PCR1973149RESOLUTION #P. C. 149-73 APPROVAL OF FACADE SIGN DAMASKE ELECXRONICS WHEREAS the Plan Commission tabled Resolution #P. C. 124-73 November 6, 1973, pending additional information as to lighting, construction materials and color layout of a proposed 3’ x 20’ facade sign to advertise Damaske Electronics in the building they have recently occupied at S74 W16834 Janesville Road, and WHEREAS information has been submitted which indicates that the sign will be red, white and black, constructed of plastic, and lighted with fluorescent tubes, and WHEREAS the sign appears to be compatible with the B-4 District in which it is located. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby appro* a 3’ x 20’ facade sign to advertise Damaske Electronics at S74 W16834 Janesville Road. City of Muskego Plan Commission Deferred December 18, 1973 Adopted Defeated 2-5- 74 b js 12/14/73