PCR19981040 AMENDED RESOLUTION #P.C. 104-98 APPROVAL. OF A CONCEPTUAL BUILDING, SITE AND OPERATION PLAN FOR NEW MARKETS, INC., AT THE! PROPERTY LOCATED AT SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WOODS ROAD AND RACTNE AVENUE! WHEREAS, Plans for an elderly housing complex for New Markets, Inc., was submitted for the property located in the southeast comer of Woods Road and Racine Avenue, and WHEREAS, Said property is zoned B-I, Neighborhood Convenience District, and said use is a permitted use by conditional use grant if classified as a rest home or home to the aged, however, the petitioners submittals request for RSM, Multiple Family Residence District classification, a conditional use and an OP, Institutional and Public Service Overlay, and WHEREAS, The site contains approximately 2.56 acres, which would permit 22 units under RSM zoning, and WHEREAS, Petitioner proposes a 24 unit facility to be for elderly residents, with 14 one- bedroom units, and IO two-bedroom units, and parameters of a conditional use would allow the Plan Commission to permit additional living units if found to be appropriate, and 0 WHEREAS, The conceptual site and building plans show a prairie style two (2) story structure with underground parking. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approves of the conceptual building, site and operation plan submitted (received June 1, 1998) by New Markets, Inc., for a 24 unit facility for elderly residents, at the property located in the southeast comer of Woods Road and Racine Avenue subject to submittal of a final building site and operation plan, and public hearing for a conditional use and rezoning of the property from B-1 to RSM/OP BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That additional parking be added. Limit the facility to twenty-two (22) units unless additional land is purchased to support twenty-four (24) units. Plan Commission City of Muskego Approved 06-16-98 Denied Deferred 06-08-98