PCR2003120RESOLUTION #P.C. 120-2003 APPROVAL OF A LIGHTING AND PHOTOMETRIC PLAN FOR WALGREEN’S LOCATED IN THE NW ¼ OF SECTION 16 AND NE ¼ OF SECTION 17 (TAX KEY NOs. 2222.984.002, 2225.987.988, 2225.989 AND 2225.990) WHEREAS, On September 9, 2003 a photometric plan was submitted by MRED (Janesville / Racine) Associates LP on behalf of Walgreen’s located in the NW ¼ of Section 16 and the NE ¼ of Section 17, and WHEREAS, The Plan Commission approved the Building Site and Operation Plan for Walgreen’s in Resolution #PC 032-2003, and WHEREAS, The previous lighting and photometric plan did not meet the guidelines established by the Downtown Design Guide, and the Plan Commission required that revised lighting and photometric plan be submitted for approval prior to the release of building permits, and WHEREAS, The lighting plan illustrates seventeen (17) lighting fixtures to illuminate the parking lot and drive aisles, and a fixture detail has been included in the plan, and the fixtures are identical to the fixtures utilized at the Muskego Public Library, and WHEREAS, The lighting plan illustrates four (4) wall-pack fixtures on the south and west elevations of the building, and a fixture detail has been provided, and WHEREAS, The City requires that all lighting must be 90-degree, down-cast, shielded fixtures to prevent excessive glare, and the wall-pack detail does not meet with the requirements of the Downtown Design Guide or Section 17:4.05(2)(d) of the Municipal Code, and WHEREAS, The photometric plan has been forwarded to the City’s consulting engineer for review and compliance with City Standards. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of the lighting and photometric plan for Walgreen’s located in the NW ¼ of Section 16 and the NE ¼ of Section 17. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a revised wall-pack lighting detail shall be provided to the Planning Department that illustrates a decorative wall-pack fixture with a down-cast, shielded lamp prior to the release of building permits. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the photometric plan shall be approved by the City’s consulting engineer for compliance with City Standards prior to the release of building permits. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building Department and that all aspects of this plan as they relate to landscape areas and drainage shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: September 16, 2003 Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: September 16, 2003 ATTEST: Sandra S. Asti, Recording Secretary