PCR1973086RESOLUTION #P. C. 86-73 DENIAL OF CONDITIONAL USE GRAM? FOR JOHN KAPSOS WlG3EAS John M. Kapsos, Richfield, Wisconsin, has submitted a petition for a conditional use grant to permit construction of four 2 bedroom units in the same building as a business at S63 W18603 Martin Drive (Sigmund Lichucki property), and WHEREAS a public hearing was held before the Plan Commission on July 17, 1973, to consider this request, and WHEREAS the plans submitted have been reviewed by Zoning Officer Lee and Planning Consultant Mangiamele to determine if requirements for open space and parking would be complied with, and WHEREAS they have determined that there is an insufficient amount of open space provided in relation to the residential quarters proposed and that the site plan does not provide for adequate offsets and setbacks, and 0 WHEREAS Planning Consultant Mangiamele has recommended denial of this conditional use grant because this use would not be compatible with the intent of the B-1 Neighborhood Convenience District. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby deny the request of John M. Kapsos for a conditional use grant to permit the construction of residential quarters in the same building as a business at S63 W18603 Martin Drive. City of Muskego Plan Commission Deferred 0 Adopted 8- 7- 73 Defeated b js 7-3-73