PCR2003018RESOLUTION #P.C. 018-2003 RECOMMENDATION TO COMMON COUNCIL TO APPROVE THE 11TH AMENDMENT TO THE WATER CAPACITY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (THE SETTLEMENT ON WOODS ROAD SUBDIVISION) WHEREAS, The O’Connor Company proposes to provide municipal water service to The Settlement on Woods Road Subdivision, and WHEREAS, The Public Utilities Committee has endorsed the proposal, and the public interest would be served by enhancing fire protection services, and WHEREAS, The extension of services to the properties was reviewed as a part of a Water System Study performed by Ruekert & Mielke, Inc. and is consistent with the long range facility planning for the Utility, and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission does hereby recommend approval to the Common Council for the extension of municipal water service to The Settlement on Woods Road Subdivision and surrounding properties, as depicted in the 11th Amendment to the Water Capacity Assessment District. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted: February 18, 2003 Defeated: Deferred: Introduced: February 18, 2003 ATTEST: Sandi Asti, Recording Secretary