CCR2014063-GrantLoanProgram-Twisted-Serendipity COMMON COUNCIL – CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #063-2014 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A GRANT FROM THE APPROVED COMMERCIAL BUILDING AND GRANT PROGRAM & PARKING LOT PAYMENT AGREEMENT IN THE FREEDOM SQUARE PARK TWISTED CORK & SERENDIPITY REDESIGN (W168 S7392 Parkland Drive & S74 W16832 Janesville Road) WHEREAS, The Common Council approved the Building and Site Grant Program per Resolution #105- 2009 to help foster the development and redevelopment of the properties affected by the road reconstructions and within the adopted Redevelopment Districts, and WHEREAS, The Common Council has designated the Community Development Authority (CDA) as the recommending approval body for the grant program, and WHEREAS, A joint submittal from Greg Gonzales and Nicole Hahne has been received, which requests matching grant monies to assist with a new parking lot improvement that they would pay for within the Freedom Square Park along Parkland Drive; and WHEREAS, The applicants businesses require more parking in this area of the city and no other options can be found other than developing this new parking lot just north of their property, and WHEREAS, The Parks and Recreation Board approved of a parking lot being built in the park subject to the applicants paying for the project, maintaining the lot in winter (should they desire), and the lot being open to the public, and WHEREAS, The CDA has recommended approval of a grant request of $6,000 to aid in paying for the parking lot improvements due to the following:  The Janesville Road reconstruction project left this property with more reduced parking than before,  Increasing opportunities for parking along Janesville Road for the public can always help with the walkability of the downtown and Redevelopment District,  The parking lot can aid in increased business for the current and future tenants while aiding with safety as many cars currently have been parking along Parkland Drive which is very narrow and has rural ditch sections, and WHEREAS, The CDA has recommended the grant subject to the restrictions outlined below at its July 15, 2014 meeting, and WHEREAS, If the parking lot improvements and grant are approved as approved by the Parks and Recreation Board and CDA that certain restrictions are required for payment as outlined below, and WHEREAS, The parking lot improvements in the park are required to be within a bid process and the improvements would be put into the 2014 Road Program bid that has been approved, and WHEREAS, The high end estimated cost of the parking lot would be $38,267, and WHEREAS, If the grant was awarded, the monetary approved amount of the grant would be taken off the top of the final cost to construct the parking lot. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby allow the grant in the amount of $6,000 and approve of the new parking lot improvements to Freedom Square Park subject to the following restrictions: Reso. #063-2014 Page 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the grant amount will be taken off the estimated amount of the parking lot project. Thus, $32,267 ($38,267 - $6,000) will be due as a cash deposit from the petitioners before the parking lot improvements will be scheduled by the Public Works Director as part of the 2014 Road Program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That monies will be refunded to the petitioners should the parking lot improvements cost less than the $38,267 quoted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any parking lot maintenance agreements and open/close hours are subject to the Parks and Recreation Board. nd DATED THIS 22 DAY OF JULY , 2014. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Bob Hammel Ald. Blaise Di Pronio This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #063-2014 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ____________________________ Clerk-Treasurer