTANT A LUMP SUM OF $ 264,945.82. b) For Soils Investigation sublet to GESTRA Engineering, Inc., the CONSULTANT’s actual cost based on GESTRA Engineering, Inc.’s actual cost up to $14,232.88 plus a fixed fee of $382.51 not to exceed $14,615.39 in total. c) For Roundabout Review sublet to MTJ Roundabout Engineering, the CONSULTANT’s actual cost based on MTJ Roundabout Engineering’s actual cost up to $13,230.37 plus a fixed fee of $1,025.35 not to exceed $14,255.72 in total. d) For Hazardous Materials Database sublet to EDR, Inc., the CONSULTANT’s cost not to exceed $350.00 based on an actual cost proposal. e) For Title Searches sublet to Land Title Services, Inc., the CONSULTANT’s actual cost not to exceed $1,715.00 based on a unit cost proposal of $245 per parcel. Page 17 of 18 f) For Traffic Analysis sublet to SRF Consulting Group, Inc., the CONSULTANT’s actual cost based on SRF Consulting Group, Inc.’s actual cost up to $16,626.79 plus a fixed fee of $1,261.32 not to exceed $17,888.11 in total. g) Total compensation for the above services shall not exceed $313,770.04. 2) Additional service, if authorized in writing by the DEPARTMENT for service provided under this CONTRACT on the following basis: For preparing an Environmental Report CONSULTANT’s lump sum cost $4,835.32 3) For all services on this contract, total compensation shall not exceed $318,605.36 unless approved by a written CONTRACT amendment. ACCESS TO RECORDS The CONSULTANTS record of the Services provided under this CONTRACT will be available for inspection and copying at; Kapur & Associates, Inc. 7711 N. Port Washington Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53217. The contact person will be Aaron Bubb. Page 18 of 18 Project ID 2723-00-01 Moorland Road Janesville Road to McShane Drive Local Road Summary of Staff Hours and Direct Labor Classification Surveyor Technician Average Hourly Wage Total Direct Labor Task Activity Code Hours Dollars Hours Dollars Hours Dollars Hours Dollars Hours Dollars Hours Dollars PROJECT ADMINISTRATION AND COORDINATION 740 75 $3,379.50 20 $824.40 12 $351.60 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 107 $4,555.50 DATA GATHERING 775 5 $225.30 10 $412.20 22 $644.60 1 $37.57 4 $117.64 42 $1,437.31 ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT 767 6 $270.36 27 $1,112.94 4 $117.20 0 $0.00 20 $588.20 57 $2,088.70 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVESTIGATION - PHASE I 767 1 $45.06 $0.00 40 $1,172.00 $0.00 4 $117.64 45 $1,334.70 AGENCY COORDINATION 746 10 $450.60 24 $989.28 4 $117.20 0 $0.00 14 $411.74 52 $1,968.82 UTILITY COORDINATION 746 11 $495.66 4 $164.88 30 $879.00 0 $0.00 9 $264.69 54 $1,804.23 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 743 33 $1,486.98 24 $989.28 52 $1,523.60 0 $0.00 22 $647.02 131 $4,646.88 FIELD SURVEY 729 0 $0.00 3 $123.66 0 $0.00 52 $1,953.64 370 $10,881.70 425 $12,959.00 RIGHT-OF-WAY PLAT (based on 7 parcels)784 3 $135.18 0 $0.00 16 $468.80 68 $2,554.76 76 $2,235.16 163 $5,393.90 REPORTS 748 22 $991.32 40 $1,648.80 128 $3,750.40 0 $0.00 34 $999.94 224 $7,390.46 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING - ROADWAY 741 22 $991.32 313 $12,901.86 174 $5,098.20 2 $75.14 176 $5,176.16 687 $24,242.68 FINAL ENGINEERING - ROADWAY 742 49 $2,207.94 237 $9,769.14 490 $14,357.00 0 $0.00 218 $6,411.38 994 $32,745.46 TOTAL: 237 $10,679.22 702 $28,936.44 972 $28,479.60 123 $4,621.11 947 $27,851.27 2,981 $100,567.64 Waukesha County Project Manager Project Engineer Engineer $29.41$45.06 $41.22 $29.30 $37.57 Project ID 2723-00-01 Kapur Associates, Inc.1 5/1/2015 Task Activity Code Direct Labor Costs Overhead Costs Fixed Fee/Profit Direct Expenses Total PROJECT ADMINISTRATION AND COORDINATION 740 $4,555.50 $6,440.57 $852.20 $793.50 $12,641.77 DATA GATHERING 775 $1,437.31 $2,032.07 $268.88 $138.00 $3,876.26 ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT 767 $2,088.70 $2,953.00 $390.73 $5,432.43 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVESTIGATION - PHASE I 767 $1,334.70 $1,887.00 $249.68 $3,471.38 AGENCY COORDINATION 746 $1,968.82 $2,783.52 $368.31 $5,120.65 UTILITY COORDINATION 746 $1,804.23 $2,550.82 $337.52 $4,692.57 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 743 $4,646.88 $6,569.76 $869.29 $207.00 $12,292.93 FIELD SURVEY 729 $12,959.00 $18,321.43 $2,424.23 $2,244.00 $35,948.66 RIGHT-OF-WAY PLAT (based on 7 parcels)784 $5,393.90 $7,625.90 $1,009.03 $14,028.83 REPORTS 748 $7,390.46 $10,448.63 $1,382.53 $19,221.62 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING - ROADWAY 741 $24,242.68 $34,274.30 $4,535.07 $63,052.05 FINAL ENGINEERING - ROADWAY 742 $32,745.46 $46,295.53 $6,125.68 $85,166.67 TOTAL $100,567.64 $142,182.53 $18,813.15 $3,382.50 $264,945.82 Home Office Overhead Rate:1.4138 Percent Profit:7.75% Local Road Waukesha County Fee Computation Summary by Engineering Task Project ID 2723-00-01 Moorland Road Janesville Road to McShane Drive Project ID 2723-00-01 Kapur Associates, Inc.2 5/1/2015 Classification:Project Manager Employee Name(a)Current Rate(b) Percent Contributio n(c) (b*c) Aaron Bubb $44.00 100.00% $44.00 TOTAL 100.00% $44.00 Classification:Project Engineer Employee Name(a)Current Rate(b) Percent Contributio n(c) (b*c) Tim Flynn $42.30 50.00% $21.15 Dan Janke $35.00 20.00% $7.00 Jason Feucht $40.35 30.00% $12.11 TOTAL 100.00% $40.26 Classification:Staff Engineer Employee Name(a)Current