PCR2004012AMENDED RESOLUTION #P.C. 012-2004 APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE BUILDING, SITE AND OPERATION PLAN FOR SCHAEFER SNOWPLOWING AND GRADING LLC LOCATED IN THE NW ¼ OF SECTION 29 (W195 S9775 RACINE AVENUE / TAX KEY NO. 2274.998) WHEREAS, On January 30, 2003 plans were submitted by Robert J. Schaefer for Schaefer Snowplowing and Grading LLC to amend the existing building, site and operation plan of the property located at W195 S9775 Racine Avenue, and WHEREAS, The property is zoned R-1 Country Home District, EA Exclusive Agriculture, and EA/OOS Exclusive Agriculture with an Office and Special Service Overlay District and the existing use is in conformance to all the requirements of said zoning districts, and WHEREAS, The existing property contains a 252’ x 60’ metal farm pole building of which 40’ is used for shop area, and WHEREAS, The existing business on the property is used for trucking, grading, and snowplowing, and WHEREAS, The previous approval, as per Resolution #P.C. 155-90, was granted subject to no outside storage of any equipment, LP fuel tanks be located next to the building, and the business be limited to 17 drivers, and WHEREAS, The proposed amendment is to erect a temporary 32’ x 40’ salt storage structure that will have a gray polyethylene cover, asphalt base, and cement block walls, and WHEREAS, The proposed building is of a permanent temporary nature. and will be located 30 feet off the property line as per zoning code requirements. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of an amended Building, Site and Operation Plan for Schaefer Snowplowing and Grading LLC at the property located at W195 S9775 Racine Avenue. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a building permit will be needed that meets City of Muskego approvals for offset and grading requirements. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That all contingencies of prior approvals are still in affect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building Department and that all aspect of this plan shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That an annual review will be conducted on sight in the month of August. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: February 17, 2004 Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: February 17, 2004 ATTEST: Sandi Asti, Recording Secretary