CCR2013007-Hunting Trapping-Badertscher COMMON COUNCIL – CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #007-2013 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ARCHERY HUNTING AND TRAPPING AT BADERTSCHER PRESERVE (S74 W20312 FIELD DRIVE) WHEREAS, State laws require that lands purchased with financial assistance from the Wisconsin DNR Stewardship Grant program provide reasonable public access for nature based outdoor activities including hunting, fishing, trapping, hiking, and cross country skiing, and WHEREAS, The City of Muskego received Stewardship Grant assistance in the purchase of Badertscher Preserve (aka Nancy Borst property), and WHEREAS, Badertscher Preserve is a 103-acre city conservation area located at S74 W20312 Field Drive and identified by tax key numbers MSKC 2190.996.006 and MSKC 2185.999.003, and WHEREAS, The City of Muskego enacted Ordinance #1357, which amended Municipal Code Chapter 26.02 (Park and Recreation Regulations) to include “Hunting and trapping shall be allowed on certain city-owned lands in accordance with Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources regulations and City policies where approved separately by Common Council Resolution;” and WHEREAS, Conservation Commission recommended in the approved site plan for Badertscher Preserve that this site should be open to archery hunting and trapping. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby allow hunting and trapping activities at Badertscher Preserve subject to the following restrictions: A. Hunting shall be limited to archery hunting only. B. If used, all tree stands and blinds shall be completely removed each day at the close of hunting hours. No unoccupied tree stands or blinds may be left on the property at any time. C. Trees and blinds shall not cause damage to trees. D. All other State of Wisconsin archery hunting and trapping regulations shall apply. TH DATED THIS 12 DAY OF ____FEBRUARY_____, 2013. SPONSORED BY: Ald. Kert Harenda This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution #007-2013 which was adopted by the Common Council of the City of Muskego. ____________________________ Clerk-Treasurer