ccr1966138RESOLUTION #I38 APPROVAL TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO WRCHASE A FORD TRACTOR AND BACKHOE WHEREAS the Public Works Committee has determined that the present tractor and backhoe owned by the City of Muskego needs to be replaced, WHEREAS the Public Works Budget includes provision to purchase backhoe and tractor, a WHEREAS Vogel Ford Tractor and Equipment, Inc. has offered to the City a Model 41301 Ford Tractor with power steering, over and under transmission, lights, 1 Model 735 Ford Loader and 73" bucket, and 1 Model 753 Ford Hoe and 30" high capacity shovel at a total cost of $5,325.00 which includes an allowance of $1200.00 for our present equipment, such piece of equipment having been used as a demonstrator. WHEREAS the Public Works Committee wishes to purchase the above equipment and has recommended to the Council that such a purchase be made. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby authorize the Public Works Committee to purchase a Model 41301 Ford Tractor with power steering, and 73" bucket, and 1 Model 7.53 Ford Hoe and 30'' high capacity over and under transmission, lights, 1 Model 735 Ford Loader shovel at a total cost of $5,325.0O,which includes an allowance of $1200.00 for our present equipment, to purchase a backhoe and tractor, such piece of equipment having been used as a demonstrator, 7d&W& Walter Wollman PUBLIC WORKS COMMI TTEE