PCR1973116RESOLVTION #Po C. 116-73 DENIAL OF SKETCH FOR DURHAM HEATH WHEREAS a sketch submitted for development of a portion of the Otto Kurth property in Section 11, a 57 lot subdivision, was referred to the Public Sewer Committee and Planning Consultant Mangiamele in Resolution #P. C. 64-73 adopted by the Plan Commission June 5th. 1973, and WHEREAS the Public Sewer Committee has not as yet determined if the proposed development will be permitted to connect into the municipal sewer system, and WHEREAS it is the recommendation of Planning Consultant Mangiamele that the developer, Mr. Peter Mark, be advised that it would be in the best interests of the development if additional lands were 0 acquired to make this site more suitable for subdividing because of its odd shape, and WHEREAS it is the recommendation of Planning Consultant Mangiamele that the sketch as submitted be denied. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby concur with recommendation from Planning Consultant Mangiamele and does deny the sketch for Durham Heath as submitted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that because of a drainage creek in the area, a general neighborhood street layout be prepared by Planning Consultant Mangiamele. City of Muskego Plan Commission Deferred Adopted /0-2- 73 Defeated b js 9-27-73