PCR2003066RESOLUTION #P.C. 066-2003 APPROVAL OF A CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP FOR THE LINDEMANN PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SE ¼ AND SW ¼ OF SECTION 3 (TAX KEY NOS. 2169.987.001 AND 2169.987.002 / MARTIN DRIVE) WHEREAS, On May 16, 2003 a Certified Survey Map was submitted by Paul Lindemann for the Lindemann property located in the SE ¼ of Section 3, and WHEREAS, The plan consists of approximately 11 acres, and WHEREAS, Said properties are zoned RS-2 Suburban Residence District, and RSM Residential Multi-Family District, and WHEREAS, The 2010 Comprehensive Plan depicts this area for medium density residential development on the west part of the property and multi-family development on the east, and the proposal is consistent with the Plan, and WHEREAS, Said parcels will be serviced by City sanitary sewer and municipal water, and WHEREAS, Martin Drive is depicted to be dedicated to its ultimate width of 80-feet from centerline, and is consistent with the 2010 Street System Plan, and WHEREAS, The Certified Survey Map is in anticipation of future development as approved by Resolution # PC 046-2003, that includes 9 single-family parcels and 48 apartment units, and WHEREAS, The future development is required to provide on-site stormwater management as required by Chapter 34, and WHEREAS, Building Site and Operation Plan approval will be required for the multi-family projects, and the petitioner is required to submit site plans, elevations, and landscape plans for all buildings to the Plan Commission for review and approval. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of a three lot Certified Survey Map for the Lindemann property as proposed by Paul Lindemann, located in the SE ¼ of Section 3. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this approval is subject to the grant of OPD Planned Development District Zoning for the Lindemann properties addressed by this Resolution, Resolution #PC 009-2003, and Resolution #PC 046-2003. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: June 3, 2003 Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: June 3, 2003 ATTEST: Sandi Asti, Recording Secretary