PCR1998124AMENDED APPROVAL OF A CONCEPTUAL BUILDING, SITE AND OPERATION PLAN FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SW "i OF SECTION 2 AND SE % OF SECTION 3 (NORTHEAST CORNER OF MOORLAND ROAD AND JANESVILLE ROAD) WKEREAS, Plans were submitted for a conceptual building, site and operation plan for a planned unit development that would include a 95,000 square foot, multi-tenant shopping center, an additional 24,000 square feet of free standing commercial structures and a 5.97 acre site for future office development, and 150 units of senior housing to be located at the northeast comer of the intersection of Moorland Road and Janesville Road by Dreamland Investors, LLC., on February 20, 1998, and RESOLUTION #P.C. 124-98 WHEREAS, The property is zoned partially B-3, General Business, RSE, Suburban Estate and RS-I, Suburban Residence, and said commercial uses are a permitted use within the B-3 zoning district, but are not permitted in the RSE and RS-1 zoning district, and a conditional use would be required for a senior housing development, and WHEREAS, The plans submitted show a proposed layout illustrating parking and building placement and site access and circulation, and said plans will require an amendment to the 2005 Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the City of Muskego, and WHEREAS, Conceptual plans for building design, landscaping, storm water management, utilities, lighting and signage need to be submitted for review by the appropriate governing bodies. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of a conceptual building, site and operation plan for a planned unit development that would include 95,000 square foot, multi-tenant shopping center, 24,000 square feet of free standing commercial structures, 5.97 acres for future office development, and 150 units of senior housing subject to the amendment of the 2005 Comprehensive Land Use Plan, rezoning of the property to a B-3 General Business District and RSM-Multiple Family with a conditional use for the senior housing project, all encompassed by an OPD, Planned Development Overlay, and submittals of detailed plans for review of the building, landscaping, storm water management, utilities, lighting and signage for all appropriate reviewing Committees to review and approve. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That failure to comply with the approval contained in this resolution shall result in the imposition of fines of $100 per day, the initiation of legal action, or both. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That labeling for 27 unit buildings are addressed for senior housing only. The southwest comer configuration of entry way needs to be screened. This approval is contingent upon all supplement comments being met; without interconnection streets. Pedestrian walkway between senior housing. Locating drive-thm on sides or rears of buildings not facing Janesville Road or Moorland Road. Plan Department I City of Muskego 0 Adopted 07-07-98 Defeated Deferred - 7-01-98