PCR1998045AMENDED RESOLUTION P.C. 45-98 RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL TO REZONE THE ANTON AND FRANCKE PROPERTIES LOCATED IN THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 5, FROM B-2, LOCAL SERVICE (TAX KEY NOS. 2177932, 2177.933.002 AND 2177.934.001) CENTER DISTRICT TO B-3, GENERAL BUSINESS. WHEREAS, Robert Anton and Greg Francke have requested to rezone three (3) parcels totaling 10 acres from B-2, Local Service Center District to B-3, General Business District, and WHEREAS, The request for rezoning was conceptually approved for the Raboine property (Tax Key No. 2177.934.001) for a car dealership under Resolution #P.C. 17-98, on February 17, 1998, and WHEREAS, The adjacent properties are zoned as follows: the north is RS-2/0P, Suburban Residential with an Institutional and Public Service Overlay, the northeast is RS-2, the east and southeast are 8-2, Local Business Center, the south is B-2 with a conditional use grant for a four (4) screen cinema and to the west is single family development and a quarry in the City of New Berlin, and WHEREAS, The City of Muskego Land Use Plan for the Year 2005 anticipates this area for high density residential and commercial development, and 0 WHEREAS, A Public Hearing has been scheduled before the Common Council on April 14, 1998 and properties within 300 feet of said parcel , including the City of New Berlin, have been properly identified. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Plan Commission does hereby recommend approval to the Common Council for the rezoning of approximately IO acres located in the NE Vi of Section 5 from B-2, Local Service Center District to B-3, General Business District. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Plan Commission recommend to Common Council not to rezone until conditional use permit is granted and that a time limitation of twelve (12) months be placed on the rezoning if project does not move forward. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted 04-07-98 Defeated Deferred 0 03-30-98