ccr1966210RESOLUTION #210 TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF TAX DELINQUENT LANDS 4 WHEREAS the County Treasurer has notified the City of Muskego that the following tax delinquent real estate is available to the City should they wish to purchase it: a 1st Add to Krogmann Sub (Pt E% Sec 9 T5N R20E) Lot 12 Krogmann $ 74.83 Bay Shore Estates Lot 19 Blk 2 (Pt SWk E SEkNEkSEk Sec 8 T5N R20E) Thos. Papke Pt NWk Sec 15 T5N R20E Corn 11.71 C S E 7.28 C S 58?5O W from post; th N 150 ft; th E 90 ft to bgn S 150 ft; th W 90 ft; th Vol. 213/109 of Deeds Schlesinger Southern Heights Sub. Lot 26 Blk B (Pt SWk Sec 3 T5N R20E) Harold Reiss 175.17 56.92 204 .I1 and WHEREAS the Finance Committee feels that it would be in the best interest of the City to purchase the above parcels (two of which are substandard lots) from the County, and WHEREAS the two parcels lists under the name of Krogmann and would benefit not only the owners of this land but the City too, and Schlesinger could be attached to adjacent substandard lots and WHEREAS the parcels formerly owned by Reiss and Thos. Papke could be resold at a later date if the City should decide they have no need for them, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby authorize the City Clerk to notify-the County Treasurer of the City's intention to purchase the ab.ove described tax delinquent land and does further authorize the expendi,ture a as needed in the amount not to exceed $511.03. FINANCE COMMITTEE ATTEST: