PCR1998144AMENDED APPROVAL OF A BUILDING, SITE AND OPERATION PLAh' FOR A PUBLIC LIBRARY FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT S73 W16663 JANESVILLE ROAD RESOLUTION #P.C. 144-98 WHEREAS, Plans for a public library for the City of Muskego was submitted by Durrant Architects at the property located at S73 W16663 Janesville Road, and WHEREAS, Said property is zoned B-2/0IP, Local Service Center with an Institutional and Public Service Overlay, and said use is a permitted use by right, and WHEREAS, As plans show a 39,000 square foot building, and WHEREAS, Said building has been previously approved by Plan Commission under Resolution #PC 56-96. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of the building, site and operation plan submitted (received July 1998) by Durrant Architects for a public library for the City of Muskego at the property located at S73 W16663 Janesville Road. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of said plans be kept on file in the Building Department and that all aspect of this plan as they relate to landscape areas and drainage shall be @ maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise authorized by the Plan Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That if occupancy is requested prior to the completion of landscaping andor asphalting, a bond, letter of credit or cashiers check equal to twice the value of said costs must be submitted to the Planning Department. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both. BE IT RESOLVED, That front yard be changed to a mowed lawn. Petitioner to submit to Plan Commission alternate colors for the building. Plan Commission City of Muskego Approved 08-04-98 Denied 0 Deferred @ 07-27-98