PCR1998160AMENDED RESOLUTION #P.C. 160-98 0 RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL TO REZONE THE LUEDKELUDWIG-STRAMPE PROPERTIES LOCATED IN THE SE 'h OF SECTION 3 AND THE NE ?h AND SE '/4 OF SECTION 10, FROM RS-3, SUBURBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT AND RS-2, SUBURBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT TO RS-3/0PD, SUBURBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT WITH A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY, RS-2/0PD, SUBURAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT WITH A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY RSM/OD/OPD, MLLTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT WITH A DUPLEX OVERLAY AND A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY AND B-3/0PD, GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT WITH A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY (TAX KEY NOS. 2172.997, 2197.999, 2200.992.004, 2200.992.005 AND 2200.999) WHEEAS, A sketch for a preliminary plat for a 99.5 acre, 128 lot and three (3) outlot subdivision was submitted by the Carity Land Corporation of the Luedke property located east of Guernsey Meadows Addition No. 1 Subdivision and Lake Drive and south Janesville Road in the SE ?h of Section 3 and NE '/4 of Section 10 on February 19, 1998, and WHEREAS, A revised sketch was submitted expanding the total area to include 139.6 acres being divided as follows: 16.4 acres for B-3 and OIP types uses, 34.8 acres for RS-2 uses, 89 acres for RS-3 & OD uses and 9.5 acres for RSM uses, containing a minimum total of 35 acres of undeveloped area, and e WHEREAS, A Public Hearing for the rezoning has been scheduled before the Common Council on September 22, 1998, and WHEREAS, The adjacent properties to the south and east are RS-2 and RS-3 respectively, and those to the west and north are zoned RS-2/0PD and RSE and B-3 respectively, and WHEREAS, The City of Muskego Land Use Plan for the Year 2005 anticipates this specific area for medium density residential development. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission does hereby recommend approval to the Common Council for the rezoning of approximately 139.6 acres to be portioned out as follows: 16.4 acres for B-3 and OIP types uses, 34.8 acres for RS-2 uses, 89 acres for RS- 3 & OD uses and 9.5 acres for RSM uses. This zoning request is recognized as an amendment to Comprehensive Land Use Pian, and Plan Commission City of Muskego Approved 09-15-98 Denied Deferred e 09-10-98 e