ccr1966182RESOLUTION #182 AUTHORIZING TKE FINANCE COMMITTEE TO NEGOTIATE FOR THE PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE ADJACENT TO THE CITY HKTL WHEREAS it woulb be in the best interest of the C:ity of Muskego _: to own the two properties immediately north of tbCity Hall, and 8 WHEREAS the Finance Committee has requested permission to enter into negotiations with the two property owners for the purchase of said land and take option to buy if they deem it advisable, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Courcil of the City of Muskego does hereby authorize the Finance Committee to enter negotiations with Mr. Otto Wulf, W179 S7726~Racine Ave. and Mr. Grover Castine Sr. for his property at w179 S7672 Racine Ave. for be purpose of purchasing s8fd real estate. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Finance Committee is authorized to take options if they deem it advisable and to rept back their recommendations to the Common Council. FINANCE mTTEE ATTEST: , /, ~ City Merk a