PCR1983014RESOLUTION #P. C. 14-83 (AMENDEo) RECOMMENDING AMENDMENTS TO ZONING ORDINANCE AND LAND DIV. ORDINANCE (Certified Survey Map requirements, Hard Surface/ Dust-Proofing Definitions, Planner's Fees) WHEREAS in order to update the Zoning Ordinance and Land Division Ordinance to provide clarification in several areas, the Plan Commission has determined that the following sections should be amended as follows: ZONING ORDINANCE - CHAPTER 17 2.02 Specific Words and Phrases Add: Hard Surface Bituminous Asphaltic Concrete or Portland Cement Concrete of at least 2-%" thickness. Add: Dust-Proofing: An application of SC-4 asphaltic material placed on a base of granualr materials at a rate of 1.2 gallons, ;,re; yare yard for the first application, with ded applicationsof asphaltic material placed if deemed necessary by the City. Appl cation of asphaltic rnateriaA shall not be applied when the temperature is below 60 F. 6.04 Off-street Parking i- Amend 6.04 (4) A. to read as follows : A, Surfacing: Any driveway or off-street parking area capacity for more than 4 vehicles shall be hard surfaced (other than that provided for a residence) having a or maintained in a reasonably dustless condition by dust-proofing applications if it is within 500 feet of a residential district. The method of surfacing shall be approved by the Plan Commission. 3.06 Changes and Amendments (to Zoning Map or Ordinance) Amend 3.06 (1) D. 2. to read as follows 2. The Plan Commission shall conduct a study and investi- gation and where deemed desirable, an informal hearing, and report its recommendation to the Common Council within Council. If the Plan Commission determines that the 30 days, unless a longer period is stipulated by the Common to determine the feasibility of a zoning change, the fees services of a proZ,?ssional planning consultant are required petitioner. incurred for such study shall be the responsibility of the Page Two Resolution #P. C. 14-83 LAND DIVISION ORDINANCE - CHAPTER 18 3.8 Certified Survey Map Review (Minor Subdivision) When it is proposed to divide land into not more than Amend to read as follows posed to divide a block, lot or outlot within a recorded four (4) parcels or building sites, or when it is pro- subdivision plat into not more than four (4) parcels or block, lot or outlot, the subdividers shall subdivide by use building sites without changing the boundaries of said of a certified survey map. The certified survey nap shall include all parcels of land. The certified survey map shall be prepared in accordance with Section 6.0 of this ordinance. Exce tion When the parcels to be created by a land division development, the Plan Cornmission may waive the requirement of a certified survey nap. ZA" acres or more in area and are not intended for THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby recommend to the Common Council that Sections 2.02, 6.04 and 3.06 of the Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 17) and Section 3.8 of the Land Division Ordinance (Chapter 18) be amended as shown above e City of Muskego Plan Commission Adopted FEE. 1 1983 Defeated Deferred jm 11 83