ccr1966145RESOLUTION #145 APPOINTMENT OF COUNCIL MEMBER AND CITIZEN MEMBER TO LIBRARY BOARD WHEREAS Ordinance #6, adopted on February 23, 1965, established a Library Board for the City of Muskego. WHEREAS Section 2 of Ordinance #6 provides that the Board shall consist of 6 members one of whom shall be member of the Common Council of the City, Whereas Section &provides that the terms of the citizen members shall be for a period of three years and that the appointment shall be made by the Mayor with approval of the Council, WHEREAS the present Board member, Mrs. Wm. Sheehan Mayor that she will be leaving the City within a whose term expires as of May 1, 1966, has advised the very short time, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following persons having been appointed by the Mayor to the City Library Board are hereby confirmed by the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Citizen Member - Mrs. Gerald Lenz - term to expire May 1, 1969 Council Member - Ald. Donald Wieselmann - term to expire May 1, 1968