PCR19931760 APPROVAL OF A 40' x 40' POLE SHED FOR DALE WOLLENZIEN LOCATED AT W187 S9653 PARKER DRIVE RESOLUTION #P.C. 176-93 submitted on August 26, 1993 by Dale Wollenzien to construct a 40' WHEREAS, A site plan and construction information was X 40' pole shed at the residence located at W187 59653 Parker Drive, and WHEREAS, The location of the pole shed will meet the setbacks appearance would be compatible with the applicant's residence and of the A-Agriculture zoning district and the architectural surrounding area, and tack, horse feed and hay, 4' x 8' x 4' box trailer and pop up WHEREAS, The pole shed is intended to be used for horses, camper and the Plan Commission has authority to approve the type and size of second garage structures (pole shed). THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission approve the second garage structure (pole shed), not to exceed 1,600 square feet, for Dennis Wollenzien. 'BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a building permit is required prior to construction of the building. 0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a fire wall variance may be required from the Board of Appeals. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted 09-07-93 Defeated Deferred 08-31-93