PCR1983038Adopted MAR. 1 5 1983 Defeated Deferred RESOLUTION #P. C. 38-83 APPROVAL OF PERNIT FOR DOG KENNEL LEE SHANE WHEREAS Lee Shane, S92 W19918 Henneberry Drive, was granted a conditional use grant on April 15, 1980, to permit the operation of a dog kennel, and WHEREAS annual review by the Plan Commission is required, and WHEREAS one year extensions have been granted since that time, and WHEREAS Zoning Officer Lee has reported that there has not been any further development in the immediate area nor have any complaints been registered with his office. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Cormrission of the City of Muskego does hereby grant an extension of Conditional Use Grant #81 for the operation of a dog kennel for one more year. BE IT FLRTHER RESOLVED that the operation shall again be reviewed in April, 1984. City of Muskego Plan Comnission