Rate(b) Percent Contributio n(c) (b*c) Nick Bobinski $28.80 70.00% $20.16 Neal Styka $28.15 30.00% $8.45 TOTAL 100.00% $28.61 Classification:Surveyor Employee Name(a)Current Rate(b) Percent Contributio n(c) (b*c) Gary Splinter $36.70 100.00% $36.70 TOTAL 100.00% $36.70 Classification:Technician Employee Name(a)Current Rate(b) Percent Contributio n(c) (b*c) Jason Herther $28.00 20.00% $5.60 Devin Webb $28.15 20.00% $5.63 Raisa Khaytina $28.40 10.00% $2.84 Wally Wolak $29.30 50.00% $14.65 TOTAL 100.00% $28.72 Project ID 2723-00-01 Moorland Road Janesville Road to McShane Drive Local Road Waukesha County Consultant Individual Direct Labor Rates Project ID 2723-00-01 Kapur Associates, Inc.3 5/1/2015 Employee Name Classificati on Current Rate % Pay Increase #1 New Pay Rate #1 Date of Increase #1 % Pay Increase #2 New Pay Rate #2 Date of Increase #2 % Work at Current Rate % Work at Increased Rate #1 % Work at Increased Rate #2 Weighted Average Hourly Rate Aaron Bubb Project Manager $44.00 1.70% $44.75 1-Oct-15 1.70% $45.51 1-Oct-16 10.00% 40.00% 50.00% $45.06 Weighted Project Engineer $40.26 1.70% $40.94 1-Oct-15 1.70% $41.64 1-Oct-16 10.00% 40.00% 50.00% $41.22 Weighted Staff Engineer $28.61 1.70% $29.10 1-Oct-15 1.70% $29.59 1-Oct-16 10.00% 40.00% 50.00% $29.30 Gary Splinter Surveyor $36.70 1.70% $37.32 1-Oct-15 1.70% $37.95 1-Oct-16 10.00% 40.00% 50.00% $37.57 Weighted Technician $28.72 1.70% $29.21 1-Oct-15 1.70% $29.71 1-Oct-16 10.00% 40.00% 50.00% $29.41 Contract Timeframe: July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017 Project ID 2723-00-01 Moorland Road Janesville Road to McShane Drive Local Road Waukesha County Summary of Staff Hours and Direct Labor Project ID 2723-00-01 Kapur Associates, Inc.4age 5/1/2015ate Project ID 2723-00-01 Moorland Road Janesville Road to McShane Drive Item Activity Code Unit Unit Type Rate Total Expenses Mileage (Meetings) 740 1,380 Miles $0.575 $793.50 Mileage (Data Gathering) 775 240 Miles $0.575 $138.00 Mileage (PIM) 743 360 Miles $0.575 $207.00 Mileage (Field Survey) 729 3,520 Miles $0.575 $2,024.00 Feno Monuments 729 4 Each $55.000 $220.00 TOTAL $3,382.50 Waukesha County Direct Expenses by Item Local Road Project ID 2723-00-01 Kapur Associates, Inc.5 5/1/2015 Project ID Total for Authorized Contract If Authorized Total Number of Staff Hours 2,981 74 3,055 Total Direct Labor $100,567.64 $1,859.12 $102,426.76 Total Overhead Costs $142,182.53 $2,628.42 $144,810.95 Direct Expenses $3,382.50 $0.00 $3,382.50 Subtotal $246,132.67 $4,487.54 $250,620.21 Profit $18,813.15 $347.78 $19,160.93 Subtotal $264,945.82 $4,835.32 $269,781.14 Subcontract 1 - GESTRA Engineering, Inc.$14,615.39 $0.00 $14,615.39 Subcontract 2 - MTJ Roundabout Engineering $14,255.72 $0.00 $14,255.72 Subcontract 3 - EDR, Inc.$350.00 $0.00 $350.00 Subcontract 4 - Land Title Services, Inc. $1,715.00 $0.00 $1,715.00 Subcontract 5 - SRF Consulting Group, Inc.$17,888.11 $0.00 $17,888.11 TOTAL COST $313,770.04 $4,835.32 $318,605.36 Home Office Overhead Rate 141.38% Profit 7.75% Waukesha County Consultant Contract Total Fee Computation Project ID 2723-00-01 Moorland Road Janesville Road to McShane Drive Local Road Project ID 2723-00-01 Kapur Associates, Inc.6 5/1/2015 Project ID 2723-00-01 Moorland Road Janesville Road to McShane Drive Local Road Summary of Staff Hours and Direct Labor Costs Classification Technician Average Hourly Wage Total Direct Labor Task Activity Code Hours Dollars Hours Dollars Hours Dollars Hours Dollars Hours Dollars ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT (Type ER)767 4 $180.24 8 $329.76 34 $996.20 12 $352.92 58 $1,859.12 PREPARE DRAFT (ER)767 2 $90.12 6 $247.32 28 $820.40 8 $235.28 44 $1,393.12 PREPARE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT (ER)767 2 $90.12 2 $82.44 6 $175.80 4 $117.64 14 $466.00 TOTAL: 4 $180.24 8 $329.76 34 $996.20 12 $352.92 58 $1,859.12 Waukesha County Project Manager Project Engineer Engineer $29.41$45.06 $41.22 $29.30 If-Authorized Work Project ID 2723-00-01 Kapur Associates, Inc.1 5/1/2015 Task Activity Code Direct Labor Costs Overhead Costs Fixed Fee/Profit Total ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT (Type ER)767 $1,859.12 $2,628.42 $347.78 $4,835.32 PREPARE DRAFT (ER)767 $1,393.12 $1,969.59 $260.61 $3,623.32 PREPARE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT (ER) 767 $466.00 $658.83 $87.17 $1,212.00 TOTAL $1,859.12 $2,628.42 $347.78 $4,835.32 Home Office Overhead Rate:1.4138 Percent Profit:7.750% Local Road Waukesha County Fee Computation Summary by Engineering Task Project ID 2723-00-01 Moorland Road Janesville Road to McShane Drive If-Authorized Work Project ID 2723-00-01 Kapur Associates, Inc.2 5/1/2015 Classification:Project Manager Employee Name(a)Current Rate(b) Percent Contributio n(c) (b*c) Aaron Bubb $44.00 100.00% $44.00 TOTAL 100.00% $44.00 Classification:Project Engineer Employee Name(a)Current Rate(b) Percent Contributio n(c) (b*c) Tim Flynn $42.30 50.00% $21.15 Dan Janke $35.00 20.00% $7.00 Jason Feucht $40.35 30.00% $12.11 TOTAL 100.00% $40.26 Classification:Staff Engineer Employee Name(a)Current Rate(b) Percent Contributio n(c) (b*c) Nick Bobinski $28.80 70.00% $20.16 Neal Styka $28.15 30.00% $8.45 TOTAL 100.00% $28.61 Classification:Technician Employee Name(a)Current Rate(b) Percent Contributio n(c) (b*c) Jason Herther $28.00 20.00% $5.60 Devin Webb $28.15 20.00% $5.63 Raisa Khaytina $28.40 