PCR1998055AMENDED RESOLUTION #P.C. 055-98 RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL TO REZONE THE PROPERTIES LOCATED IN THE NE AND SE % OF SECTION 13 FOR THE NORTH CAPE ROAD AND SCHAEFER DRIVE SEWER EXTENSION WHEREAS, The Public Utilities Committee has recommended that the following properties, located in the NE and SE % of Section 13, be rezoned from R-2 and R-3, Country Home Districts to RSE, Suburban Estate, and From R-2 to RSE Tax Key Nos. 2209.931, 2209,932,2209.933, 2209.934, 2209.958, 2209.959, 2212.994, 2212.994.001, 2212. 996, 2212.997, 2212.998 and the northern 900 feet and eastern 400 feet of 22 I 1.998. From R-3 to RSE Tax Key Nos. 2209.926, 2209.927, 2209.928, 2209.929, 2209.930, 2209.934.001, 2212.999.002 and 2212.999. I WHEREAS, The current R-2 zoning district is designated for non-sewer areas with a minimum area of 60,000 square feet and an average minimum width of 175 feet and the R-3 zoning district is designated for non sewer areas with a minimum lot area of 40,000 square feet and an average minimum width of 150 feet, and l WHEREAS, The RSE, Suburban Estate zoning district requires a minimum lot area of 40,000 square feet and an average minimum width of 150 feet and said lot appears to meet these restrictions, and WHEREAS, The surrounding properties zoning and land uses are: The property to the north and west has been recently rezoned to RSE to reflect the sewer accessibility, and The properties to the south and southwest will maintain R-2 zoning and The properties to the southeast will maintain R-3 zoning, and The properties to the east are in the City of Franklin maintaining a low density zoning similar to the RSE zoning district. WHEREAS, The Comprehensive Plan depicts the area to maintain low density development and said rezoning would be in compliance to the goals and obiectives of the e Comprehensive Plan. - WHEREAS, A Public Hearing has been scheduled before the Common Council on April 6 15, 1998, and properties within 300 feet of said parcel have been properly notified. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission recommends approval to the Common Council for rezoning the listed properties above, located in the NE and SE of Section 13 to be rezoned from R-2 and R-3, Country Home to RSE, Suburban Estates District; said rezoning to take affect when the planned sewer system is operational. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted 04-07-98 Deferred Defeated 03-30-98