PCR1998192RESOLUTION #P.C.192-98 APPROVAL OF A CONCEPTUAL BUILDING, SITE AND OPERATIONAL PLAN FOR A REAL EATATE OFFICE FOR MARTIN AND THERESA ROZESKI AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT S77 W187359 JANESVILLE ROAD WHEREAS, Conceptual plans were submitted on November 6, 1998 by Martin and Theresa Rozeski for a building, site and operation plan for a real estate office at S77 W187359 Janesville Road, and WHEREAS, Said property is currently zoned RS-3 Suburban District, and said use is not permitted unless the property also obtains an 00s Office and Special Service Overlay, and WHEREAS, The Comprehensive Plan anticipates that this property will retain its residential use however the Downtown Design Guide includes this area in the downtown district, and WHEREAS, The Downtown Design Guide requires residential character for all commercial developments within the downtown area and this concept appears that it can conform. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of the conceptual building, site and operation plan submitted November 6, 1998 by Martin and Theresa Rozeski for a real estate office at S77 W18359 Janesville Road subject to: (1) rezoning of the property from RS-3 to RS-3/00S. (2) Submittal of a detailed building, site and operational plan for Plan 0 Commission review and approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said concept plans be kept on file in the Building Department. Plan Commission City of Muskego Approved 11-17-98 Denied Deferred 11-13-98