ccr1966194RESOLUTION #194 APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF PARK SITE BY THE PARK AND RECREATION BOARD WHEREAS the Park and Recreation Board has determined that the following described property: All that part of the Northeast one- Waukesha County, Wisconsin, described as follows: Commencing at quarter of Section 11, T5N, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, a point on the North line of the said Northeast one-quarter distant East 833.50 feet from the Northwest corner thereof; thence East along said North line and South line of Belmont Greens Subdivision 897.60 feet to the Southeast corner of Block F of said subdivision; thence South 6"lO' West 333.26 feet; thence West 832.71 feed to a point on the centerline of the proposed extension of Brentwood Drive; thence North 50 011 West along said centerline 332.60 feet to the point of beginning and containing 6.351 of land excluding that portion used for road purposes. Excepting and dedicating therefrom the Westerly 30 feet for road purposes. would be of value to the City as a public park and have negotiated with the owner, Mr. Otto Kurth, to purchase the land for $7,000.00 and, WHERELLS Mr. Otto Kurth has agreed to sell said land for$I,OOO.OO and, WHEREAS the Plan Commission and the Public WelfiareCommittee of the Common Council have recommended approval of this purchase for park purposes, and WHEREAS monies have been budgeted for the purchase of land for park purposes, Muskego does hereby approve the purchase of 6.351 acres in Section 11 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of from Mr. Otto Kurth by the Park and Recreation Board, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney is authorized to prepare the necessary legal documents when required to make said purchase. n PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE