PCR1998044RESOLUTION #P.C. 044-98 0 RECOMMENDATION FOR THE RENEWAL OF THE PERMIT FOR THE CONDITONAL USE GRANT #37 AND THE APPROVAL FOR THE! RENEWAL FOR THE CONTINUED OPERATION OF THE ASPHALT PLANT ON CROWBAR ROAD - PAYNE &DOLAN WHEREAS, The Plan Commission of the City of Muskego has received a petition for the renewal of Conditional Use Grant #37, held by Payne & Dolan Company for an extractive permit, and WHEREAS, That request also includes renewal for the operation of the portable asphalt, and WHEREAS, A fee of $1,060 has been paid and the public hearing held before the Plan Commission on April 7, 1998, and WHEREAS, There is an existing $150,000 bond for restoration. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby recommend to the Common Council approval for the renewal of the extraction permit for the Conditional Use Grant #37 and the approval for the renewal of the permit for continued operation of the portable asphalt plant on Crowbar Road. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the asphalt plant process no more than 350 tons per 0 hour as amended in Resolution #P.C. 07-98. Plan Department City of Muskego Adopted 04-07-98 Defeated Deferred 03-30-98