10.00% $2.84 Wally Wolak $29.30 50.00% $14.65 TOTAL 100.00% $28.72 Waukesha County Project ID 2723-00-01 Moorland Road If-Authorized Work Consultant Individual Direct Labor Rates Janesville Road to McShane Drive Local Road Project ID 2723-00-01 Kapur Associates, Inc.3 5/1/2015 Employee Name Classificati on Current Rate % Pay Increase #1 New Pay Rate #1 Date of Increase #1 % Pay Increase #2 New Pay Rate #2 Date of Increase #2 % Work at Current Rate % Work at Increased Rate #1 % Work at Increased Rate #2 Weighted Average Hourly Rate Aaron Bubb Project Manager $44.00 1.70% $44.75 1-Oct-15 1.70% $45.51 1-Oct-16 10.00% 40.00% 50.00% $45.06 Weighted Project Engineer $40.26 1.70% $40.94 1-Oct-15 1.70% $41.64 1-Oct-16 10.00% 40.00% 50.00% $41.22 Weighted Staff Engineer $28.61 1.70% $29.10 1-Oct-15 1.70% $29.59 1-Oct-16 10.00% 40.00% 50.00% $29.30 Weighted Technician $28.72 1.70% $29.21 1-Oct-15 1.70% $29.71 1-Oct-16 10.00% 40.00% 50.00% $29.41 Contract Timeframe: July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017 Project ID 2723-00-01 Moorland Road Janesville Road to McShane Drive Local Road Waukesha County If-Authorized Work Project ID 2723-00-01 Kapur Associates, Inc.4 5/1/2015 Project ID Total for Contract Number of Staff Hours 58 Total Direct Labor $1,859.12 Total Overhead Costs $2,628.42 Direct Expenses $0.00 Subtotal $4,487.54 Profit $347.78 Subtotal $4,835.32 TOTAL COST $4,835.32 Home Office Overhead Rate 141.38% Profit 7.750% Waukesha County Consultant Contract Total Fee Computation Project ID 2723-00-01 Moorland Road Janesville Road to McShane Drive Local Road If-Authorized Work Project ID 2723-00-01 Kapur Associates, Inc.5 5/1/2015 GESTRA Engineering, Inc. 1626 W. Fond Du Lac Ave Milwaukee, WI53205 Phone: (414) 933-7444 Fax: (414) 933-7844 April 29, 2015 Aaron J. Bubb, PE Kapur & Associates, Inc. 7711 N. Port Washington Road Milwaukee, WI 53217 Subject: Proposal for Geotechnical Engineering Services Moorland Road Reconstruction Janesville Road to McShane Drive City of Muskego, Waukesha County, WI WisDOT Project ID: 2723-00-01 Dear Mr. Bubb, Thank you for the opportunity to propose on the geotechnical exploration and engineering services for the proposed Moorland Road Reconstruction Project (Janesville Road to McShane Drive) in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. The following proposal outlines the project information, scope of work to be performed, and the fees for providing these services. Project Information The existing hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement section of Moorland Road was constructed in 2002. Based on the historic information provided by Kapur & Associates, Inc. (Kapur), the pavement section consists of 5-inch of asphaltic concrete on 12-inch of aggregate base course per City of Muskego standard pavement section. GESTRA received a copy of the geotechnical engineering report (by others) prepared in 2001 for construction of this pavement section. As described in City’s Request for Qualification for this project, the pavement has experienced premature deterioration. In addition to replacing the existing pavement structure, installation of a roundabout at Woods Road and Moorland Road is planned as part of this project. Based on the information provided by Kapur, about 15 feet of widening could occur between Sandalwood Drive and Princeton Drive and at the Candlewood Lane intersection. GESTRA completed a preliminary site visit within the project limit. Moorland Road is an arterial highway fronted by residential single family homes, apartments, agricultural land and commercial property within the project limit. The current roadway section consists of one driving lane and a gravel or paved shoulder in each direction. Turn lanes are also available near Janesville Road, Princeton Drive and Candlewood Lane intersections. Based on the project background information, the existing asphalt pavement is about thirteen years old. The existing pavement surface, especially the southbound traffic lane has deteriorated severely. The typical deterioration area include rutting along the wheel paths, cracks and Proposal for Geotechnical Engineering Services Moorland Road Reconstruction Janesville Road to McShane Drive City of Muskego, Waukesha County, WI WisDOT Project ID: 2723-00-01 April 29, 2015 Page 2 of 3 raveling in the rutted area in the southbound lane, longitudinal cracks along marking area between north and southbound traffics and occasional transverse cracks. Scope of Geotechnical Exploration Work Based on our understanding of the project, the RFQ, and our follow up correspondence with Kapur, GESTRA proposes that the following scope of work be performed: 1. Contact Diggers Hotline and coordinate with the locators to identify the utility locations prior to drilling. 2. GESTRA will select the boring locations and the locations will be marked in the field by Kapur. Survey of the boring locations and ground surface elevations will also be provided by Kapur. If staking is completed prior to the borings, GESTRA will record the offset from the marked locations. The actual boring locations will be dependent on the location of existing utilities and site conditions. 3. Moorland Road is a busy arterial highway. GESTRA will provide traffic control (by sub-contractor) during soil borings. 