ccr1966158RESOLUTION #158 TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM ACCOUNT #932 (SALARIES) TO ACCOUNT #934 (SUPPLIES) WHEREAS the Park and Recreation Board bas requested that the sum of $1,000.00 be transferred from Account X932 (Salaries) to Account #934 (Supplios) and WEREAS this money is needed to purchase additional recreation supplies needed due to the expansion of the summer recreation program, and WHEREAS the Finance Committee has recommended approval of said transfer, !WEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does bereby authorite the City Clerk to #934 (Supplies) from the Park and Recreation Budget for transfer $1,000.00 from Account #932 (Salaries) to Acoount the year 1966. FINANCE COMMITTEE ~ Attest: City Clerk