PCR1973070RESOLUTION #P. C. 78-73 APPROVAL OF SKETCH FOR DIVISION OF THE LEONARD BIATTNER PROPERTY WHEREAS Leonard Blattner, W127 S8776 Durham Drive, has recently petitioned the city for a rezoning of his property in Section 24 from 8-4 to R-3 to permit the creation of residential lots, and WHEREAS the rezoning was granted by the Common Council upon recommendation of the Plan Commission, and WHEREAS Mr. Blattner has now submitted a sketch for a two acre division of his property with 300' average width which is more than required by the R-3 District, and WHEREAS Mr. Blattner has also submitted a proposal for a road to serve the future development of his property which is acceptable to 0 Planning Consultant Mangiamele. THEREPORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby approve the sketch submitted for a two acre division of Mr. B1attner"s property and will be receptive to a preliminary plat and certified survey map. City of Muskego Plan Commission Deferred Adopted -/9- 73 Defeated b js 6/15/73