ccr1966152RESOLUTION #152 AUTHORIZINCi !IXE FINANCE COMMITTEE To LET BIDS TO PURCHASE A 5-TON AIR CBHDITIONINQ UNIT FOR ;.mE CITY HALL 8 WHEREAS a resolution relating to the leasing of an air conditioning unit for the City Hall was referred back to the Finance Committee for further study, and WHEREAS It has been determined that a +ton refrigeration unit would be available complete with installation at a cost not to exceed $2,000.00, and WEREAS the Finance Committee has determined that it would be in the best interest of the City to purchase an air conditioning unit rather than to lease one, and WHEREAS the Finance Committee desires to advertise for bids for the purchase of a .$ton air conditioning unit and would like authority to accept the lowest bid with the underatanding that the total coat would not be in excess of $2,000.00. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEXI that the Common Council of the City of Muskego. does hereby authorize the Finance Committee to advertise for bid8 for a $ton air conditioning unit for the City Hall and does hereby authorize them to accept the lowest bid. BE IT FURlFIER RESOLVED khat the aost of the air conditioning unit complete with inatallation would not exceed $2,000.00 FINANCE COMMITTEE n Attest: City Clerk