PCR1992044APPROVAL OF SKETCH FOR LAND DIVISION AT S74 W21052 FIELD DRIVE RESOLUTION #P.C. 44-92 RUSSELL SEAMAN by Russell Seaman at SI4 W21052 Field Drive, and WHEREAS, A sketch for a three lot land division was submitted WHEREAS, This land is zoned RCE which requires a minimum lot and the proposed lots meet the minimum width and lot size size of 120,000 square feet and a minimum average width of 250 feet requirements, and WHEREAS, Access for the three lots will be from Field Drive. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego approve the sketch for the land divisions at S74 W21052 Field Drive. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Plan Commission will be receptive to a certified survey map being submitted which shows evidence of the suitability of the soils for on-site disposal systems. Plan Commission City of Muskego Adopted 3/3/92 Defeated Deferred cds 2/27/92