4. Perform a total of seventeen (17) standard penetration test (SPT) soil borings: 14 borings placed within the existing roadway to a depth of 7.5 feet each and 3 borings at the proposed widening areas to a depth of 10 feet each for total of 135 feet of drilling. A core of the existing pavement will be obtained at 8 locations. If practical, a bag sample will be obtained of the existing base material. Borings will be performed with a truck mounted drill rig. Backfill borehole as required by WDNR, replace existing base stone with similar material as needed, and surface patch with cold-patch in asphalt areas. 5. Perform laboratory soil tests to assign classification and engineering properties to the soils encountered. Dependent upon the types of soils encountered, the testing may include the following: grain size analysis, P200, Atterberg limits test, moisture and organic content tests. 6. Perform laboratory analysis of the asphalt pavement core samples to determine the existing conditions of the pavement layers. The laboratory testing may include the following: quantitative extraction of the asphalt binder (ASTM D2172-A), gradation of the extracted aggregate from asphalt pavement cores (ASTM D5444), bulk specific gravity of the compacted mixture (ASTM D2726), thickness measurement of the cores (ASTM D3549) and gradation on collected base course samples (ASTM D2490). 7. Prepare a geotechnical engineering report presenting the field exploration and lab testing results, providing pavement design parameters and recommendations for subgrade improvements. Pedological classification along with the soil borings and Proposal for Geotechnical Engineering Services Moorland Road Reconstruction Janesville Road to McShane Drive City of Muskego, Waukesha County, WI WisDOT Project ID: 2723-00-01 April 29, 2015 Page 3 of 3 laboratory testing data will be used to provide pavement design parameters. Attach an Appendix which includes asphalt testing results. Fees Our estimate for the geotechnical investigation for this scope of work is $14,615.39. This includes GESTRA’s actual cost up to $8,974.88 plus a fixed fee of $382.51, up to a maximum combined amount of $9,357.39. For laboratory testing services on asphalt cores subcontracted to Asphalt Testing Laboratory, GESTRA’s actual cost not to exceed is $2,540.00 for a Cost Per subcontract quote attached. For traffic control services subcontracted to Q3 Contracting Wisconsin, GESTRA’s actual cost not to exceed is $2,718.00 for a Cost Per Unit subcontract based on: Item Description Unit Type Unit Cost Flaggers (2-person crew) Hourly $119.00 Flaggers (overtime) Hourly $178.50 Arrow Boards Each-Daily $50.00 For Soils Investigation GESTRA Engineering, Inc.’s actual cost up to $14,232.88 plus a fixed fee of $382.51 not to exceed $14,615.39 in total. It is assumed that no fees will be required by Waukesha County, WisDOT, and/or Wisconsin DNR to complete the field work. A cost breakdown is included for your information. The above fees are based on the described Scope of Work. Changes in the drilling depth will be added or credited in accordance with the unit rates as indicated on the attached Fee Schedule and/or cost breakdown. Additional work will be charged on a time and materials basis. Remarks GESTRA appreciates the opportunity to propose on this project. To authorize our services, please endorse the enclosed Statement of Authorization and return it to us. If you have any questions concerning this proposal or if we can be of any further services to you, please contact us at 414-933-7444. Sincerely, GESTRA Engineering, Inc. Doug Bath, PE Nayan Saha, PE Project Manager Project Engineer GESTRA Engineering, Inc WisDOT Project ID: 2723-00-01 Moorland Road (Janesville Road to McShane Drive) City of Muskego, Waukesha County, WI Consultant Direct Labor Rates Employee Name(a) Classification(b) Current Rate(c) % Pay Increase(d) New Pay Rate(e) Date of Increase(f) % Work at Current Rate(g) % Work at Increased Rate(h) Weighted Average Hourly Rate(i) GESTRA Engineering Doug Bath Project Manager 44.71$ $44.71 na 100.00% $44.71 Nayan Saha Project Engineer 34.37$ $34.37 na 100.00% $34.37 Jeff Bruesewitz Technician II 22.24$ $22.24 na 100.00% $22.24 Tim Winkler Drilling Coordinator 38.46$ $38.46 na 100.00% $38.46 Adam Woerpel Driller 21.00$ $21.00 na 100.00% $21.00 Kyle Gorenschek Driller Helper 13.75$ $13.75 na 100.00% $13.75 Flagger 1 Flagger 1 16.50$ $16.50 na 100.00% $16.50 Flagger 2 Flagger 2 13.00$ $13.00 na 100.00% $13.00 Marchella Johnson Administrative 19.95$ $19.95 na 100.00% $19.95 Contract Completion Date:12/31/2017 FDM Chapter 8, Procedure 10-30, Figure 4 Page 1 of 1 GESTRA Engineering, Inc WisDOT Project ID: 2723-00-01 Moorland Road (Janesville Road to McShane Drive) City of Muskego, Waukesha County, WI Summary of Staff Hours and Direct Labor Costs Actual Cost Tasks (GESTRA Engineering) Classification Avg. Hourly Wage $44.71 $34.37 $22.24 $21.00 $13.75 $38.46 Total Direct Labor Task Activity Code Hours Dollars Hours Dollars Hours Dollars Hours Dollars Hours Dollars Hours Dollars Hours Dollars Project Management 771 2 $89.42 6 $206.22 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1 $38.46 9 $334.10 Project Development/Utilities 746 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2 $76.92 2 $76.92 Laboratory Testing / gINT Logs 645 $0.00 7 $240.59 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7 $240.59 Data Gathering & Borings 644 $0.00 4 $137.48 3 $66.72 4 $84.00 4 $55.00 $0.00 15 $343.20 Traffic Management / Rig Mob 788 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5 $105.00 5 $68.75 2 $76.92 12 $250.67 Geotechnical Engineering 208 4 $178.84 16 $549.92 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 $728.76 TOTAL:6 $268.26 33 $1,134.21 3 $66.72 9 $189.00 9 $123.75 5 $192.30 65 $1,974.24 Drilling CoordinatorProject Engineer Drill HelperProject Manager DrillerTechnician II FDM Chapter 8, Procedure 10-30, Figure 4 Page 1 of 1 GESTRA Engineering, Inc WisDOT Project ID: 2723-00-01 Moorland Road (Janesville Road to McShane Drive) City of Muskego, Waukesha County, WI Fee Computation Summary by Engineering Task Task Activity Code Direct Labor Costs Overhead Costs Fixed Fee Direct Expenses Total Project Management 771 $334.10 $564.83 $64.73 $963.66 Project Development/Utilities 746 $76.92 $130.04 $14.90 $221.86 Laboratory Testing / gINT Logs 645 $240.59 $406.74 $46.61 $1,067.00 $1,760.94 Data Gathering & Borings 644 $343.20 $580.21 $66.50 $2,596.00 $3,585.91 Traffic Management / Rig Mob 788 $250.67 $423.78 $48.57 $723.02 Geotechnical Engineering 208 $728.76 $1,232.04 $141.20 $2,102.00 TOTAL:$1,974.24 $3,337.64 $382.51 $3,663.00 $9,357.39 Company Wide Overhead Rate of:169.06%Fixed Fee:7.75 169.06% Overhead Rate for purposes of Fixed Fee Calculation: FDM Chapter 8, Procedure 10-30, Figure 4 Page 1 of 1 GESTRA Engineering, Inc WisDOT Project ID: 2723-00-01 Moorland Road (Janesville Road to McShane Drive) City of Muskego, Waukesha County, WI Unit Prices and Direct Expenses by Item Description Est. Qty. Unit Unit Price Total Remarks GEOTECHNICAL TESTING Pavement Repair 14 EA 30.00$ 420.00$ Assume 14 borings within paved area Mud Rotary Setup EA 100.00$ -$ SPT Drilling (0-30') 135.0 LF 12.00$ 1,620.00$ SPT Drilling (30'-60') LF 15.00$ -$ SPT Drilling (60'-90') LF 20.00$ -$ SPT Drilling (90'-120') LF 25.00$ -$ Borehole abandonment (bentonite) 68 LF 4.50$ 306.00$ assume 50% of total drilling depth DCP Equipment Rental Daily 100.00$ -$ DCP Disposable Tip EA 3.00$ -$ Core Machine/Generator Rental 2 Daily 125.00$ 250.00$ Assume 2 days of coring (8 cores) Shelby Tube Sampling EA 45.00$ -$ Subtotal =2,596.00$ LAB ANALYSIS SERVICES Grain size (with #200 wash) 2 EA 95.00$ 190.00$ Grain size analysis for base course #200 wash sieve 4 EA 35.00$ 140.00$ Water content 44 EA 6.00$ 264.00$ Assume on 80% of SPT samples Organic content 5 EA 25.00$ 125.00$ Asphalt Core Thickness 8 EA 6.00$ 48.00$ Atterberg Limits 4 EA 75.00$ 300.00$ Consolidation Test 500.00$ -$ Subtotal =1,067.00$ TRAFFIC CONTROL AND PROTECTION (by Sub-contractor) -$ -$ Subtotal =-$ Total =3,663.00$ Assume 14 pavement borings @ 7.5' each and 3 outside of pavement borings for widening @ 10' each= 135' drilling FDM Chapter 8, Procedure 10-30, Figure 4 Page 1 of 1 GESTRA Engineering, Inc WisDOT Project ID: 2723-00-01 Moorland Road (Janesville Road to McShane Drive) City of Muskego, Waukesha County, WI Consultant Contract Total Fee Computation Project ID Total for Contract 2723-00-01 Number of Staff Hours 65 Total Direct Labor $1,974.24 Total Overhead Costs $3,337.64 Fixed Fee/Profit $382.51 Direct Expenses $3,663.00 Subtotal $9,357.39 Traffic Control (2 Person Flagging, signs, cones, radios- by Q3): $119.00/hr - 8hrs/day for 2 days plus 4 hours of overtime @ $178.50/hr. $2,618.00 Traffic control (arrow board - Q3): $50/day x 2 days $100.00 Asphalt Testing (By- Asphalt Testing Laboratory)$2,540.00 Sub-contractor's quote attached Subcontract Subtotal $5,258.00 TOTAL COST $14,615.39 Company Wide Overhead Rate of:169.06%Fixed Fee:7.75% Overhead Rate for purposes of Fixed Fee Calculation:169.06% FDM Chapter 8, Procedure 10-30, Figure 4 Page 1 of 1 313 Price Place, Suite 5 Madison, WI 53705 Office: 608.238.5000 Fax: 866.846.5552 www.mtjengineering.com April 27, 2015 Aaron Bubb, P.E. Project Manager Kapur & Associates, Inc. 7711 N. Port Washington Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53217 Aaron: Per your request, we have revised the proposal fee schedule for expert roundabout peer review and design review application services for the proposed improvements at the intersection of Moorland Rd. and Woods Rd. located in the City of Muskego, WI. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you, Mark T. Johnson, P.E. The work effort for the roundabout design review of this roundabout will include the Tasks described below in the Scope of Work. TASK 1: EVALUATION AND REVIEW OF PROJECT OBJECTIVES Review/identify existing constraints and context to include:  Existing/future roadway context  Circulation, side street and potential business access requirements  Constraints including ROW, major utilities, vertical, drainage, and environmental  Pedestrian and bicycle facilities requirements  Large truck and freight movement requirements TASK 2: REVIEW OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS MTJ will review the operational analysis performed by Kapur or others. TASK 3: REVIEW 30% – 60% HORIZONTAL DESIGN MTJ will review and develop horizontal design recommendations in survey correct CADD line work for incorporation into final plans. This will be developed utilizing state-of-the-art design techniques to ensure optimal pedestrian safety and the operational and impacts and costs objectives are met. Including:  Overall geometry to include transitions to existing and proposed roadways and intersections to ensure optimal