ccr1966164RESOLUTION #164 AUTHORIZING THE WISCONSIN NATURAL GAS COMPANY To INSTALL GAS MAINS ALONG THE RIGHT OF WAYS OF STREETS IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO a WKEREAS the Wisconsin Natural Gas Company has requested permission to install the following: 299' of 2" H.?. main and one 3/4" service to serve Richard Gullickson on Brentwood Dr. 161 of 8" H.P. steel gas main in College Ave, and and WHEREAS the Public Works Committee has recommended that this request be granted by the City of Muskego. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby grant permission to the Wisconsin Natural Gas Company to install 161 of 8" H.P. gas main along College Ave. and 2991 of 2" H.P. main and one 3/4 service on Brentwood Dr. BE IT FURTBER RESOLVED that the installation shall conform June 1st and June 7th respectively. to the plans as submitted by the Wis., Natural Gas Co. on PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE n Attest: City Clerk