ccr1966196RESOLUTION #196 AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF MONIES FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO ACCOUNTS NO. 575, 576, 604, 605, 787 and 744. WHEREAS the City Clerk has advised that there is not sufficient funds in several budget accounts to cover expenses for the balance of the year, and WHEREAS the Finance Committee has reviewed these accounts and the monies involved and does recommend the transfer of funds from the General Fund to the several accounts needing additional funds, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City following amounts from the General Fund to the appropriate of Muskego does authorize the City Clerk to transfer the account: I 200.00 to Acct. 575 - City Hall Telephone 200.00 to Acct. 576 - City Hall - heating 50.00 to Acct. 605 - Water Patrol 200.00 to Acct. 744 - rental City Dump 5,000.00 to Acct. 787 - Oil and Asphalt 500.00 to Bad. 604 - Dog Warden FINANCE COMMITTEE