PCR1973153RESOLmION #P. C. 153-73 REFERRAL OF PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL TO PLANNING CONSULTANT (SCHAEFER FARMS) WHEREAS Shephard, Legan and Aldrian have submitted a petition to rezone approximately 203 acres of the George Schaefer family and Lakeland West property in Sections 8 and 17 from RS-1 and RS-2 to RS-2 with an OPD planned development overlay to permit a development under one unified concept, and WHEREAS two concepts for the planned development have been submitted. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby refer this proposal for a planned development to be known as Schaefer Farms to Planning Consultant Mangiamele for 0 review and recommendation. City of Muskego Plan Commission Deferred Adopted December 18, 1973 Defeated b js 12-17-73