operations and safety  Large truck/freight movement requirements and ensure appropriate geometry as necessary (MTJ uses Auto-Turn 8.2) includes checks for specialized freight carrier oversize and overweight vehicle library  Provisions for existing/future residential and or commercial ingress and egress needs  Pedestrian and bicycle requirements  Sight distance  Fast path (safety) criteria  Complete/sign “Roundabout Critical Design Parameters” document per FDM 11-26-5.4. TASK 4: 90% DESIGN REVIEW OF CONSTRUCTION DETAILS – SIGNING, PAVEMENT MARKINGS, AND LANDSCAPING Construction materials, colors, placement of signing, pavement marking details and placement are integral components of roundabout design. Optimization of these design elements is necessary to ensure optimal operations, safety and public acceptance. To include review of:  Construction details  Typical cross sections  Truck apron details  Construction staging  Landscaping  Signing  Marking  Lighting TASK 5: COMMUNICATIONS  Response to inquiries  Phone, email  Net meetings (MTJ subscribes to GoToMeeting) MTJ will review and comment on critical design criteria for the roundabout, to include:  Operational analysis summary  Fast paths  Design vehicle truck templates Please see attached WisDOT cost worksheet. MTJ Cost Spreadsheet -Muskego- Rev. 4-27-15 Ind. Wages Consultant Direct Labor Rates Project ID:2723-00-01 Employee Name(a)Classification(b)Current Rate(c) Hourly Rate $0.00 Mark Johnson, PE Roundabout Designer/Engineer $70.00 $70.00 Michael DesBarres CAD Technician $49.00 $49.00 Melissa Jungwirth Graphics Technician $25.00 $25.00Clerical$0.00 SUBCONSULTANT: MTJ Engineering, LLC MTJ Cost Spreadsheet -Muskego- Rev. 4-27-15 Hours Summary of Staff Hours and Direct Labor Costs PROJECT TOTAL Project ID:2723-00-01 Classification Avg. Hourly Wage Total Direct Labor Task Activity Code Hours Dollars Hours Dollars Hours Dollars Hours Dollars Hours Dollars 1. Evaluate Project Objectives/Studies & Plans 748 1 $70.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 1 $70.00 2. Review Operational Analysis 740 2 $140.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 2 $140.00 3. Review 30%-60% Horizontal Design 741 28 $1,960.00 14 $686.00 8 $200.00 50 $2,846.00 4. Review 90% Construction Details 779 21 $1,470.00 0 $0.00 8 $200.00 29 $1,670.00 5. Communications 739 5 $350.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 5 $350.00 6. Written Summaries 740 14 $980.00 0 $0.00 13 $325.00 27 $1,305.00 TOTAL:71 $4,970.00 14 $686.00 29 $725.00 0 $0.00 114 $6,381.00 Roundabout Designer/Engineer CAD Technician Graphics Technician $70.00 $49.00 $25.00 FDM Chapter 8, Procedure 10-1, Figure 1 Traffic Analysis Design, Inc.Page 2 of 7 MTJ Cost Spreadsheet -Muskego- Rev. 4-27-15 Fee Task Fee Computation Summary by Engineering Task PROJECT TOTAL Project ID:2723-00-01 Task Activity Code Direct Labor Costs Overhead Costs Fixed Fee/Profit Direct Expenses Total 1. Evaluate Project Objectives/Studies & Plans 748 $70.00 $75.14 $11.25 $0.00 $156.38 2. Review Operational Analysis 740 $140.00 $150.28 $22.50 $0.00 $312.77 3. Review 30%-60% Horizontal Design 741 $2,846.00 $3,054.90 $457.32 $0.00 $6,358.21 4. Review 90% Construction Details 779 $1,670.00 $1,792.58 $268.35 $0.00 $3,730.92 5. Communications 739 $350.00 $375.69 $56.24 $0.00 $781.93 6. Written Summaries 740 $1,305.00 $1,400.79 $209.70 $0.00 $2,915.48 TOTAL:$6,381.00 $6,849.37 $1,025.35 $0.00 $14,255.72 Negotiated Overhead Rate:107.340%Percent Profit:7.75% MTJ Cost Spreadsheet -Muskego- Rev. 4-27-15 Contract Fee Consultant Contract Total Fee Computation Project I.D. 2723-00-01 Project ID Total for Contract Number of Staff Hours 114 Total Direct Labor $6,381.00 Total Overhead Costs*$6,849.37 Fixed Fee/Profit**$1,025.35 Direct Expenses $0.00 Subtotal $14,255.72 Subcontract 1- N/A $0.00 Subcontract 2 - N/A $0.00 Subcontract Subtotal $0.00 TOTAL COST $14,255.72 * - Overhead Rate = 107.34% ** - Profit = 7.75% 6 Armstrong Road | Shelton CT 06484 | 800-352-0050 | Fax 800-231-6802 | www.edrnet.com April 14, 2015 Trish Hermann Kapur & Associates, Inc. 7711 North Port Washington Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53217 RE: Project ID 2723-00-01 Moorland Road Dear Trish: Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) is pleased to submit this proposal to Kapur & Associates, Inc. to perform searches of our government environmental records. PROJECT PRICE Project ID 2723-00-01 Moorland Road Janesville Road to McShane Drive Waukesha County City of Muskego Products* Price** Shipping Schedule EDR Standard Package ~Additional Aerials ~Additional Sanborns Total Cost $350 $90 $20/tile $350 + 3-5 business days * See Attachment A for report descriptions. ** The price of this EDR Standard Package is dependent upon the package pricing and if additional coverage for Aerials or Sanborns are needed. 