ccr1966159RESOLUTION #159 APPROVAL OF 'ED3 SELECTION OF A NEW HIGHWAY EMPLOYEE BY 'I€IE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE e WHBEREAS a member of the Highway Department has resigned and WHEREAS the Public Works Committee has made an intensive search for a replacement, and WEREAS Interviews have been held with applicants for the position, and WHEFiEAS the Public Works Committee has determined that the name of Mr. John Loughney, residing on Kelsey Drive, shall be submitted to the Common Council for their approval to fill the vacancy presently existing on the Highuay Department, lHERFPORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve of the choice by the Public Works Committee of Mr. John Loughney to fill the vacancy presently existing on the Highway Department. e Attest: PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE n e City Clerk 6/66 Je