PCR1983083RESOLUTION #P. C. 83-83 RECOMMENDATION ON REZONING FORMER HAUT PROPERTY FROM RS-2 TO RS-2 OIP - LAKE MEADOWS PARK ADDITION WHEREAS the Plan Commission in Resolution #P. C. 129-82, recommended that the Common Council purchase twenty acres of land adjacent to the existing Lake Meadows Park, and WHEREAS the existing park is zoned OIP, and WHEREAS the Park and Recreation Board plans to develop the park for active use, and WHEREAS the zoning ordinance requires OIP (Institution; 11 and Public Service) overlay. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission recommends to the Common Council to initiate a change in the zoning map on its own motion to rezone the former Haut property from RS-2 to RS-2 OIP, to permit the use of this property for park purposes. CITY OF MUSKEG0 PLAN COMMISSION Defeated Deferred ca 7/83