6 Armstrong Road | Shelton CT 06484 | 800-352-0050 | Fax 800-231-6802 | www.edrnet.com Attachment A EDR Report Descriptions EDR Standard Package The EDR Standard Package includes: Standard Government Environmental Database Searches (ASTM E 1527-05, section Databases Searched  Federal  State  Regional, County, Local (where available)  Proprietary  EDR Historic Gas Stations (where available)  EDR Historic Dry Cleaners Historic Aerial Photographs Historic Topographic Maps Historic Sanborn Maps Historic City Directory EDR VEC App We at EDR appreciate the opportunity to serve your environmental information needs and look forward to a mutually beneficial working relationship with Kapur & Associates, Inc. . Please do not hesitate to contact me at (800) 241-6447 with any questions or comments. Sincerely, Amanda Young | Customer Care Specialist 11270 WEST PARK PLACE, SUITE 220 | MILWAUKEE, WI 53224 | 414.269.5003 | WWW.SRFCONSULTING.COM April 28, 2015 Mr. Aaron Bubb Project Manager Kapur & Associates, Inc. 7711 North Port Washington Road Milwaukee, WI 53217 SUBJECT: PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR MOORLAND ROAD DESIGN Janesville Road to McShane Drive Waukesha County Project ID 2723-00-01 Dear Mr. Bubb: Based on your request, we are pleased to submit this proposal to provide professional services to assist with the Moorland Road design in the City of Muskego. SRF will assist Kapur & Associates, Inc. (Kapur) with the following tasks: 1. Collect daily and peak hour traffic counts. 2. Conduct existing and future traffic analysis to determine future needs at 5-intersection locations in the study area. 3. Assist Kapur with the preparation of the Intersection Control evaluation (ICE) report for the Moorland Road intersection with Woods Road. 4. Prepare traffic report summarizing results, findings and recommendations associated with the traffic analysis. A detailed scope of services is provided in Attachment A, which is attached and incorporated as part of this agreement. SCHEDULE The traffic counts and traffic studies are expected to begin in September 2015 after school is back in session. The schedule for submitting the draft traffic report is anticipated to be November 15, 2015. This is dependent on the arrival of the WisDOT forecasts. SRF’s completion date is March 1, 2016. BASIS OF PAYMENT/BUDGET The basis of payment for our services is: Actual costs of $16,626.79, plus a fixed fee of $1,261.32 up to a maximum combined amount of $17,888.11. 3 ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF SERVICES/FEE ESTIMATE 1. Data Collection a. SRF shall collect a 24-hour traffic count with classifications at one location in the Moorland Road project corridor. The location will be agreed upon between the Consultant and WisDOT. b. SRF shall collect traffic turning movement counts for the AM and PM peak periods (3-hours each peak period) at the Moorland Road intersections with Janesville Road, Princeton Drive, Sandalwood Drive, Candlewood Lane/Durham Place, and Woods Road. The intersection turning movement count for Moorland Road and Woods will be collected with a count camera so 12 hours of data can be processed for the signal warrants analysis identified under the ICE task. c. SRF will conduct a field visit to collect the necessary roadway and intersection geometry and controls for the five study intersections including lane designations and storage lengths, signal timing, speed limits, bike/pedestrian accommodations and parking restrictions. This field visit will be conducted in conjunction with the traffic counts. d. SRF will process all counts to determine the peak hours and associated traffic factors (PHF, % trucks and vehicle classification). 12 hours of data will be processed for the intersection of Moorland Road and Woods Road for the signal warrants analysis. SRF will submit the count data and the required forecast request form to the WisDOT SE Region for their use in developing the traffic forecasts for the project study area. WisDOT will provide SRF daily and peak hour traffic forecasts for the five study area intersections. The City of Muskego and/or WisDOT will provide available, relevant traffic studies conducted in the area. e. The City of Muskego will provide the development details for the proposed future subdivision development on the south end of the project study area near McShane Drive. Necessary information includes: development type, size (e.g., number of units, SF), build out year and access location. 2. Traffic Analysis a. Trip Generation/Distribution. SRF will generate trips for the anticipated subdivision located in the vicinity of McShane Road. The vehicle trips will be distributed to the study area roadways and taken into account in the project forecasts and future peak hour analyses. 4 b. Existing Conditions Analysis. SRF will conduct AM and PM peak hour traffic analyses for the five study area intersections to determine existing Levels of Service (LOS) and associated intersection delays and queues. All traffic analyses will use Synchro/SimTraffic. Synchro HCM Module LOS results and SimTraffic queues will be used to document operational results. c. Future No Build Analysis. SRF will conduct AM and PM peak hour traffic analyses for the five study area intersections to determine future No Build Levels of Service (LOS) and associated intersection delays and queues. d. Future Build Analysis. SRF will conduct future Build analyses to identify the needs for each of the five study area intersections. LOS C is assumed to be the operational goal. Signal and roundabouts analyses are not included in the evaluation of intersection improvements. Corridor-wide improvements are not included in this effort (e.g., widening from 2 to 4 travel lanes). e. ICE Report Assistance. SRF will assemble the ICE Report for the intersection of Moorland Road and Woods Road. SRF will conduct the operations analysis (stop and signal) for the ICE study. SRF will conduct a signal warrants analysis as part of the ICE. SRF will assemble the ICE report with input from others. Materials received from others must be in report ready format. Design, construction cost, roundabout operations and safety analysis will be done by others. f. Traffic Report. SRF will prepare a traffic report to summarize the results, findings and recommendations of the traffic study. A PDF of the Draft Report will be submitted to Kapur & Associates for their review and distribution. SRF will address client comments and update the report. A PDF and five copies of the Final Report will be submitted to Kapur & Associates for their distribution. 