PCR19730670 0 0 RESOLUTION #Pa C. 67-73 APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR SCHMIDT - FAHNING WHEREAS the Plan Commission has received a preliminary plat indicating possible divisions of land on the Elmer Schmidt property south of Tess Corners Drive which was prepared by Surveyor Robert Jagusch May 28th, 1973, and WHEREAS by Resolution #P. C. 62-73 adopted by the Plan Commission June Sth, 1973, the preliminary plat was referred to Planning Consultant Mangiamele for review and recommendation, and WHEREAS Planning Consultant Mangiamele has recommended that it would be in the interest of the city to have the future development of the property conform with his suggested road pattern, and WHEREAS he further recommends that a certified survey map for a single lot be approved subject to the plat showing a proposed road to the east of said lot. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Plan Commission of the City of Muskego does hereby accept the recommendation of Dr. Mangiamele as to the future development of the Schmidt property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the division of land for the Schmidt property is hereby approved subject to the condition that the certified survey map be prepared so that it conforms to the proposal as submitted by Dr. Mangiamele and that the certified survey map shows a reservation for road purposes on the east side of the proposed division. City of Muskego Plan Commission Deferred Adopted 6-/9-73 Defeated - b js 6/15/73