PCR1998120RESOLUTION #P.C. 120-98 0 APPROVAL OF A TWO (2) LOT SKETCH LAND DIVISION FOR THE LOWE PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE NE Yi OF SECTION 18 (TAX KEY NO. 2229.992.006) WHEREAS, A sketch was submitted on June 23, 1998, for a two (2) lot land division in the NE % of Section 18, of the Lowe property, located south of W208 S8151 Hillendale Drive, and WHEREAS, A previous sketch land division was defeated by the Plan Commission under Resolution #PC 96-98. and WHEREAS, The proposed land division would create two (2) lots, with each a minimum of 3 acres, and WHEREAS, Said property is zoned RS-1, Suburban Estates, requiring a minimum lot size of 30,000 square feet and an average minimum width of 120 feet, however, said lots have access to City’s sewer service, and said lots appear to meet said minimum zoning requirements, and WHEREAS, The Land Use 2005 Plan depicts this area for medium density residential development, and water, and WHEREAS, Said parcels are within the City’s sewer service area and have access to City WHEREAS, Said lots were originally part of the Apple Tree Estates Preliminary Plat and said plat would no longer be applicable. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approve of a Certified Survey Map being submitted creating a two (2) lot land division in the NE Vi of Section 18 of the Lowe property subject to the delineation of any wetland and flood plain areas. Wetlands to be delineated by the Army Corps, DNR or SEWERPC. Flood plain to be delineated by a surveyor. Plan Department City of Muskego Adopted Defeated Deferred REMOVED 07-07-98 (I) 06-29-98