3. Meetings, Coordination and Administration a. SRF (1-staff) will attend one meeting as part of this project. This task includes meeting preparation, and meeting minutes. b. Includes task management, coordination with Kapur & Associates, and invoicing. M:\Marketing\Proposals\2015\Muskego_Moorland Road\Moorland Rd Design_Muskego 4-27-15.dotx Page 1 of 5 Consultant Direct Labor Rates - SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project ID:2723-00-01 Moorland Road, Janesville Road to McShane Drive, Waukesha County Employee Name(a) Classification(b) Current Rate(c) % Pay Increase(d) 2016 New Pay Rate(e) 2016 Date of Increase(f) 2016 % Work at Current Rate(h) % Work at Increased Rate(i) 2016 Weighted Average Hourly Rate(j) George Schulz Project Manager $47.86 1.70% $48.67 Jan-16 90.00% 10.00% $47.94 Lee Gibbs Sr. Professional $37.45 1.70% $38.09 Jan-16 90.00% 10.00% $37.51 Alex Thornburg Professional $26.25 1.70% $26.70 Jan-16 90.00% 10.00% $26.30 Grace Danielson Admin. Assistant $18.95 1.70% $19.27 Jan-16 90.00% 10.00% $18.98 Contract Completion Date:3/1/2016 FDM Chapter 8, Procedure 10-30, Figure 1 Page 2 of 5 Detail of Staff Hours and Direct Labor Costs - SRF Consulting Group, Inc. PROJECT TOTAL Project ID:2723-00-01 Moorland Road, Janesville Road to McShane Drive, Waukesha County Classification Project Manager Sr. Professional Professional Admin. Assistant Avg. Hourly Wage $47.94 $37.51 $26.30 $18.98 Total Direct Labor Task Activity Code Hours Dollars Hours Dollars Hours Dollars Hours Dollars Hours Dollars 1.0 Data Collection 1021 0 $0.00 2 $75.02 58 $1,525.40 0 $0.00 60 $1,600.42 1.a Daily Counts (1-location)$0.00 1 $37.51 16 $420.80 $0.00 17 $458.31 1.b/c Peak Hour Counts/Field Visit $0.00 $0.00 10 $263.00 $0.00 10 $263.00 1.d Count Processing/Forecast Request $0.00 1 $37.51 32 $841.60 $0.00 33 $879.11 2.0 Traffic Analysis 1009 4 $191.76 24 $900.24 114 $2,998.20 4 $75.92 146 $4,166.12 2.a Trip Generation/Distribution $0.00 2 $75.02 4 $105.20 $0.00 6 $180.22 2.b Existing Conditions Analysis $0.00 4 $150.04 20 $526.00 $0.00 24 $676.04 2.c Future No Build Analysis $0.00 2 $75.02 8 $210.40 $0.00 10 $285.42 2.d Future Build Analysis $0.00 4 $150.04 20 $526.00 $0.00 24 $676.04 2.e ICE Report Operations, Signal Warrants Analysis & Assembly $0.00 4 $150.04 22 $578.60 $0.00 26 $728.64 2.f Traffic Report 4 $191.76 8 $300.08 40 $1,052.00 4 $75.92 56 $1,619.76 3.0 Meetings, Coordination and Administration 771 9 $431.46 0 $0.00 4 $105.20 4 $75.92 17 $612.58 3.a Meetings (1-meeting; 1-staff); plus preparation and meeting minutes 5 $239.70 $0.00 4 $105.20 $0.00 9 $344.90 3.b Coordination, Administration 4 $191.76 $0.00 $0.00 4 $75.92 8 $267.68 TOTAL: 13 $623.22 26 $975.26 176 $4,628.80 8 $151.84 223 $6,379.12 FDM Chapter 8, Procedure 10-30, Figure 1 M:\Marketing\Proposals\2015\Muskego_Moorland Road\150427\Fee Estimate Moorland Rd 4-27-15.xlsx Page 3 of 5 Direct Expenses by Item - SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project ID:2723-00-01 Moorland Road, Janesville Road to McShane Drive, Waukesha County Item Unit Amount Unit Type Rate Total Expenses In House Production Printing, 8.5 x 11 B&W 200 sheets $0.04 $8.00 Printing, 8.5 x 11 Color 50 sheets $0.40 $20.00 Printing, 11 x 17 B&W 50 sheets $0.10 $5.00 Printing, 11 x 17 Color 50 sheets $0.79 $39.50 Mileage (employee vehicle) 350 miles $0.575 $201.25 Meals 6 meals $13.00 $78.00 TOTAL $351.75 FDM Chapter 8, Procedure 10-30, Figure 3 Page 4 of 5 Fee Computation Summary by Engineering Task - SRF Consulting Group, Inc. PROJECT TOTAL Project ID:2723-00-01 Moorland Road, Janesville Road to McShane Drive, Waukesha County Task Activity Code Direct Labor Costs Overhead Costs Fixed Fee/Profit Direct Expenses Total 1.0 Data Collection 741 $1,600.42 $2,482.73 $316.44 $351.75 $4,751.35 2.0 Traffic Analysis 743 $4,166.12 $6,462.90 $823.75 $11,452.77 3.0 Meetings, Coordination and Administration 747 $612.58 $950.30 $121.12 $1,684.00 TOTAL: $6,379.12 $9,895.92 $1,261.32 $351.75 $17,888.11 Overhead Rate:155.13 Percent Fixed Fee:7.75 FDM Chapter 8, Procedure 10-30, Figure 2 Page 5 of 5 Consultant Contract Total Fee Computation - SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project ID:2723-00-01 Moorland Road, Janesville Road to McShane Drive, Waukesha County Project ID 2723-00-01 Moorland Road, Janesville Road to McShane Drive, Waukesha County Total for Contract Number of Staff Hours 223 223 Total Direct Labor $6,379.12 $6,379.12 Total Overhead Costs $9,895.92 $9,895.92 Fixed Fee/Profit $1,261.32 $1,261.32 Direct Expenses $351.75 $351.75 Subtotal $17,888.11 $0.00 $17,888.11 TOTAL COST $17,888.11 $0.00 $17,888.11 Percent Fixed Fee: 7.75 Overhead Rate: 155.13 FDM Chapter 8, Procedure 10-30, Figure 4