ccr1966189RESOLUTION #I89 AUTHORIZING A STUDY FOR A MUNICIPAL POLICE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS the Police and Fire Commission has spent several months in preparing themselves for the time when Muskego will have a municipal police d.epartment, and WHEREAS the.y have interviewed a representative of the Public Administration Service, a non-profit organization which specializes in. aiding municipalities wishing to establish a police department, and 0 WHEREAS the Police and Fire Commission feel that it is imperative for Muskego to create a police department on a sound basis and feel that the Public Administration Service can aid them in this goal, and WHEREAS the Public Safety committee has also interviewed rep- resentatives of this agency and have recommended that the City of Muskego enter into an agreement with the Public Administration Service to aid the City in setting up a police department, and 0 WHEREAS the Public Administration Service has offered to provide a complete study of Muskego’s needs and the estimated cost along with other pertinent data for a sum not to exceed $1600.00, and WHEREAS the Finance Committee has joined the Safety Committee in urging that the study be conducted, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby accept the offer of the Public Administration Service to provido technical assistance to the City through for a municipal police department at a cost not to 1600.00 and authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to ex- scute the necessary agreement with the Public Administration Service. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that th6 cost of said stud-y shall be charged against Code #601 of the 1966 Budget. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FINANCE COMMITTEE Attest: