ccr1966208RESOLUTION #208 DESIGNATION OF A LEGAL LOT WHEREAS Mr. Carl Posbrig, owner of Parcel 1 on all that part of the NE% of the NE% of Section 29, TSN, RZOE., in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wis., commencing at a point on the East line of the said 1/4 section distant due South 836.0 feet from the NE corner thereof: and the 1/16 th line of the said 1/4 section; thence N. 88O -35' E. on thence due West 213.93 feet; thence South 8 -56' East 508.48 feet to 499.0 feet to beginning. Containing 2.0 acres of land, more or less. said line 134.0 feet to section line; thence due North on section line and WHEREAS Mr. Carl Posbrig, owner of Parcel 2 on all that part of the SE% of the NE% of Section 29, T5N, R20E in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, commencing at the E. 1/16th corner of the said NE% distant due South 1325.0 feet from the NE corner thereof; and thence due South on section line 28.53 feet to the NWLY line of highway knowno as the Parker Road distap 33 feet from the center line thereof at 90 thereto; thence South 54 -30' West on said highway line 262.86 feet; thence due North 175.88 feet to the 1/16 th line aforesaid; thence North 88'-35' East 214.0 feet to beginning. Containing 0.5 acre of land, more or less. WHEREAS Mr. Carl Posbrig has petitioned the Common Council of the City of Muskego to determine the legal status of the above parcels pursuant to Section XI1 of the Subdivision Control Ordinance, WHEREAS the Plan Commission'of the City of Muskego has, after review of percolation tests, has recommended to the Common Council that said above parcels be declared a legal lot. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby accept the recommendation of the Plan Commission and declare that Parcels 1 and 2 as above described be declared a legal lot. permission to issue a Building Permit to the owner of said legal lot BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Building Inspector is hereby granted subject to compliance with all other ordinances of the City of Muskego. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE bib